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Sh nolimit har noll reads på Fi träffar triss mot en preflop raise och vet inte om jag ska checkraisa eller bara calla. Vad tycker ni man ska göra i såna här lägen som standard?


Full Tilt Poker Game #1406629357: Table Divine (6 max) - $0.25/$0.50 - No Limit Hold'em - 1:15:45 ET - 2006/12/14

Seat 1: Alchemist403 ($45.20)

Seat 2: Hero ($62.25)

Seat 3: Uber Esel ($51.45)

Seat 4: LOGERT ($0) is sitting out

Seat 5: Bud Baxter ($116.20)

Seat 6: stcsteve ($12.70)

stcsteve posts the small blind of $0.25

Alchemist403 posts the big blind of $0.50

The button is in seat #5



Dealt to Hero [5k 5r]

Hero calls $0.50

Uber Esel folds

LOGERT stands up

Bud Baxter raises to $2.50

stcsteve folds

Alchemist403 folds

Hero calls $2



[5h 6r 2k ]

Hero checks

Bud Baxter bets $3

Hero calls $3



[5s ]

Hero checks

Bud Baxter checks




Hero has 15 seconds left to act

Hero bets $10

Bud Baxter folds

Uncalled bet of $10 returned to Hero

Hero mucks

Hero wins the pot ($11.20)

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