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fan vad skumt...


förut när jag mailade empire fick jag detta svar:


Thank you for contacting us.


If you have an active account with one of the website that is supported by our poker system, then you will not be able to create an account with us.


As we have deployed a new security check on account creation we do not allow a player to open more than one account in our poker gaming system and you currently have an account with another site supported by PartyGaming and shares our poker platform. This check has been created to prevent collusion at tables and provide you a better poker environment.


Thank you for choosing us as your online gaming site!



Poker Customer Care




nu när jag mailade party kom det här:


Dear Fredrik,


Thank you for contacting us.


I understand your concern in this regard. Party Poker and Poker are two different Poker sites, so you can go ahead and open an account with Poker.


If you face any inconvenience while opening the account, please contact Poker Customer Service.



PartyPoker Customer Care



blir väl till att maila tillbaka och be om hjälp :)


ja det är klart att pokersiten "poker" :shock: är en annan. Men det du ville veta var väl om det var ok med pokersiten empire :lol::lol:


Än en gång visar party hur support skall bedrivas!


lol...såg jag inte ens.


frågan är hur fan han kunde få det till poker...


detta var vad jag skrev från början:




my username at party is ELfishkO and i wonder if I may sign up with empire as well?



sincerely yours fredrik xxxxxxxxxxxxxx



signaturen PartyPoker kanske sitter med ett äss i rockärmen i denna fråga?


Dear Fredrik,


Thank you for contacting us.


In response to your e-mail I would like to inform you that, you can open an account with EmpirePoker.com and you can also have an account with PartyPoker.com.


However, iIf you face any inconvenience while opening the account, please contact info@EmpirePoker.com.



PartyPoker Customer Care




från empires support:


Dear Fredrik,


Thank you for contacting us.


We are sorry for the incorrect information in the previous email.

As you already have an account with partypoker.com you will not be able to create an account with EmpirePoker.com


As we have deployed a new security check on account creation we do not allow a player to open more than one account in our poker gaming system and as you currently have an account with partypoker.com supported by IGlobalMedia group who share our poker platform you will not be allowed to register an account with us.


But for your information partypoker.com and EmpirePoker.com are two different entities but share the same game platform for hosting Poker games.


If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Care Department at any time. We are here 24/7 to assist you via email.


Thank you for choosing us as your online gaming site!



Poker Customer Care



Det är väl Party som äger pokerplattformen, så de borde väl ha rätt?

Om nån har nått tips så kan den ju pma mig :shock:

Både jag och brorsan har iaf konto på båda siterna och som jag minns det så funkade det bara man signade via en annan dator. Går utmärkt att spela på samma sen


ok, får prova det...använde ni korrekta uppgifter på bägge sidorna?


tack bägge :)

Både jag och brorsan har iaf konto på båda siterna och som jag minns det så funkade det bara man signade via en annan dator. Går utmärkt att spela på samma sen


ok, får prova det...använde ni korrekta uppgifter på bägge sidorna?


tack bägge :)


Ja, använda korrekta uppgifter. Båda sidorna använder ju pro-pay som "bank", och blir väldigt jobbigt att sätta in/ta ut större summor om man inte använder korrekta uppgifter.


ok...verkar som att jag kommer lyckas snart iaf.




Dear Fredrik,


We understand your concern and would like to apolozise for the previous response sent to you.


A player can play both at EmpirePoker.com and PartyPoker.com. I would like to suggest you to create account with different email address and account name .However in case you still face problem I would like to suggest you to write back to us with the email address and account name you are trying to register so that we can assist you in a better way.


Thank you for choosing us as your online gaming site!



Poker Customer Care


Ok, här är den officiella hållningen i frågan:


If you have an existing account with PartyPoker.com, you can open a new account with EmpirePoker.com and vice versa. However, both the accounts should have different account names/screen names and registered with different e-mail addresses.


Med bästa hälsningar,



Kan inte rega konto på empire. Står så här:


Error creating account: empirepoker shares tables with a few other online poker rooms. we have detected that you have an active account with one of these poker rooms (Partypoker). due to security reasons, you cannot create another account on the shared poker platform. We apologize for the inconvenience.

If you think this message is an error or for more details, you may contact us at info$empirepoker.com along with the account name you are trying to create.

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