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Playboy NLT 2000$ - lurar riggen men slaskar bort allt på PLO


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** Game ID 1243938747 starting - 2007-03-05 18:54:35

** Keba [Hold 'em] (5.00|10.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money


- RABIDRAT sitting in seat 1 with $1104.00

- Playboy85 sitting in seat 2 with $1024.00

- SSEELL sitting in seat 3 with $280.00 [Dealer]

- Bigt2k4 sitting in seat 4 with $2278.48

- Usterud sitting in seat 5 with $2226.75

- leppo79 sitting in seat 6 with $881.01


Bigt2k4 posted the small blind - $5.00

Usterud posted the big blind - $10.00


** Dealing card to Playboy85: Ace of Spades, Queen of Diamonds

leppo79 folded


Playboy85 raised - $40.00

SSEELL folded

Bigt2k4 folded

Usterud called - $40.00


** Dealing the flop: 3 of Hearts, Ace of Diamonds, 8 of Spades

Usterud checked

Playboy85 bet - $80.00

Usterud raised - $160.00

Playboy85 called - $160.00


** Dealing the turn: Queen of Spades

Usterud bet - $202.50

Playboy85 called - $202.50


** Dealing the river: 5 of Spades

Usterud went all-in - $1834.25


GAAH, sjukt obekväm situation. Han måste ju ha setet där, eller?

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** Game ID 1243935676 starting - 2007-03-05 18:52:49

** Ishaq [Hold 'em] (5.00|10.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money


- fr79 sitting in seat 1 with $896.25

- Usterud sitting in seat 2 with $1756.50

- Bigt2k4 sitting in seat 3 with $1085.00

- kuramh4xx sitting in seat 4 with $331.00 [sitting out]

- RABIDRAT sitting in seat 5 with $990.00

- Playboy85 sitting in seat 6 with $1161.00 [Dealer]


fr79 posted the small blind - $5.00

Usterud posted the big blind - $10.00


** Dealing card to Playboy85: 10 of Spades, King of Hearts

Bigt2k4 folded


Playboy85 raised - $40.00

fr79 called - $40.00

Usterud folded


** Dealing the flop: 5 of Clubs, King of Spades, 8 of Clubs

fr79 checked

Playboy85 bet - $80.00

fr79 raised - $220.00

Playboy85 called - $220.00


** Dealing the turn: Ace of Diamonds

fr79 bet - $260.00

Playboy85 called - $260.00


** Dealing the river: 3 of Spades

fr79 went all-in - $381.25

Playboy85 called - $381.25

fr79 shows: 7 of Spades, 9 of Hearts

Playboy85 shows: 10 of Spades, King of Hearts

Playboy85 wins $1810.50 from the main pot


End of game 1243935676


Jag gillar fr79, för han är så sjukt äckligt lös. Har han minsta drag bluffar han alltid hela vägen. Känns mest lönsamt att bara syna ner då, vilket förstås ibland innebär att man betalar av honom när han väl har nåt, men 80-90 % av fallen har han inte det.

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GAAH, sjukt obekväm situation. Han måste ju ha setet där, eller?


Ja, det är svårt att se att han gör sådär med något annat.. Om du inte har nån dunder-read.




Någon som har förslag på skön musik att lyssna på under pokersessionen?


Lostprophets, framför allt senaste två plattorna: Liberation Transmission och Start Something

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Har hittat grinden på två $10/20 bord och ett $5/10 bord och då dök den här handen upp som förbryllade mig.


** Game ID 1246245617 starting - 2007-03-06 20:14:14

** Bravery Of Being [Hold 'em] (10.00|20.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money


- TILTJOHAN sitting in seat 1 with $1980.00

- Playboy85 sitting in seat 2 with $3069.00

- hyquan sitting in seat 3 with $635.00

- VERY_FISHY sitting in seat 4 with $2565.83 [Dealer]

- nnnzo sitting in seat 5 with $885.00

- Zilkic sitting in seat 6 with $1504.00


nnnzo posted the small blind - $10.00

Zilkic posted the big blind - $20.00


** Dealing card to Playboy85: Jack of Diamonds, Jack of Spades


Playboy85 raised - $80.00

hyquan folded


nnnzo called - $80.00

Zilkic folded


** Dealing the flop: 10 of Hearts, 4 of Clubs, Queen of Spades

nnnzo checked

Playboy85 bet - $160.00

nnnzo called - $160.00


** Dealing the turn: 4 of Hearts

nnnzo checked

Playboy85 checked


** Dealing the river: King of Diamonds

nnnzo checked

Playboy85 bet - $480.00

nnnzo called - $480.00

Playboy85 shows: Jack of Diamonds, Jack of Spades

nnnzo mucks:

Playboy85 wins $1457.00 from the main pot


End of game 1246245617


Trodde han hade en svag dam och ville själv representera en klonk med AK på rivern. Blev mäkta förvånad när pengarna åkte över till mig efter hans syn.

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** Game ID 1243938747 starting - 2007-03-05 18:54:35

** Keba [Hold 'em] (5.00|10.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money


- RABIDRAT sitting in seat 1 with $1104.00

- Playboy85 sitting in seat 2 with $1024.00

- SSEELL sitting in seat 3 with $280.00 [Dealer]

- Bigt2k4 sitting in seat 4 with $2278.48

- Usterud sitting in seat 5 with $2226.75

- leppo79 sitting in seat 6 with $881.01


Bigt2k4 posted the small blind - $5.00

Usterud posted the big blind - $10.00


** Dealing card to Playboy85: Ace of Spades, Queen of Diamonds

leppo79 folded


Playboy85 raised - $40.00

SSEELL folded

Bigt2k4 folded

Usterud called - $40.00


** Dealing the flop: 3 of Hearts, Ace of Diamonds, 8 of Spades

Usterud checked

Playboy85 bet - $80.00

Usterud raised - $160.00

Playboy85 called - $160.00


** Dealing the turn: Queen of Spades

Usterud bet - $202.50

Playboy85 called - $202.50


** Dealing the river: 5 of Spades

Usterud went all-in - $1834.25


GAAH, sjukt obekväm situation. Han måste ju ha setet där, eller?


bakdörren är ett faktum.

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** Game ID 1246298887 starting - 2007-03-06 20:38:31

** Bravery Of Being [Hold 'em] (10.00|20.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money


- TILTJOHAN sitting in seat 1 with $2067.00 [Dealer]

- Playboy85 sitting in seat 2 with $3287.00

- hyquan sitting in seat 3 with $502.50

- VERY_FISHY sitting in seat 4 with $3530.86

- nnnzo sitting in seat 5 with $1010.00

- Zilkic sitting in seat 6 with $1857.00


Playboy85 posted the small blind - $10.00

hyquan posted the big blind - $20.00


** Dealing card to Playboy85: Queen of Hearts, King of Hearts

VERY_FISHY raised - $80.00

nnnzo folded

Zilkic folded


Playboy85 raised - $280.00

hyquan folded

VERY_FISHY called - $280.00


** Dealing the flop: Queen of Diamonds, King of Diamonds, 5 of Diamonds

Playboy85 bet - $570.00

VERY_FISHY raised - $1145.00

Playboy85 went all-in - $2447.00

VERY_FISHY called - $3017.00


** Dealing the turn: 2 of Hearts


** Dealing the river: 7 of Diamonds

Playboy85 shows: Queen of Hearts, King of Hearts

VERY_FISHY shows: Jack of Diamonds, 10 of Diamonds

VERY_FISHY wins $6611.00 from the main pot


End of game 1246298887



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** Game ID 1246469213 starting - 2007-03-06 21:59:47

** Fool to Cry [Hold 'em] (10.00|20.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money


- Playboy85 sitting in seat 1 with $2017.50

- cotton_seed sitting in seat 2 with $2000.00 [Dealer]

- hyquan sitting in seat 3 with $340.00

- SgtOtto sitting in seat 4 with $170.60

- bigAKslick sitting in seat 5 with $469.66

- junior96 sitting in seat 6 with $1039.10

- Smoland sitting in seat 7 with $354.50

- Hicham sitting in seat 8 with $447.16 [sitting out]

- Tornado31 sitting in seat 9 with $1525.00

- GREEKFISH1 sitting in seat 10 with $370.00


hyquan posted the small blind - $10.00

SgtOtto posted the big blind - $20.00


** Dealing card to Playboy85: Jack of Spades, Jack of Clubs

bigAKslick folded

junior96 folded

Smoland folded

Tornado31 folded

GREEKFISH1 raised - $80.00

Playboy85 raised - $240.00

cotton_seed folded

hyquan folded

SgtOtto folded

GREEKFISH1 went all-in - $290.00

Playboy85 called - $370.00


** Dealing the flop: Queen of Clubs, 4 of Clubs, Ace of Spades


** Dealing the turn: Ace of Diamonds


** Dealing the river: 6 of Hearts

GREEKFISH1 shows: Ace of Hearts, Queen of Hearts

Playboy85 mucks: Jack of Spades, Jack of Clubs

GREEKFISH1 wins $767.00 from the main pot


End of game 1246469213


Att man aldrig lyckas sätta dit shortstackarna som favorit - krävs typ J9s eller nåt sånt monster för att vinna över dem :-)

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** Game ID 1252875538 starting - 2007-03-10 00:38:17

** Ishaq [Hold 'em] (5.00|10.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money


- G0Gators sitting in seat 1 with $1405.20

- Playboy85 sitting in seat 2 with $1471.75 [Dealer]

- el_ariados sitting in seat 3 with $995.00

- mostVP sitting in seat 4 with $975.00

- Darinox sitting in seat 5 with $1460.79

- oltlaw11975 sitting in seat 6 with $835.00


el_ariados posted the small blind - $5.00

mostVP posted the big blind - $10.00


** Dealing card to Playboy85: 6 of Clubs, 4 of Clubs

Darinox folded

oltlaw11975 raised - $20.00

G0Gators called - $20.00

Playboy85 called - $20.00

el_ariados called - $20.00

mostVP called - $20.00


** Dealing the flop: 3 of Spades, Queen of Spades, 7 of Hearts

el_ariados checked

mostVP checked

oltlaw11975 checked

G0Gators checked

Playboy85 bet - $90.00

el_ariados folded

mostVP folded

oltlaw11975 called - $90.00

G0Gators folded


** Dealing the turn: King of Diamonds

oltlaw11975 bet - $40.00

Playboy85 raised - $280.00

oltlaw11975 folded

Playboy85 mucks:

Playboy85 wins $597.00 from the main pot


End of game 1252875538


Jag är svag för att spela hålstegar stenhårt när jag har position. Mycket på grund av att de är omöjliga att läsa när man klonkar. :-)

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** Game ID 1256850730 starting - 2007-03-11 23:10:24

** Another Try [Hold 'em] (5.00|10.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money


- SHAROFEN sitting in seat 1 with $1051.28

- bankofsweden sitting in seat 2 with $765.00

- Binbs sitting in seat 3 with $2731.59

- Playboy85 sitting in seat 4 with $1179.27 [Dealer]

- johnnyy2 sitting in seat 5 with $778.73

- albin72 sitting in seat 6 with $1840.94


johnnyy2 posted the small blind - $5.00

albin72 posted the big blind - $10.00


** Dealing card to Playboy85: Ace of Diamonds, Ace of Hearts

SHAROFEN raised - $40.00

bankofsweden folded

Binbs folded

Playboy85 raised - $130.00

johnnyy2 folded

albin72 called - $130.00



** Dealing the flop: 7 of Hearts, 2 of Diamonds, 3 of Spades

albin72 checked

Playboy85 bet - $240.00

albin72 raised - $1025.00

Playboy85 went all-in - $809.27

albin72 called - $1049.27


** Dealing the turn: 9 of Clubs


** Dealing the river: 10 of Spades

Playboy85 shows: Ace of Diamonds, Ace of Hearts

albin72 shows: 7 of Diamonds, 7 of Clubs

albin72 wins $2400.54 from the main pot


End of game 1256850730


Vad ska man göra? Jag kan bara inte hitta kastet här...

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** Game ID 1256850730 starting - 2007-03-11 23:10:24

** Another Try [Hold 'em] (5.00|10.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money


- SHAROFEN sitting in seat 1 with $1051.28

- bankofsweden sitting in seat 2 with $765.00

- Binbs sitting in seat 3 with $2731.59

- Playboy85 sitting in seat 4 with $1179.27 [Dealer]

- johnnyy2 sitting in seat 5 with $778.73

- albin72 sitting in seat 6 with $1840.94


johnnyy2 posted the small blind - $5.00

albin72 posted the big blind - $10.00


** Dealing card to Playboy85: Ace of Diamonds, Ace of Hearts

SHAROFEN raised - $40.00

bankofsweden folded

Binbs folded

Playboy85 raised - $130.00

johnnyy2 folded

albin72 called - $130.00



** Dealing the flop: 7 of Hearts, 2 of Diamonds, 3 of Spades

albin72 checked

Playboy85 bet - $240.00

albin72 raised - $1025.00

Playboy85 went all-in - $809.27

albin72 called - $1049.27


** Dealing the turn: 9 of Clubs


** Dealing the river: 10 of Spades

Playboy85 shows: Ace of Diamonds, Ace of Hearts

albin72 shows: 7 of Diamonds, 7 of Clubs

albin72 wins $2400.54 from the main pot


End of game 1256850730


Vad ska man göra? Jag kan bara inte hitta kastet här...


inget att göra, bara att betala av

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** Game ID 1256913960 starting - 2007-03-11 23:38:21

** Down in the Hole [Hold 'em] (5.00|10.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money


- Playboy85 sitting in seat 1 with $1508.08 [Dealer]

- whatsupdog sitting in seat 2 with $1144.50

- Nym sitting in seat 3 with $975.00

- simothechief sitting in seat 4 with $254.15

- cech23 sitting in seat 5 with $1005.50

- JohnnyU sitting in seat 6 with $3827.75

- Ephhhh sitting in seat 7 with $982.00

- Junebug1979 sitting in seat 9 with $1287.61

- fimpen99 sitting in seat 10 with $1321.00


whatsupdog posted the small blind - $5.00

Nym posted the big blind - $10.00


** Dealing card to Playboy85: 3 of Hearts, 7 of Hearts

simothechief folded

cech23 called - $10.00

JohnnyU called - $10.00

Ephhhh raised - $60.00

Junebug1979 called - $60.00

fimpen99 folded

Playboy85 called - $60.00

whatsupdog folded

Nym folded

cech23 called - $60.00

JohnnyU called - $60.00


** Dealing the flop: 6 of Clubs, 5 of Diamonds, 5 of Hearts

cech23 checked

JohnnyU checked

Ephhhh bet - $200.00

Junebug1979 folded

Playboy85 called - $200.00

cech23 folded

JohnnyU folded


** Dealing the turn: Queen of Hearts

Ephhhh checked

Playboy85 bet - $722.00

Ephhhh went all-in - $722.00


** Dealing the river: 6 of Hearts

Ephhhh shows: King of Hearts, King of Spades

Playboy85 shows: 3 of Hearts, 7 of Hearts

Playboy85 wins $2156.00 from the main pot


End of game 1256913960


Man måste ju lita på turen ;-)

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