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Meltic Party NL50/NL100


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Gott, då var det dags att börja spela poker igen. Har spelat i något år men bara periodvis så i det hela har det inte blivit så mycket. Jag har sedan i vintras knappt spelat någon hand och är såklart lite rostig.


Om mig: 23 år, jobbar i för tillfället i Oslo men flyttar snart tillbaka till hemstaden Halmstad där man ska ha en slapp och go sommar med mycket poker och strand om vädret tillåter.


Målet med dagboken är helt klart bättre money management, lära mig av de mer erfarna och tilta mindre.


Jag känner att det är värt att satsa $400 på pokern och funkar det inte denna gången så funkar det inte. Nu är det iaf på allvar jag sätter igång. Sjukt sent och efter poker boomen etc. etc. men det ska ju fortfarande gå att få lite småpengar.


BR: $400

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Kan börja med en hand direkt som jag precis spelade. Ska tillägga att jag var smått småtiltad på Fi då han spelat sjukt aggressivt. Han hade bland annat satt mig all in 2 ggr tidigare under loppet av 15min. Preflopp suger, hade varit fint med lite tips på resten.


$50 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Thursday, May 31, 16:03:28 ET 2007

Table Table 131626 (Real Money)

Seat 1 is the button

Total number of players : 5

Seat 1: anthony32872 ( $56.38 USD )

Seat 3: tashax ( $57.50 USD )

Seat 4: drunkdriver1 ( $78.70 USD )

Seat 6: meltic_ ( $51.85 USD )

Seat 2: Zaark_ ( $59.80 USD )

Zaark_ posts small blind [$0.25 USD].

tashax posts big blind [$0.50 USD].

** Dealing down cards **

Dealt to meltic_ [ Ts Qc ]

drunkdriver1 folds

meltic_ calls [$0.50 USD]

anthony32872 folds

Zaark_ folds

tashax raises [$1.50 USD]

meltic_ calls [$1.50 USD]

** Dealing Flop ** [ Jd, Js, 9h ]

tashax bets [$4 USD]

meltic_ raises [$12 USD]

tashax calls [$8 USD]

** Dealing Turn ** [ Jc ]

tashax checks

meltic_ checks

** Dealing River ** [ Td ]

tashax is all-In [$43.50 USD]

meltic_ ?

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Inget nattjobb idag så det blev poker halva natten istället.



BR= $680


Mer än nöjd, kan verkligen behövas till att bygga rullen.

Nu får det räcka med poker för några timmar ska rensa huvudet och tänka på annat en stund. Inte många händer som stod ut och värda att posta, men det kommer ju komma.


Bättre start kan man knappast hoppas på! Är sugen på att gå upp nivå men det får baskemej vänta tills jag verkligen har rulle till det. För nu får det stanna på NL50.

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En liten paus från spelandet nu.

Förlorade ett inköp nästan direkt idag men lyckades plussa ändå.


BR: $750


Så här spelar man dålig poker...


$50 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Friday, June 01,

Table Jackpot #1308466 (Real Money)

Seat 5 is the button

Total number of players : 6

Seat 1: PoLonDon ( $53.65 USD )

Seat 2: rrddmm ( $65.35 USD )

Seat 5: Might_of_Rage ( $96 USD )

Seat 4: meltic_ ( $68.10 USD )

Seat 6: Fashiii ( $41.25 USD )

Seat 3: pellshek ( $48.50 USD )

Fashiii posts small blind [$0.25 USD].

PoLonDon posts big blind [$0.50 USD].

** Dealing down cards **

Dealt to meltic_ [ Jd Ac ]

>You have options at Table 126908 Table!.

rrddmm folds

pellshek raises [$2 USD]

meltic_ calls [$2 USD]

Might_of_Rage folds

Fashiii folds

PoLonDon folds

** Dealing Flop ** [ 9s, 5h, Jc ]

pellshek bets [$3.75 USD]

meltic_ calls [$3.75 USD]

** Dealing Turn ** [ 9h ]

pellshek checks

meltic_ bets [$5 USD]

pellshek calls [$5 USD]

** Dealing River ** [ 7s ]

pellshek checks

meltic_ bets [$12 USD]

pellshek calls [$12 USD]

meltic_ shows [ Jd, Ac ]two pairs, Jacks and Nines.

pellshek shows [ Qd, Qh ]two pairs, Queens and Nines.

The time at which hand ended:Jun 01 2007 08:37 ET

pellshek wins $43.45 USD from the main pot with two pairs, Queens and Nines.

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Kasst spelat med så djupa stackar?



***** Hand History for Game 6024611727 *****

$50 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Friday, June 01, 20:23:20 ET 2007

Table Table 127558 (Real Money)

Seat 1 is the button

Total number of players : 6

Seat 2: Chip_Daddy69 ( $53.97 USD )

Seat 6: kyken1983 ( $128.67 USD )

Seat 3: meltic_ ( $98.87 USD )

Seat 4: jayharrison3 ( $28.85 USD )

Seat 5: Pokersaft ( $54.30 USD )

Seat 1: Monza9412 ( $50 USD )

Chip_Daddy69 posts small blind [$0.25 USD].

meltic_ posts big blind [$0.50 USD].

** Dealing down cards **

Dealt to meltic_ [ Ad Ah ]

>You have options at Table 127997 Table!.

jayharrison3 folds

Pokersaft folds

kyken1983 calls [$0.50 USD]

Monza9412 raises [$2.50 USD]

Chip_Daddy69 folds

>You have options at Table 126895 Table!.

meltic_ raises [$6 USD]

kyken1983 calls [$6 USD]

>You have options at Table 126895 Table!.

Monza9412 folds

** Dealing Flop ** [ 3h, Jc, 8d ]

meltic_ bets [$9 USD]

kyken1983 raises [$21 USD]

meltic_ calls [$12 USD]

** Dealing Turn ** [ 4d ]

>You have options at Table 126895 Table!.

meltic_ checks

kyken1983 bets [$37 USD]

>You have options at Table 126895 Table!.

meltic_ is all-In [$71.37 USD]

kyken1983 calls [$34.37 USD]

** Dealing River ** [ Qs ]

kyken1983 shows [ 3s, 3c ]three of a kind, Threes.

meltic_ doesn't show [ Ad, Ah ]a pair of Aces.

kyken1983 wins $197.49 USD from the main pot with three of a kind, Threes.

>You have options at Table 126895 Table!.

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Det är ungefär vid denna punkten jag börjar spela sjukt dåligt. Jag känner igen det så väl. Spela upp några hundra dollar sedan sitta fredag kväll och dricka whiskey och spela dålig poker med bluffar och calla med skit. Ska försöka att inte spela mer idag. Efter handen som jag postade blev det sämre och sämre spel så kvällspasset slutade på +ett inköp, kunde varit bra mycket mer än så.




BR: $780

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Ja ska försöka fixa ljud till en ny en. Spelade denna handen precis, tror jag överspelade mina 9or kom gärna med inlägg.


***** Hand History for Game 6028482854 *****

$50 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Sunday, June 03, 08:39:38 ET 2007

Table Table 128339 (Real Money)

Seat 5 is the button

Total number of players : 5

Seat 4: flucander11 ( $83.45 USD )

Seat 5: OTCU47 ( $79.45 USD )

Seat 2: meltic_ ( $62.80 USD )

Seat 3: denchee90 ( $13.20 USD )

Seat 6: daveNo7 ( $7.05 USD )

daveNo7 posts small blind [$0.25 USD].

meltic_ posts big blind [$0.50 USD].

** Dealing down cards **

Dealt to meltic_ [ 9s 9c ]

denchee90 calls [$0.50 USD]

flucander11 calls [$0.50 USD]

OTCU47 folds

daveNo7 calls [$0.25 USD]

lasseustrup has joined the table.

meltic_ raises [$1.50 USD]

denchee90 folds

flucander11 calls [$1.50 USD]

daveNo7 folds

** Dealing Flop ** [ 5d, 4c, 6d ]

meltic_ bets [$3 USD]

flucander11 raises [$6 USD]

>You have options at Table 127778 Table!.

meltic_ raises [$15 USD]

flucander11 calls [$12 USD]

** Dealing Turn ** [ Ks ]

meltic_ checks

flucander11 checks

** Dealing River ** [ Kd ]

meltic_ checks

flucander11 is all-In [$63.45 USD]


>You have options at Table 127778 Table!.

>You have options at Table 127778 Table!.

meltic_ did not respond in time

meltic_ folds

flucander11 does not show cards.

flucander11 wins $102.45 USD


vad skulle ni satt honom på för hand?

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sjuk dålig session idag. träffade typ två ok händer på 2 timmar och kom upp short. 3 inköp back.


BR: $730


Fortfarande lite bakfull och smått tiltad får det bli frukost á la fryspizza vilket är det ända folk äter detta Baggeland.

Jaja, Sverige vann iaf fotbollen om än på ett tråkigt sätt...

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Lite uppdatering. Har nu börjat spela lite på Fulltilt då jag både har bonusen att cleara där och så har jag fixat rakeback. Kanske blir lite extra pengar då.


Fick ta ut 280 dollar av rullen för att betala av gymmet i Oslo för massa månader jag inte kommer bo här uppe bara för att jag måste ha ett skriftligt intyg av Kungen att jag kommer vara bosatt i Sverige från och med månadens slut. Sjukt, eftersom att dom sa till mig att det bara var att säga upp närsom när jag började. I vilket fall så föll då rullen ner på 600 dållars som jag ska använda för bonusen på Fulltilt.


Har inte kunnat spala något under veckan då jag jobbat natt hela tiden. Fick lite spelat idag dock men inte lång stund. Fi har raisat mig från knappen över hela sessionen och till slut tar jag syn då jag inte våga raisa mot spelaren i small blind (som antagligen fått nog med)

Hur handen sedan utspelar sig får ni gärna komma med lite feedback på.


Full Tilt Poker Game #2610115551: Table Ken (6 max) - $0.25/$0.50 - No Limit Hold'em - 4:09:44 ET - 2007/06/08

Seat 1: luckbalks ($105.30)

Seat 2: totimer ($50)

Seat 3: Marshall83 ($121.70)

Seat 4: toffefe ($53.70)

Seat 5: haegongster ($57.10)

Seat 6: jacaly ($25.35)

Marshall83 posts the small blind of $0.25

toffefe posts the big blind of $0.50

The button is in seat #2

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to toffefe 10 of SpadesJack of Hearts

haegongster has 15 seconds left to act

haegongster folds

jacaly folds

luckbalks folds

totimer raises to $1.75

Marshall83 calls $1.50

toffefe calls $1.25

*** FLOP *** Queen of Diamonds8 of HeartsKing of Spades

Marshall83 bets $2.50

toffefe calls $2.50

totimer folds

*** TURN *** Queen of Diamonds8 of HeartsKing of Spades9 of Clubs

Marshall83 has 15 seconds left to act

Marshall83 bets $17.50 (wow, 17 helt plötsligt?)

toffefe raises to $35 (rätt, fel? ställa?)

Marshall83 has 15 seconds left to act

Marshall83 calls $17.50

*** RIVER *** Queen of Diamonds8 of HeartsKing of Spades9 of Clubs9 of Hearts

Marshall83 has 15 seconds left to act

Marshall83 bets $43

toffefe calls $14.45, and is all in

Uncalled bet of $28.55 returned to Marshall83

*** SHOW DOWN ***

Marshall83 shows 8 of ClubsKing of Clubs two pair, Kings and Nines

toffefe shows 10 of SpadesJack of Hearts a straight, King high

toffefe wins the pot ($106.15) with a straight, King high

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot $109.15 | Rake $3

Board: Queen of Diamonds8 of HeartsKing of Spades9 of Clubs9 of Hearts

Seat 1: luckbalks didn't bet (folded)

Seat 2: totimer (button) folded on the Flop

Seat 3: Marshall83 (small blind) showed 8 of ClubsKing of Clubs and lost with two pair, Kings and Nines

Seat 4: toffefe (big blind) showed 10 of SpadesJack of Hearts and won ($106.15) with a straight, King high

Seat 5: haegongster didn't bet (folded)

Seat 6: jacaly didn't bet (folded)


Hade ju tur denna gången men det luktar ju kåk så det smäller om det, kan man folda?




uttag -$280

BR: $670

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helt lätt den sjukaste kvällen i mitt liv. back 5 inköp. kunde inte vinna en all in, jag var före i 4 av 5 av fallen. den sista var en coin flip. sista handen TT med kåk Q3T39 förlorade mot QQ. helt förstörd just nu. Det har varit precis som om allt gått emot sedan jag bytte till FT och jagar bonusar. Det är tur att jag har dagboken som jag kan klaga i annars hade jag nog fått ur frustrationen på annat sätt. 3 st 70+oddsare i rad förlorade man näää fan, aldrig mer en sådan session tack!!!


BR: 450

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ok gick in och skottade på nl100 nu, två bord 3 handen på båda, JJ under the gun höjjer upp till 3,5 en snubbe med 30 i stacken höjjer den jag går all in han visar AA. andra bordet AA jag reraisar han går all in jag synar 88 settet sitter för honom. båda fullt inköp... nu ska jag gå och gräva ner mig....

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du spelar på för höga nivåer... kravet på nl50 är egentligen en rulle på 1000-1500 dollar jag gamblar ju i och för sig med en 433 rulle just nu, fast det kan vara därför det har gått åt helvete för dig, och den sista handen förövrigt var en tilt all in kunde ju redan vart så att han hade en stege när du movade all in

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Nu fick jag kontot öppnat igen. Verkade som att det var lite problem med att jag spelade från Norge med svenskt kort. Misstänkte det då det var samma sak med Party för nåt år sedan. Kom igång igen iaf. Spelade lite PLO10 som uppvärmning. Trevligt spel, gick bra och fick en 30 dollar iaf. Sedan fick det bli lite ordentligt spel och lyckades spela tillbaka 2 inköp från helgens sjuka händelser.



känns riktigt ostabilt med denna lilla rullen men jag hoppas klara av att få upp den innan jag åker på en sådan downswing igen.

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Blev en timmas spel nu och lite innan idag. Det går upp och ner nu mer än vanligt vet inte om jag spelar ett annat spel på Fulltilt eller varför det är sådana swings sedan jag började spela där men jag är inget direkt fan av deras leksaks skin.

Kommer fortsätta uppdatera mest för egen del med resultaten mest för att jag ska hålla mig i skinnet. Måset lära mig att fixa HH i efterhand på något smidigt sätt. Vet inte om man kan få det efter man stängt ner bordet, för det är först då jag tänker på vilka händer jag hade behövt posta. Ska försöka fixa direkt i framtiden.


BR: 500

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Full Tilt Poker Game #2668346837: Table Dartford (6 max) - $0.25/$0.50 - No Limit Hold'em - 21:31:50 ET - 2007/06/14

Seat 1: toffefe ($85.25)

Seat 2: ITITUP ($24.15)

Seat 3: ChipSpwer ($32.75)

Seat 4: guanabana ($49.25)

Seat 5: El Leao ($30.80)

El Leao posts the small blind of $0.25

toffefe posts the big blind of $0.50

The button is in seat #4

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to toffefe Ace of ClubsKing of Clubs

ITITUP has 15 seconds left to act

ITITUP folds

ChipSpwer raises to $1.75

guanabana folds

El Leao folds

toffefe calls $1.25

*** FLOP *** 2 of Diamonds2 of Spades10 of Clubs

toffefe checks

ChipSpwer bets $3

toffefe raises to $6

ChipSpwer calls $3

*** TURN *** 2 of Diamonds2 of Spades10 of Clubs9 of Clubs

toffefe bets $15.75

ChipSpwer raises to $25, and is all in

toffefe calls $9.25

ChipSpwer shows 10 of SpadesJack of Diamonds

toffefe shows Ace of ClubsKing of Clubs

*** RIVER *** 2 of Diamonds2 of Spades10 of Clubs9 of ClubsQueen of Hearts

ChipSpwer shows two pair, Tens and Twos

toffefe shows a pair of Twos

ChipSpwer wins the pot ($62.75) with two pair, Tens and Twos

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot $65.75 | Rake $3

Board: 2 of Diamonds2 of Spades10 of Clubs9 of ClubsQueen of Hearts

Seat 1: toffefe (big blind) showed Ace of ClubsKing of Clubs and lost with a pair of Twos

Seat 2: ITITUP didn't bet (folded)

Seat 3: ChipSpwer showed 10 of SpadesJack of Diamonds and won ($62.75) with two pair, Tens and Twos

Seat 4: guanabana (button) didn't bet (folded)

Seat 5: El Leao (small blind) folded before the Flop



jag har inte direkt tur på Fulltilt jag måste sluta spela där nu...


Full Tilt Poker Game #2668732526: Table Robroy (6 max) - $0.25/$0.50 - Pot Limit Hold'em - 22:10:51 ET - 2007/06/14

Seat 1: toffefe ($52.60)

Seat 2: 35crazy ($10.35)

Seat 4: in_the_shadows3 ($51.35)

Seat 5: BullFrogVI ($44.95)

Seat 6: Aulyn ($66.45)

35crazy posts the small blind of $0.25

in_the_shadows3 posts the big blind of $0.50

The button is in seat #1

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to toffefe [2h 2s]

BullFrogVI calls $0.50

Aulyn raises to $1.35

toffefe calls $1.35

35crazy folds

in_the_shadows3 folds

BullFrogVI calls $0.85

*** FLOP *** [2c 7c 4h]

BullFrogVI checks

Aulyn bets $4.80

toffefe raises to $15

BullFrogVI folds

Aulyn raises to $49.80

toffefe raises to $51.25, and is all in

Aulyn calls $1.45

toffefe shows [2h 2s]

Aulyn shows [Qd Qc]

*** TURN *** [2c 7c 4h] [Qh]

*** RIVER *** [2c 7c 4h Qh] [9c]

toffefe shows three of a kind, Twos

Aulyn shows three of a kind, Queens

Aulyn wins the pot ($104.30) with three of a kind, Queens

toffefe is sitting out

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot $107.30 | Rake $3

Board: [2c 7c 4h Qh 9c]

Seat 1: toffefe (button) showed [2h 2s] and lost with three of a kind, Twos

Seat 2: 35crazy (small blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 4: in_the_shadows3 (big blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 5: BullFrogVI folded on the Flop

Seat 6: Aulyn showed [Qd Qc] and won ($104.30) with three of a kind, Queens


BR: 550


så här ser en lyckad all in ut för mig...


Full Tilt Poker Game #2679281416: Table Divine (6 max) - $0.25/$0.50 - No Limit Hold'em - 1:45:52 ET - 2007/06/16

Seat 1: cuttynug ($72.75)

Seat 2: tesheets ($21.70), is sitting out

Seat 3: steph322 ($45.85)

Seat 4: toffefe ($53.75)

Seat 5: easye11 ($81.30)

Seat 6: hetbuffeltje ($21.25)

tesheets has returned

hetbuffeltje posts the small blind of $0.25

cuttynug posts the big blind of $0.50

The button is in seat #5

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to toffefe [8d 8h]

steph322 folds

toffefe raises to $1.75

easye11 folds

hetbuffeltje calls $1.50

cuttynug raises to $7

toffefe calls $5.25

steph322 adds $4.15

hetbuffeltje folds

*** FLOP *** [7s 9c 8s]

cuttynug bets $15.75

toffefe has 15 seconds left to act

toffefe raises to $34

cuttynug raises to $65.75, and is all in

toffefe calls $12.75, and is all in

cuttynug shows [Qd Qs]

toffefe shows [8d 8h]

Uncalled bet of $19 returned to cuttynug

*** TURN *** [7s 9c 8s] [Tc]

*** RIVER *** [7s 9c 8s Tc] [6c]

cuttynug shows a straight, Ten high

toffefe shows a straight, Ten high

cuttynug ties for the pot ($53.15) with a straight, Ten high

toffefe ties for the pot ($53.10) with a straight, Ten high

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot $109.25 | Rake $3

Board: [7s 9c 8s Tc 6c]

Seat 1: cuttynug (big blind) showed [Qd Qs] and won ($53.15) with a straight, Ten high

Seat 2: tesheets is sitting out

Seat 3: steph322 didn't bet (folded)

Seat 4: toffefe showed [8d 8h] and won ($53.10) with a straight, Ten high

Seat 5: easye11 (button) didn't bet (folded)

Seat 6: hetbuffeltje (small blind) folded before the Flop

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Full Tilt Poker Game #2679189020: Table Tackle (6 max) - $0.25/$0.50 - Pot Limit Hold'em - 1:33:45 ET - 2007/06/16

Seat 1: pardisdesigner ($28.45)

Seat 2: toffefe ($94.45)

Seat 3: bamabyron ($58)

Seat 4: dianarodger ($12.30)

Seat 5: Klesmit ($133.60)

Seat 6: DesertOasisX03 ($22.70)

pardisdesigner posts the small blind of $0.25

toffefe posts the big blind of $0.50

The button is in seat #6

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to toffefe 5 of Clubs5 of Spades

bamabyron raises to $1.75

dianarodger calls $1.75

Klesmit calls $1.75

DesertOasisX03 folds

pardisdesigner folds

toffefe calls $1.25

*** FLOP *** 9 of Spades9 of Clubs5 of Hearts

toffefe checks

bamabyron bets $3

dianarodger folds

Klesmit folds

toffefe calls $3

*** TURN *** 9 of Spades9 of Clubs5 of Hearts10 of Spades

toffefe bets $6.60

bamabyron calls $6.60

*** RIVER *** 9 of Spades9 of Clubs5 of Hearts10 of Spades9 of Diamonds

toffefe checks

bamabyron bets $13.20

toffefe folds

Uncalled bet of $13.20 returned to bamabyron

bamabyron shows Jack of SpadesQueen of Spades three of a kind, Nines

bamabyron wins the pot ($25.15)

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot $26.45 | Rake $1.30

Board: 9 of Spades9 of Clubs5 of Hearts10 of Spades9 of Diamonds

Seat 1: pardisdesigner (small blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 2: toffefe (big blind) folded on the River

Seat 3: bamabyron collected ($25.15)

Seat 4: dianarodger folded on the Flop

Seat 5: Klesmit folded on the Flop

Seat 6: DesertOasisX03 (button) didn't bet (folded)


kan man syna river?


gick för övrigt back 2 inköp direkt och fick som vanligt jobba i uppförsbacke.

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Händer under ett och samma bord under drygt 10 min...




Full Tilt Poker Game #2680717436: Table Stardust (6 max) - $0.25/$0.50 - No Limit Hold'em -


6:58:53 ET - 2007/06/16


Seat 1: toffefe ($56.50)

Seat 2: J_E_P_7 ($49.15)

Seat 3: Flushrush2 ($71.95)

Seat 4: darqblue42 ($19.10)

Seat 5: jackie23 ($49.50)

Seat 6: antman7 ($56.50)

jackie23 posts the small blind of $0.25

antman7 posts the big blind of $0.50

The button is in seat #4

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to toffefe King of HeartsKing of Diamonds

toffefe raises to $1.75

J_E_P_7 has 15 seconds left to act

J_E_P_7 folds

Flushrush2 folds

darqblue42 raises to $6

jackie23 folds

antman7 folds

toffefe raises to $56.50, and is all in

darqblue42 calls $13.10, and is all in

toffefe shows King of HeartsKing of Diamonds

darqblue42 shows Ace of ClubsQueen of Clubs

Uncalled bet of $37.40 returned to toffefe

*** FLOP *** 2 of Hearts6 of Hearts6 of Clubs

*** TURN *** 2 of Hearts6 of Hearts6 of Clubs5 of Diamonds

*** RIVER *** 2 of Hearts6 of Hearts6 of Clubs5 of DiamondsAce of Diamonds

toffefe shows two pair, Kings and Sixes

darqblue42 shows two pair, Aces and Sixes

darqblue42 wins the pot ($37.05) with two pair, Aces and Sixes

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot $38.95 | Rake $1.90

Board: 2 of Hearts6 of Hearts6 of Clubs5 of DiamondsAce of Diamonds

Seat 1: toffefe showed King of HeartsKing of Diamonds and lost with two pair, Kings and Sixes

Seat 2: J_E_P_7 didn't bet (folded)

Seat 3: Flushrush2 didn't bet (folded)

Seat 4: darqblue42 (button) showed Ace of ClubsQueen of Clubs and won ($37.05) with two pair, Aces and Sixes

Seat 5: jackie23 (small blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 6: antman7 (big blind) folded before the Flop


Den är lugn, han hade inte ens några pengar... men det hjälpte mig att kunna spela ut ett tilt spel.

Klagade lite i chatten etc. etc. Så bara någon hand senare, kolla timestampsen...


Full Tilt Poker Game #2680722172: Table Stardust (6 max) - $0.25/$0.50 - No Limit Hold'em -


7:00:31 ET - 2007/06/16


Seat 1: toffefe ($49.75)

Seat 2: J_E_P_7 ($49.60)

Seat 3: Flushrush2 ($71.95)

Seat 4: darqblue42 ($37.80)

Seat 5: jackie23 ($49.25)

Seat 6: antman7 ($55.50)

J_E_P_7 has 5 seconds left to act

J_E_P_7 posts the small blind of $0.25

Flushrush2 posts the big blind of $0.50

The button is in seat #1

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to toffefe King of HeartsAce of Hearts

darqblue42 folds

jackie23 folds

antman7 has 15 seconds left to act

antman7 folds

toffefe raises to $49.75, and is all in

J_E_P_7 has 15 seconds left to act

J_E_P_7 has requested TIME

darqblue42: hahaha tilt

J_E_P_7 folds

Flushrush2 folds

Uncalled bet of $49.25 returned to toffefe

toffefe mucks

toffefe wins the pot ($1.25)

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot $1.25 | Rake $0

Seat 1: toffefe (button) collected ($1.25), mucked

Seat 2: J_E_P_7 (small blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 3: Flushrush2 (big blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 4: darqblue42 didn't bet (folded)

Seat 5: jackie23 didn't bet (folded)

Seat 6: antman7 didn't bet (folded)


Ok, är ju inte ovanligt att man inte får syn på den där, men ville bara visa att min tilt-image började bli lite bättre...

någon hand senare... kolla timestamp



Full Tilt Poker Game #2680731661: Table Stardust (6 max) - $0.25/$0.50 - No Limit Hold'em -


7:03:44 ET - 2007/06/16


Seat 1: toffefe ($46)

Seat 2: J_E_P_7 ($55.05)

Seat 3: Flushrush2 ($71.20)

Seat 4: darqblue42 ($13.80)

Seat 5: jackie23 ($69.90)

Seat 6: antman7 ($55)

antman7 posts the small blind of $0.25

toffefe posts the big blind of $0.50

The button is in seat #5

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to toffefe King of DiamondsKing of Spades

J_E_P_7 has 15 seconds left to act

J_E_P_7 folds

Flushrush2 calls $0.50

darqblue42 raises to $2.25

jackie23 has 15 seconds left to act

jackie23 folds

antman7 has 15 seconds left to act

antman7 folds

toffefe raises to $46, and is all in

Flushrush2 folds

darqblue42 calls $11.55, and is all in

toffefe shows King of DiamondsKing of Spades

darqblue42 shows Ace of DiamondsJack of Hearts

Uncalled bet of $32.20 returned to toffefe

*** FLOP *** 10 of Diamonds10 of Hearts2 of Hearts

*** TURN *** 10 of Diamonds10 of Hearts2 of Hearts9 of Hearts

*** RIVER *** 10 of Diamonds10 of Hearts2 of Hearts9 of HeartsAce of Clubs

toffefe shows two pair, Kings and Tens

darqblue42 shows two pair, Aces and Tens

darqblue42 wins the pot ($26.95) with two pair, Aces and Tens

darqblue42: LOLOLOL

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot $28.35 | Rake $1.40

Board: 10 of Diamonds10 of Hearts2 of Hearts9 of HeartsAce of Clubs

Seat 1: toffefe (big blind) showed King of DiamondsKing of Spades and lost with two pair, Kings and Tens

Seat 2: J_E_P_7 didn't bet (folded)

Seat 3: Flushrush2 folded before the Flop

Seat 4: darqblue42 showed Ace of DiamondsJack of Hearts and won ($26.95) with two pair, Aces and Tens

Seat 5: jackie23 (button) didn't bet (folded)

Seat 6: antman7 (small blind) folded before the Flop


Nu är jag faktist tiltad på riktigt, och det krävs mycket till för att jag ska spela sådant spel som jag gör nu,

händer bland annat saker på andra bord med samtidigt. Dåligt spel såklart men leder ju än om lite..



Full Tilt Poker Game #2680734230: Table Stardust (6 max) - $0.25/$0.50 - No Limit Hold'em -


7:04:36 ET - 2007/06/16


Seat 1: toffefe ($32.20)

Seat 2: J_E_P_7 ($55.05)

Seat 3: Flushrush2 ($70.70)

Seat 4: darqblue42 ($26.95)

Seat 5: jackie23 ($69.90)

Seat 6: antman7 ($54.75)

toffefe posts the small blind of $0.25

J_E_P_7 has 5 seconds left to act

J_E_P_7 posts the big blind of $0.50

The button is in seat #6

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to toffefe 2 of SpadesAce of Spades

Flushrush2 folds

darqblue42 folds

jackie23 folds

antman7 folds

toffefe raises to $32.20, and is all in

J_E_P_7 has 15 seconds left to act

J_E_P_7 calls $31.70

toffefe shows 2 of SpadesAce of Spades

J_E_P_7 shows King of Clubs9 of Hearts

*** FLOP *** 5 of Clubs9 of DiamondsJack of Spades

*** TURN *** 5 of Clubs9 of DiamondsJack of SpadesKing of Hearts

*** RIVER *** 5 of Clubs9 of DiamondsJack of SpadesKing of HeartsAce of Hearts

toffefe shows a pair of Aces

J_E_P_7 shows two pair, Kings and Nines

J_E_P_7 wins the pot ($61.40) with two pair, Kings and Nines

toffefe is sitting out

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot $64.40 | Rake $3

Board: 5 of Clubs9 of DiamondsJack of SpadesKing of HeartsAce of Hearts

Seat 1: toffefe (small blind) showed 2 of SpadesAce of Spades and lost with a pair of Aces

Seat 2: J_E_P_7 (big blind) showed King of Clubs9 of Hearts and won ($61.40) with two pair, Kings and Nines

Seat 3: Flushrush2 didn't bet (folded)

Seat 4: darqblue42 didn't bet (folded)

Seat 5: jackie23 didn't bet (folded)

Seat 6: antman7 (button) didn't bet (folded)


Samma igen...


Full Tilt Poker Game #2680756611: Table Stardust (6 max) - $0.25/$0.50 - No Limit Hold'em -


7:12:25 ET - 2007/06/16


Seat 1: toffefe ($102.95)

Seat 2: J_E_P_7 ($86.15)

Seat 3: Flushrush2 ($67.20)

Seat 4: darqblue42 ($23.30)

Seat 5: jackie23 ($49.25)

Seat 6: antman7 ($54.45)

toffefe posts the small blind of $0.25

J_E_P_7 has 5 seconds left to act

J_E_P_7 posts the big blind of $0.50

The button is in seat #6

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to toffefe Queen of DiamondsQueen of Spades

Flushrush2 folds

darqblue42 raises to $1.50

jackie23 folds

antman7 folds

toffefe raises to $102.95, and is all in

J_E_P_7 folds

darqblue42 calls $21.80, and is all in

toffefe shows Queen of DiamondsQueen of Spades

darqblue42 shows 7 of Diamonds7 of Clubs

Uncalled bet of $79.65 returned to toffefe

*** FLOP *** King of Diamonds3 of ClubsKing of Spades

*** TURN *** King of Diamonds3 of ClubsKing of Spades7 of Spades

*** RIVER *** King of Diamonds3 of ClubsKing of Spades7 of Spades5 of Clubs

toffefe shows two pair, Kings and Queens

darqblue42 shows a full house, Sevens full of Kings

darqblue42 wins the pot ($44.75) with a full house, Sevens full of Kings

darqblue42: ROFL

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot $47.10 | Rake $2.35

Board: King of Diamonds3 of ClubsKing of Spades7 of Spades5 of Clubs

Seat 1: toffefe (small blind) showed Queen of DiamondsQueen of Spades and lost with two pair, Kings and Queens

Seat 2: J_E_P_7 (big blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 3: Flushrush2 didn't bet (folded)

Seat 4: darqblue42 showed 7 of Diamonds7 of Clubs and won ($44.75) with a full house, Sevens full of Kings

Seat 5: jackie23 didn't bet (folded)

Seat 6: antman7 (button) didn't bet (folded)


Så här ser det ut hela hela tiden just nu när jag är all in. Leder men åker dit.

Tar dessa 10 minuter som ett exempel och sedan ska jag inte wina på väldigt länge i denna dagbok.

Men kan ju lugnt säga att det aldrig varit så hårt att spela poker som just nu.

Hade jag inte haft dagboken hade jag antagligen tiltat och skottat på NL200 eller nåt, men känner mig tack vare att jag kan skriva här som en stor hjälp.

Antagligen därför jag lyckats spela tillbaka mestadels av det jag hade innan jag började spela på FTP.


BR: 560

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kasst utan read?



Full Tilt Poker Game #2786281940: Table Ormsby (6 max) - $0.25/$0.50 - No Limit Hold'em - 16:28:53 ET - 2007/06/27

Seat 1: shinzilla ($77.50)

Seat 2: toffefe ($50.50)

Seat 3: ADKkid ($50.85)

Seat 4: ch_13 ($56.60)

Seat 5: kid w dream ($49.65)

Seat 6: pauken ($74.70)

pauken posts the small blind of $0.25

shinzilla posts the big blind of $0.50

The button is in seat #5

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to toffefe 7 of Diamonds7 of Hearts

toffefe raises to $1.75

ADKkid has 15 seconds left to act

ADKkid calls $1.75

ch_13 folds

kid w dream folds

pauken folds

shinzilla folds

*** FLOP *** 6 of Diamonds9 of Hearts5 of Diamonds

toffefe bets $3.50

ADKkid calls $3.50

*** TURN *** 6 of Diamonds9 of Hearts5 of Diamonds2 of Hearts

toffefe checks

ADKkid bets $11.25

toffefe calls $11.25

*** RIVER *** 6 of Diamonds9 of Hearts5 of Diamonds2 of Hearts10 of Hearts

toffefe checks

ADKkid checks

*** SHOW DOWN ***

ADKkid shows 9 of ClubsQueen of Clubs a pair of Nines

toffefe mucks

ADKkid wins the pot ($32.10) with a pair of Nines

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot $33.75 | Rake $1.65

Board: 6 of Diamonds9 of Hearts5 of Diamonds2 of Hearts10 of Hearts

Seat 1: shinzilla (big blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 2: toffefe mucked 7 of Diamonds7 of Hearts - a pair of Sevens

Seat 3: ADKkid showed 9 of ClubsQueen of Clubs and won ($32.10) with a pair of Nines

Seat 4: ch_13 didn't bet (folded)

Seat 5: kid w dream (button) didn't bet (folded)

Seat 6: pauken (small blind) folded before the Flop

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  • 4 weeks later...

Jag vågade inte fortsätta efter floppen. Magen ville nästan lägga pre, men det går ju inte. Bra/Dåligt spelat???


Full Tilt Poker Game #3027586022: Table Arville (6 max) - $0.25/$0.50 - No Limit Hold'em - 18:39:08 ET - 2007/07/22

Seat 1: Bud Baxter ($81.50)

Seat 2: Chocolatgirl ($110.10)

Seat 3: alannaugler ($4.80)

Seat 4: tribaci ($103.50)

Seat 5: toffefe ($32.95)

Seat 6: nemesis08 ($49.50)

nemesis08 posts the small blind of $0.25

Bud Baxter posts the big blind of $0.50

The button is in seat #5

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to toffefe Queen of DiamondsQueen of Clubs

Chocolatgirl folds

alannaugler calls $0.50

Chocolatgirl stands up

tribaci has 15 seconds left to act

tribaci folds

toffefe raises to $2

nemesis08 raises to $8

Bud Baxter folds

alannaugler calls $4.30, and is all in

toffefe calls $6

*** FLOP *** 2 of Diamonds10 of Spades4 of Clubs

nemesis08 bets $15

toffefe has 15 seconds left to act

toffefe folds

nemesis08 shows Queen of SpadesQueen of Hearts

alannaugler shows 10 of ClubsJack of Clubs

Uncalled bet of $15 returned to nemesis08

*** TURN *** 2 of Diamonds10 of Spades4 of Clubs8 of Spades

*** RIVER *** 2 of Diamonds10 of Spades4 of Clubs8 of Spades6 of Diamonds

nemesis08 wins the side pot ($6.05)

nemesis08 shows a pair of Queens

alannaugler shows a pair of Tens

nemesis08 wins the main pot ($14.20) with a pair of Queens

alannaugler is sitting out

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot $21.30 Main pot $14.90. Side pot $6.40. | Rake $1.05

Board: 2 of Diamonds10 of Spades4 of Clubs8 of Spades6 of Diamonds

Seat 1: Bud Baxter (big blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 2: Chocolatgirl didn't bet (folded)

Seat 3: alannaugler showed 10 of ClubsJack of Clubs and lost with a pair of Tens

Seat 4: tribaci didn't bet (folded)

Seat 5: toffefe (button) folded on the Flop

Seat 6: nemesis08 (small blind) showed Queen of SpadesQueen of Hearts and won ($20.25) with a pair of Queens

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