HTDrD Postad 30 Augusti , 2006 Författare Rapport Postad 30 Augusti , 2006 Vad håller motståndaren på med? Jag ville döda honom efter den här handen. Hand #34296061-28401 at Leominster (No Limit Hold'em) Powered by UltimateBet Started at 29/Aug/06 05:10:23 chughson is at seat 0 with $320.50. team_ding is at seat 1 with $1186.50. Table41 is at seat 2 with $2100.50. DannyKK is at seat 3 with $1036.50. IamBR is at seat 4 with $217. Cheddah is at seat 5 with $410. The button is at seat 2. DannyKK posts the small blind of $5. IamBR posts the big blind of $10. chughson: -- -- team_ding: -- -- Table41: -- -- DannyKK: Ad Ah IamBR: -- -- Cheddah: -- -- Pre-flop: Cheddah folds. chughson folds. team_ding folds. Table41 raises to $35. DannyKK re-raises to $115. IamBR folds. Table41 calls. Flop (board: Tc 6d 9d): DannyKK bets $240. Table41 goes all-in for $1985.50. DannyKK goes all-in for $921.50. Table41 is returned $1064 (uncalled). Turn (board: Tc 6d 9d 8h): (no action in this round) River (board: Tc 6d 9d 8h 5s): (no action in this round) Showdown: Table41 shows 8d 7h. Table41 has 8d 7h Tc 6d 9d: straight, ten high. DannyKK shows Ad Ah. DannyKK has Ad Ah Tc 9d 8h: a pair of aces. Hand #34296061-28401 Summary: $3 is raked from a pot of $2083. Table41 wins $2080 with straight, ten high. Citera
HTDrD Postad 30 Augusti , 2006 Författare Rapport Postad 30 Augusti , 2006 En PLO hand på tema hjärndött... Varför ska man torska sådana här potter. Vad i... Hand #34295616-7121 at Wilton (Pot Limit Omaha) Powered by UltimateBet Started at 29/Aug/06 17:36:06 DannyKK is at seat 0 with $1324. MrSpok is at seat 3 with $1142.75. pricny is at seat 4 with $483. blward is at seat 5 with $948. The button is at seat 4. blward posts the small blind of $5. DannyKK posts the big blind of $10. DannyKK: Th Jh Ks 7d MrSpok: -- -- -- -- pricny: -- -- -- -- blward: -- -- -- -- Pre-flop: MrSpok folds. pricny raises to $35. blward calls. DannyKK calls. Flop (board: 7s 5s Jd): blward checks. DannyKK bets $105. pricny calls. blward folds. Turn (board: 7s 5s Jd 4d): DannyKK bets $315. pricny calls. River (board: 7s 5s Jd 4d 8s): DannyKK goes all-in for $869. pricny goes all-in for $28. DannyKK is returned $841 (uncalled). Showdown: DannyKK shows Th Jh Ks 7d. DannyKK has Jh 7d 7s Jd 8s: two pair, jacks and sevens. pricny shows 5c 8c Td 9s. Par i 5:or och stegdrag på bräda med 2 färgdrag.. BRA SYN! pricny has Td 9s 7s Jd 8s: straight, jack high. Hand #34295616-7121 Summary: $2 is raked from a pot of $1001. pricny wins $999 with straight, jack high. Citera
HTDrD Postad 30 Augusti , 2006 Författare Rapport Postad 30 Augusti , 2006 Och så en fin vinsthand från PLO. Hand #34295616-7149 at Wilton (Pot Limit Omaha) Powered by UltimateBet Started at 29/Aug/06 17:56:54 DannyKK is at seat 0 with $1201. restofisto is at seat 1 with $896. sarducci is at seat 2 with $155. MrSpok is at seat 3 with $1651.25. paigow222 is at seat 4 with $215 (sitting out). The button is at seat 1. sarducci posts the small blind of $5. MrSpok posts the big blind of $10. DannyKK: Kd Kc 3c 3h restofisto: -- -- -- -- sarducci: -- -- -- -- MrSpok: -- -- -- -- Pre-flop: DannyKK raises to $35. restofisto folds. sarducci calls. MrSpok calls. Flop (board: 7h Jd Kh): sarducci bets $105. MrSpok raises to $420. DannyKK goes all-in for $1166. sarducci goes all-in for $120. MrSpok calls. Turn (board: 7h Jd Kh Qd): (no action in this round) River (board: 7h Jd Kh Qd 8s): (no action in this round) Showdown: DannyKK shows Kd Kc 3c 3h. DannyKK has Kd Kc Jd Kh Qd: three kings. sarducci shows Ks 7c Ts Js. sarducci has Ks Js Jd Kh Qd: two pair, kings and jacks. MrSpok mucks cards. (MrSpok has Jh Ah Ac 7d.) Hand #34295616-7149 Summary: $2 is raked from a total pot of $2557. $2 is raked from the main pot of $465. $0 is raked from side pot #1 of $2092. DannyKK wins the main pot $463 with three kings. DannyKK wins the side pot $2092 with three kings. Citera
HTDrD Postad 30 Augusti , 2006 Författare Rapport Postad 30 Augusti , 2006 Ok. Här är två kluriga händer. Vad skulle ni gjort? Hand #34298307-23748 at Yorktown Heights (No Limit Hold'em) Powered by UltimateBet Started at 29/Aug/06 17:51:51 EJJ is at seat 0 with $1399.50. TakeYourTime is at seat 1 with $2303. weffers is at seat 2 with $7341. whitelime is at seat 3 with $6597. stevedar is at seat 4 with $2351. DannyKK is at seat 5 with $2633. The button is at seat 5. EJJ posts the small blind of $10. TakeYourTime posts the big blind of $25. EJJ: -- -- TakeYourTime: -- -- weffers: -- -- whitelime: -- -- stevedar: -- -- DannyKK: Jc Kc Pre-flop: weffers folds. whitelime raises to $85. stevedar folds. DannyKK calls. EJJ folds. TakeYourTime folds. Flop (board: Tc 7d Kh): whitelime bets $160. DannyKK calls. Turn (board: Tc 7d Kh 3s): whitelime bets $400. DannyKK calls. River (board: Tc 7d Kh 3s Ts): whitelime bets $850. Det var på vippen att jag lade mig på turnbettet men bestämde mig för att syna och sedan kommer ett ganska hårt bet på 850 in i en pott på 1300. Skulle ni syna eller folda? Citera
HTDrD Postad 30 Augusti , 2006 Författare Rapport Postad 30 Augusti , 2006 Och en gammal klassiker som jag har tänkt på mycket. Jag träffar en ganska dold nötstege på turn. Hur skulle ni spelat? Hand #33598947-4119 at Shrewsbury (No Limit Hold'em) Powered by UltimateBet Started at 06/Aug/06 02:32:49 Toesanders is at seat 1 with $9746. GOLF_IS_LIFE is at seat 2 with $7950. floppaflush is at seat 3 with $18641. CormorantCarl is at seat 4 with $4500. DannyKK is at seat 5 with $6688. The button is at seat 4. DannyKK posts the small blind of $25. Toesanders posts the big blind of $50. Toesanders: -- -- GOLF_IS_LIFE: -- -- floppaflush: -- -- CormorantCarl: -- -- DannyKK: Qd Ks Pre-flop: GOLF_IS_LIFE folds. floppaflush calls. CormorantCarl folds. DannyKK calls. Toesanders checks. Flop (board: As 7c Td): DannyKK checks. Toesanders bets $150. floppaflush calls. DannyKK calls. Turn (board: As 7c Td Jh): DannyKK checks. Toesanders bets $500. floppaflush raises to $1000... Vad göra? Citera
Rubicon Postad 30 Augusti , 2006 Rapport Postad 30 Augusti , 2006 Ok. Här är två kluriga händer. Vad skulle ni gjort? Sluta vara en synstation kanske? Citera
P_kungen Postad 30 Augusti , 2006 Rapport Postad 30 Augusti , 2006 Första handen hade jag foldat eftersom jag antar att du har image om att syna ner mycket och har svårt att se att han ska bluffa 3 gator irad. Andra handen hade jag synat, men med din förmodade slaskimage ställt.. Citera
Gekko Postad 30 Augusti , 2006 Rapport Postad 30 Augusti , 2006 Första handen är som sagt riktigt svår. Allt beror på vad du har för tidigare erfarenheter av honom och här så framkommer väl inte de direkt. Jag hade nog foldat, då väldigt få skjuter 3-barrels samt att du inte kan ha mycket mer än vad du har och iom att du redan synat 2 gator så torde de oftare vara ett value bet en än bluff. En viss % av ggr kan de så klart vara QJ eller 89 som försöker att pusha bort dig en sista gång, men enligt ovan så lutar jag mot en fold. Andra handen är däremot väldigt rolig... Jag hade nog iof föredragit att leda ut på turnen mot två spelare, men att C/R funkar väl också fast jag tycker att en C/R mot två spelare på turn är ett större tecken på styrka än att leda. Problemet är att vi helst vill commita den första fi'n också samtidigt som vi vill ge den andra fi utrymme att commita sig själv. Låter de vettigt?' Det är verkligen inte ofta jag säger de här, men iom stackdjup och potsize så fundera jag på om inte en mini-raise (eller aningen mer) hade varit ett bra spel. Fördelarna som jag ser med de spelet är: * första fi kan eventuellt göra en syn, med ett två par eller set. Han kan tom vara frestad att göra de med en hand som AQ (om han nu har limpat den). * Vi ger även fi två utrymme att slå om igen, med vad som torde vara antingen en lägre stege 89 eller KQ men även AJ, JT och set ingår också i hans HD. Där vi givetvis hoppas på 89. * Iom en mini-raise så kommer potten va så stor att vi har i princip ett <pot bet kvar i stacken och på så sätt kan få in alla pengarna där. Citera
y0 Postad 30 Augusti , 2006 Rapport Postad 30 Augusti , 2006 Gekko, Hero minraisar, andra miniraisarn synar. River J. Hero? Håller annars med om att första handen oftast är fold. Det tråkiga är som sagt att din hand är jävligt genomskinlig och mot en duktig spelare är det svårt att syna ner lönsamt även om man ibland måste göra det . Citera
nubbe Postad 30 Augusti , 2006 Rapport Postad 30 Augusti , 2006 Gekko, Hero minraisar, andra miniraisarn synar. River J. Hero? Håller annars med om att första handen oftast är fold. Det tråkiga är som sagt att din hand är jävligt genomskinlig och mot en duktig spelare är det svårt att syna ner lönsamt även om man ibland måste göra det . Om man är rädd för att bordet prar sig på river är de väl inte så mkt att prata än väl då ska väl degen in redan nu? men vill man ha max betalet anser jag att de e en risk man får ta de beror ju förståss på hur mkt gambler man e, tror ju att du e lite gamlber iom vad jag läst är innan Du får gärna ge resultatet här sen. Citera
HTDrD Postad 30 Augusti , 2006 Författare Rapport Postad 30 Augusti , 2006 Ok. Här är två kluriga händer. Vad skulle ni gjort? Hand #34298307-23748 at Yorktown Heights (No Limit Hold'em) Powered by UltimateBet Started at 29/Aug/06 17:51:51 EJJ is at seat 0 with $1399.50. TakeYourTime is at seat 1 with $2303. weffers is at seat 2 with $7341. whitelime is at seat 3 with $6597. stevedar is at seat 4 with $2351. DannyKK is at seat 5 with $2633. The button is at seat 5. EJJ posts the small blind of $10. TakeYourTime posts the big blind of $25. EJJ: -- -- TakeYourTime: -- -- weffers: -- -- whitelime: -- -- stevedar: -- -- DannyKK: Jc Kc Pre-flop: weffers folds. whitelime raises to $85. stevedar folds. DannyKK calls. EJJ folds. TakeYourTime folds. Flop (board: Tc 7d Kh): whitelime bets $160. DannyKK calls. Turn (board: Tc 7d Kh 3s): whitelime bets $400. DannyKK calls. River (board: Tc 7d Kh 3s Ts): whitelime bets $850. Det var på vippen att jag lade mig på turnbettet men bestämde mig för att syna och sedan kommer ett ganska hårt bet på 850 in i en pott på 1300. Skulle ni syna eller folda? Motståndaren är duktig. Det och det faktum att han borde vara lite rädd för 10:an på river gjorde att jag synade. Så här gick det. Hand #34298307-23748 at Yorktown Heights (No Limit Hold'em) Powered by UltimateBet Started at 29/Aug/06 17:51:51 EJJ is at seat 0 with $1399.50. TakeYourTime is at seat 1 with $2303. weffers is at seat 2 with $7341. whitelime is at seat 3 with $6597. stevedar is at seat 4 with $2351. DannyKK is at seat 5 with $2633. The button is at seat 5. EJJ posts the small blind of $10. TakeYourTime posts the big blind of $25. EJJ: -- -- TakeYourTime: -- -- weffers: -- -- whitelime: -- -- stevedar: -- -- DannyKK: Jc Kc Pre-flop: weffers folds. whitelime raises to $85. stevedar folds. DannyKK calls. EJJ folds. TakeYourTime folds. Flop (board: Tc 7d Kh): whitelime bets $160. DannyKK calls. Turn (board: Tc 7d Kh 3s): whitelime bets $400. DannyKK calls. River (board: Tc 7d Kh 3s Ts): whitelime bets $850. DannyKK calls. Showdown: whitelime shows 5h 6h. whitelime has 6h Tc 7d Kh Ts: a pair of tens. DannyKK shows Jc Kc. DannyKK has Jc Kc Tc Kh Ts: two pair, kings and tens. Hand #34298307-23748 Summary: $3 is raked from a pot of $3025. DannyKK wins $3022 with two pair, kings and tens. Citera
Jessica Postad 30 Augusti , 2006 Rapport Postad 30 Augusti , 2006 whiteline är en väldigt känd 2+2'are Citera
HTDrD Postad 30 Augusti , 2006 Författare Rapport Postad 30 Augusti , 2006 Den andra handen är en av de där som jag fortfarande grubblar på. Hade nöten på ett 25/50 bord och det tillhör inte vanligheterna. Så här utspelade sig resten av handen. Hand #33598947-4119 at Shrewsbury (No Limit Hold'em) Powered by UltimateBet Started at 06/Aug/06 02:32:49 Toesanders is at seat 1 with $9746. GOLF_IS_LIFE is at seat 2 with $7950. floppaflush is at seat 3 with $18641. CormorantCarl is at seat 4 with $4500. DannyKK is at seat 5 with $6688. The button is at seat 4. DannyKK posts the small blind of $25. Toesanders posts the big blind of $50. Toesanders: -- -- GOLF_IS_LIFE: -- -- floppaflush: -- -- CormorantCarl: -- -- DannyKK: Qd Ks Pre-flop: GOLF_IS_LIFE folds. floppaflush calls. CormorantCarl folds. DannyKK calls. Toesanders checks. Flop (board: As 7c Td): DannyKK checks. Toesanders bets $150. floppaflush calls. DannyKK calls. Turn (board: As 7c Td Jh): DannyKK checks. Toesanders bets $500. floppaflush raises to $1000. DannyKK re-raises to $2200. Toesanders folds. floppaflush folds. DannyKK is returned $1200 (uncalled). Hand #33598947-4119 Summary: $2 is raked from a pot of $3100. DannyKK wins $3098. Attans... Citera
HTDrD Postad 30 Augusti , 2006 Författare Rapport Postad 30 Augusti , 2006 Då var jag tillbaka i gammal gott skottarform. Hemma för vård av sjukt barn den här veckan och det har spelats må ni tro. Hittills i dag +16k efter bla tappat 5k på 300/600 FL på 5 minuter. Dock +9k på 80/160 FL och det mesta har gått min väg utom den sista megaskottningen då. Några skojiga händer. Börjar med 2 från 80/160 FL. Två händer med färg. Jag gillade min färg, men inte motståndarens. 1) Hand #34296973-2988 at Tampa Bay ($80/$160 Hold'em) Powered by UltimateBet Started at 30/Aug/06 08:36:48 DannyKK is at seat 5 with $10232. nimag is at seat 6 with $7009. Darkman is at seat 8 with $3171. FRIEND is at seat 9 with $14006.50. The button is at seat 5. nimag posts the small blind of $40. Darkman posts the big blind of $80. DannyKK: 8c Ad nimag: -- -- Darkman: -- -- FRIEND: -- -- Pre-flop: FRIEND folds. DannyKK raises to $160. nimag folds. Darkman re-raises to $240. DannyKK calls. Flop (board: Kc Td 5c): Darkman bets $80. DannyKK calls. Turn (board: Kc Td 5c 7c): Darkman bets $160. DannyKK calls. River (board: Kc Td 5c 7c 4c): Darkman checks. DannyKK bets $160. Darkman calls. Showdown: DannyKK shows 8c Ad. DannyKK has 8c Kc 5c 7c 4c: flush, king high. Darkman mucks cards. (Darkman has 7s 9d.) Hand #34296973-2988 Summary: $2 is raked from a pot of $1320. DannyKK wins $1318 with flush, king high. 2) Hand #34296973-3022 at Tampa Bay ($80/$160 Hold'em) Powered by UltimateBet Started at 30/Aug/06 08:48:30 DannyKK is at seat 5 with $12696. nimag is at seat 6 with $4841. Darkman is at seat 8 with $2475. FRIEND is at seat 9 with $14358.50. The button is at seat 8. FRIEND posts the small blind of $40. DannyKK posts the big blind of $80. DannyKK: Js Ac nimag: -- -- Darkman: -- -- FRIEND: -- -- Pre-flop: nimag folds. Darkman raises to $160. FRIEND folds. DannyKK calls. Flop (board: Ks Jc As): DannyKK checks. Darkman bets $80. DannyKK calls. Turn (board: Ks Jc As 4s): DannyKK checks. Darkman bets $160. DannyKK raises to $320. Darkman re-raises to $480. DannyKK calls. River (board: Ks Jc As 4s Kh): DannyKK checks. Darkman bets $160. DannyKK calls. Showdown: Darkman shows 9s 7s. Darkman has 9s 7s Ks As 4s: flush, ace high. DannyKK mucks cards. (DannyKK has Js Ac.) Hand #34296973-3022 Summary: $2 is raked from a pot of $1800. Darkman wins $1798 with flush, ace high. Citera
HTDrD Postad 30 Augusti , 2006 Författare Rapport Postad 30 Augusti , 2006 Usch... svårt att tappa den här handen med nöten mot a7 på floppen. Som tur var tog jag det lugnt, ett bet på turn och hela stacken hade varit borta. Hand #34298307-25200 at Yorktown Heights (No Limit Hold'em) Powered by UltimateBet Started at 30/Aug/06 04:22:03 stevedar is at seat 0 with $3314. Kungen is at seat 1 with $2061. ShatOnU is at seat 2 with $4534. CloseUrEyes is at seat 3 with $2982. DannyKK is at seat 4 with $5567. moknee is at seat 5 with $2475. The button is at seat 4. moknee posts the small blind of $10. stevedar posts the big blind of $25. stevedar: -- -- Kungen: -- -- ShatOnU: -- -- CloseUrEyes: -- -- DannyKK: Js Th moknee: -- -- Pre-flop: Kungen folds. ShatOnU folds. CloseUrEyes folds. DannyKK raises to $85. moknee calls. stevedar calls. Flop (board: Qc Ac Kd): moknee checks. stevedar checks. DannyKK bets $140. moknee folds. stevedar calls. Turn (board: Qc Ac Kd 7c): stevedar checks. DannyKK checks. River (board: Qc Ac Kd 7c 7d): stevedar bets $535. DannyKK calls. Showdown: stevedar shows Ad 7s. stevedar has Ad 7s Ac 7c 7d: full house, sevens full of aces. DannyKK mucks cards. (DannyKK has Js Th.) Hand #34298307-25200 Summary: $3 is raked from a pot of $1605. stevedar wins $1602 with full house, sevens full of aces. Citera
HTDrD Postad 30 Augusti , 2006 Författare Rapport Postad 30 Augusti , 2006 En nöt flopp till, den här gången mot ett monster och med bättre resultat. Hand #34298307-25128 at Yorktown Heights (No Limit Hold'em) Powered by UltimateBet Started at 30/Aug/06 03:50:10 stevedar is at seat 0 with $3304. Kungen is at seat 1 with $2661. ShatOnU is at seat 2 with $2465. Zja Zja is at seat 3 with $1710. DannyKK is at seat 4 with $2543. Cheddah is at seat 5 with $1042. The button is at seat 3. DannyKK posts the small blind of $10. Cheddah posts the big blind of $25. stevedar: -- -- Kungen: -- -- ShatOnU: -- -- Zja Zja: -- -- DannyKK: Qc Kc Cheddah: -- -- Pre-flop: stevedar folds. Kungen raises to $85. ShatOnU folds. Zja Zja folds. DannyKK calls. Cheddah calls. Flop (board: Th Ac Jh): DannyKK checks. Cheddah bets $190. Kungen calls. DannyKK calls. Turn (board: Th Ac Jh 7d): DannyKK checks. Cheddah goes all-in for $767. Kungen folds. DannyKK calls. River (board: Th Ac Jh 7d 5c): (no action in this round) Showdown: Cheddah shows Js Jc. Cheddah has Js Jc Th Ac Jh: three jacks. DannyKK shows Qc Kc. DannyKK has Qc Kc Th Ac Jh: straight, ace high. Hand #34298307-25128 Summary: $3 is raked from a pot of $2359. DannyKK wins $2356 with straight, ace high. Citera
HTDrD Postad 30 Augusti , 2006 Författare Rapport Postad 30 Augusti , 2006 Spelade 5 minuter HU på 10/25 PLO innan motståndaren fick nog. Stackarn. Först: Hand #34295604-5874 at Syracuse (Pot Limit Omaha) Powered by UltimateBet Started at 30/Aug/06 10:24:05 DannyKK is at seat 0 with $2165. P__Dubb is at seat 3 with $6001.50. roastbot is at seat 4 with $2936 (sitting out). The button is at seat 0. DannyKK posts the small blind of $10. P__Dubb posts the big blind of $25. DannyKK: Jd As 6c 4s P__Dubb: -- -- -- -- Pre-flop: DannyKK raises to $75. P__Dubb calls. Flop (board: 9h 5s 2s): P__Dubb checks. DannyKK bets $150. P__Dubb raises to $600. DannyKK re-raises to $1950. P__Dubb goes all-in for $5926.50. DannyKK goes all-in for $2090. P__Dubb is returned $3836.50 (uncalled). Turn (board: 9h 5s 2s Kd): (no action in this round) River (board: 9h 5s 2s Kd 3h): (no action in this round) Showdown: P__Dubb shows Qh 7d 7s 9s. P__Dubb has Qh 9s 9h 5s Kd: a pair of nines. DannyKK shows Jd As 6c 4s. DannyKK has 6c 4s 5s 2s 3h: straight, six high. Hand #34295604-5874 Summary: $.50 is raked from a pot of $4330. DannyKK wins $4329.50 with straight, six high. Sedan: Hand #34295604-5878 at Syracuse (Pot Limit Omaha) Powered by UltimateBet Started at 30/Aug/06 10:25:22 DannyKK is at seat 0 with $4154.50. P__Dubb is at seat 3 with $4010.50. roastbot is at seat 4 with $2936 (sitting out). The button is at seat 0. DannyKK posts the small blind of $10. P__Dubb posts the big blind of $25. DannyKK: 3s Jh 7c Js P__Dubb: -- -- -- -- Pre-flop: DannyKK raises to $75. P__Dubb re-raises to $225. DannyKK calls. Flop (board: 6c 4s Ks): P__Dubb bets $450. DannyKK calls. Turn (board: 6c 4s Ks Jd): P__Dubb bets $1350. DannyKK goes all-in for $3479.50. P__Dubb folds. DannyKK is returned $2129.50 (uncalled). Hand #34295604-5878 Summary: $.50 is raked from a pot of $4050. DannyKK wins $4049.50. Citera
HTDrD Postad 30 Augusti , 2006 Författare Rapport Postad 30 Augusti , 2006 Eftersom jag vann 3,5k på 5 minuter drog jag iväg till 300/600. Jag tänkte spela för max 3k, men det blev lite mera och slutade ned ca 5,2k efter några få minuters spel. Började iaf fint. Hand #34295003-3690 at Kalamazoo ($300/$600 Hold'em) Powered by UltimateBet Started at 30/Aug/06 10:29:18 asg999 is at seat 0 with $9876.50. DannyKK is at seat 1 with $14250. BlackJesus is at seat 2 with $28350. yes i did is at seat 3 with $30000 (sitting out). manurules is at seat 5 with $48861. YoooBC is at seat 6 with $16796. 1460kjak is at seat 7 with $20068.50. Darkman is at seat 8 with $7149. The button is at seat 2. manurules posts the small blind of $150. YoooBC rejects big blind. 1460kjak posts the big blind of $300. asg999: -- -- DannyKK: 9h 8d BlackJesus: -- -- manurules: -- -- 1460kjak: -- -- Darkman: -- -- Pre-flop: Darkman folds. asg999 folds. DannyKK raises to $600. BlackJesus folds. manurules calls. 1460kjak folds. Flop (board: 3s 9d Ts): manurules checks. DannyKK bets $300. manurules raises to $600. DannyKK calls. Turn (board: 3s 9d Ts 2d): manurules bets $600. DannyKK calls. River (board: 3s 9d Ts 2d Td): manurules bets $600. DannyKK calls. Showdown: manurules shows 8s 4s. manurules has 8s 4s 9d Ts Td: a pair of tens. DannyKK shows 9h 8d. DannyKK has 9h 8d 9d Ts Td: two pair, tens and nines. Hand #34295003-3690 Summary: $3 is raked from a pot of $5100. DannyKK wins $5097 with two pair, tens and nines. Citera
HTDrD Postad 30 Augusti , 2006 Författare Rapport Postad 30 Augusti , 2006 Sedan gick det på tok. Svarte Jesus har tydligen herren på sin sida. Det här var hans första hand.. Snacka om klonk. Hand #34295003-3694 at Kalamazoo ($300/$600 Hold'em) Powered by UltimateBet Started at 30/Aug/06 10:30:36 asg999 is at seat 0 with $9426.50. DannyKK is at seat 1 with $16647. BlackJesus is at seat 2 with $28350. yes i did is at seat 3 with $30000 (sitting out). manurules is at seat 5 with $44211. YoooBC is at seat 6 with $16796 (sitting out). 1460kjak is at seat 7 with $22765.50. Darkman is at seat 8 with $7149. WeToddDid is at seat 9 with $30000. The button is at seat 0. DannyKK posts the small blind of $150. BlackJesus posts the big blind of $300. asg999: -- -- DannyKK: As 9s BlackJesus: -- -- manurules: -- -- 1460kjak: -- -- Darkman: -- -- Pre-flop: manurules folds. 1460kjak folds. Darkman folds. asg999 folds. DannyKK raises to $600. BlackJesus re-raises to $900. DannyKK calls. Flop (board: 5c 7c 3s): DannyKK checks. BlackJesus bets $300. DannyKK calls. Turn (board: 5c 7c 3s 2c): DannyKK checks. BlackJesus bets $600. DannyKK calls. River (board: 5c 7c 3s 2c Ah): DannyKK checks. BlackJesus bets $600. DannyKK calls. Showdown: BlackJesus shows 9c 8c. BlackJesus has 9c 8c 5c 7c 2c: flush, nine high. DannyKK mucks cards. (DannyKK has As 9s.) Hand #34295003-3694 Summary: $3 is raked from a pot of $4800. BlackJesus wins $4797 with flush, nine high. Citera
HTDrD Postad 30 Augusti , 2006 Författare Rapport Postad 30 Augusti , 2006 Och min sista hand. Snyggt att enda kvarvarande ässet i leken floppar. Trist, men bättre lycka nästa gång. Hand #34295003-3699 at Kalamazoo ($300/$600 Hold'em) Powered by UltimateBet Started at 30/Aug/06 10:32:41 asg999 is at seat 0 with $6426.50. DannyKK is at seat 1 with $12895. BlackJesus is at seat 2 with $34044. yes i did is at seat 3 with $30000 (sitting out). manurules is at seat 5 with $44658. YoooBC is at seat 6 with $16796 (sitting out). 1460kjak is at seat 7 with $24412.50. Darkman is at seat 8 with $6399. WeToddDid is at seat 9 with $29700. The button is at seat 8. WeToddDid posts the small blind of $150. asg999 posts the big blind of $300. asg999: -- -- DannyKK: 9h Ac BlackJesus: -- -- manurules: -- -- 1460kjak: -- -- Darkman: -- -- WeToddDid: -- -- Pre-flop: DannyKK raises to $600. BlackJesus folds. manurules folds. 1460kjak folds. Darkman re-raises to $900. WeToddDid folds. asg999 calls. DannyKK calls. Flop (board: 6s Ad Ks): asg999 checks. DannyKK checks. Darkman bets $300. asg999 raises to $600. DannyKK calls. Darkman calls. Turn (board: 6s Ad Ks 2d): asg999 bets $600. DannyKK calls. Darkman calls. River (board: 6s Ad Ks 2d Kh): asg999 checks. DannyKK checks. Darkman bets $600. asg999 calls. DannyKK calls. Showdown: Darkman shows Jd Ah. Darkman has Jd Ah Ad Ks Kh: two pair, aces and kings. asg999 mucks cards. (asg999 has As 8s.) DannyKK mucks cards. (DannyKK has 9h Ac.) Hand #34295003-3699 Summary: $3 is raked from a pot of $8250. Darkman wins $8247 with two pair, aces and kings. Citera
HTDrD Postad 30 Augusti , 2006 Författare Rapport Postad 30 Augusti , 2006 Dags att stänga butiken för idag. Många timmar spel blev det. Låg upp nästan 20k ett tag men sedan tappade jag 5k i en skottning på 300/600 och därefter ytterligare 7k på ca 30 minuters spel på 50/100 FL och 5/10 NL efter att kortguden vänt mig ryggen en stund. Kvällen sena pass innehöll 3-4 stackningar och slutade till slut på +1k och dagen sammanlagt på finfina +9,8k. Lysande. V5: Dag1: +6k Dag2: +3,8k Dag3: +9,8k Några godbitar och några kluriga händer att fundera på följer i posterna nedan. Citera
HTDrD Postad 30 Augusti , 2006 Författare Rapport Postad 30 Augusti , 2006 3 av de 100-tals grymma utdragningarna på 50/100. Satte nytt rekord på hur snabbt man kan förlora 5k på den här nivån. Skapligt brutala va? Hand #34296906-1723 at Zarusnik ($50/$100 Hold'em) Powered by UltimateBet Started at 30/Aug/06 12:39:21 DannyKK is at seat 1 with $1402.50. well_played is at seat 2 with $4349. Bikkje is at seat 6 with $5298.50. Eddie Felson is at seat 7 with $9495.50. The button is at seat 1. well_played posts the small blind of $25. Bikkje posts the big blind of $50. DannyKK: Ad Qc well_played: -- -- Bikkje: -- -- Eddie Felson: -- -- Pre-flop: Eddie Felson raises to $100. DannyKK re-raises to $150. well_played folds. Bikkje folds. Eddie Felson calls. Flop (board: 5s Ac Ah): Triss, hahahaha Eddie Felson checks. DannyKK bets $50. Eddie Felson raises to $100. DannyKK calls. Turn (board: 5s Ac Ah 2d): Eddie Felson bets $100. DannyKK raises to $200. Eddie Felson calls. River (board: 5s Ac Ah 2d 3s): Eddie Felson checks. DannyKK bets $100. Eddie Felson raises to $200. DannyKK calls. Showdown: Eddie Felson shows As 3d. A3, bra hand det där. Eddie Felson has As 3d Ac Ah 3s: full house, aces full of threes. DannyKK mucks cards. (DannyKK has Ad Qc.) Hand #34296906-1723 Summary: $2 is raked from a pot of $1375. Eddie Felson wins $1373 with full house, aces full of threes. Hand #34296906-1678 at Zarusnik ($50/$100 Hold'em) Powered by UltimateBet Started at 30/Aug/06 12:20:56 DannyKK is at seat 1 with $3389.50. well_played is at seat 2 with $4121. Bikkje is at seat 6 with $4964.50. Eddie Felson is at seat 7 with $8089.50. PokerEngineer is at seat 9 with $3359.50. The button is at seat 9. DannyKK posts the small blind of $25. well_played posts the big blind of $50. DannyKK: 7s Ts well_played: -- -- Bikkje: -- -- Eddie Felson: -- -- PokerEngineer: -- -- Pre-flop: Bikkje folds. Eddie Felson raises to $100. PokerEngineer folds. DannyKK calls. well_played folds. Flop (board: 6s 8s 9c): NÖTTERNA!!!! DannyKK checks. Eddie Felson bets $50. DannyKK raises to $100. Eddie Felson calls. Turn (board: 6s 8s 9c 4s): JAAAA, färg!! DannyKK bets $100. Eddie Felson raises to $200. DannyKK re-raises to $300. Eddie Felson re-raises to $400. DannyKK calls. River (board: 6s 8s 9c 4s Kh): DannyKK checks. Eddie Felson bets $100. DannyKK calls. Showdown: Eddie Felson shows As 3s. NEJ NÖTTERNA!!! Eddie Felson has As 3s 6s 8s 4s: flush, ace high. DannyKK mucks cards. (DannyKK has 7s Ts.) Hand #34296906-1678 Summary: $3 is raked from a pot of $1450. Eddie Felson wins $1447 with flush, ace high. Hand #34296906-1667 at Zarusnik ($50/$100 Hold'em) Powered by UltimateBet Started at 30/Aug/06 12:16:08 DannyKK is at seat 1 with $5014.50. well_played is at seat 2 with $3380. Bikkje is at seat 6 with $4694.50. Eddie Felson is at seat 7 with $7872.50. PokerEngineer is at seat 9 with $2993.50. The button is at seat 7. PokerEngineer posts the small blind of $25. DannyKK posts the big blind of $50. DannyKK: Td Jc well_played: -- -- Bikkje: -- -- Eddie Felson: -- -- PokerEngineer: -- -- Pre-flop: well_played folds. Bikkje raises to $100. Eddie Felson folds. PokerEngineer folds. DannyKK calls. Flop (board: 3c Jh Kh): Bra, ett par. Fint! DannyKK checks. Bikkje bets $50. DannyKK calls. Turn (board: 3c Jh Kh 2h): Muhahaha, en 2:a. Helt ofarlig. DannyKK checks. Bikkje bets $100. DannyKK calls. River (board: 3c Jh Kh 2h Jd):HAHAHA, triss!! DannyKK checks. Bikkje bets $100. DannyKK raises to $200. Bikkje re-raises to $300. DannyKK calls. Showdown: Bikkje shows 2d 2s. Bikkje has 2d 2s Jh 2h Jd: full house, deuces full of jacks. DannyKK mucks cards. (DannyKK has Td Jc.) Hand #34296906-1667 Summary: $3 is raked from a pot of $1125. Bikkje wins $1122 with full house, deuces full of jacks. Citera
HTDrD Postad 30 Augusti , 2006 Författare Rapport Postad 30 Augusti , 2006 Samtidigt på ett 5/10 bord. Inte bra spelat direkt, men hålla.. Varför fick jag 100 beats på det andra bordet, svårt att koncentrera mig på handreadingen då. Här hade han ju QJ, eller hur? Hand #34296061-30613 at Leominster (No Limit Hold'em) Powered by UltimateBet Started at 30/Aug/06 12:22:42 2outer OBV is at seat 0 with $1699. dilbo is at seat 1 with $1453.25. DannyKK is at seat 2 with $1008.25. Canadiens1993 is at seat 3 with $924.75. McNallyville is at seat 4 with $1509.50. jorgesdaddy is at seat 5 with $1020. The button is at seat 5. 2outer OBV posts the small blind of $5. dilbo posts the big blind of $10. 2outer OBV: -- -- dilbo: -- -- DannyKK: Kd Qs Canadiens1993: -- -- McNallyville: -- -- jorgesdaddy: -- -- Pre-flop: DannyKK raises to $35. Canadiens1993 calls. McNallyville folds. jorgesdaddy folds. 2outer OBV folds. dilbo folds. Flop (board: Tc Qd 2d): DannyKK bets $65. Canadiens1993 calls. Turn (board: Tc Qd 2d 5c): DannyKK bets $155. Canadiens1993 calls. River (board: Tc Qd 2d 5c 8d): DannyKK bets $525. Canadiens1993 goes all-in for $669.75. DannyKK calls. Showdown: Canadiens1993 shows Kh Ks. Canadiens1993 has Kh Ks Tc Qd 8d: a pair of kings. DannyKK mucks cards. (DannyKK has Kd Qs.) Hand #34296061-30613 Summary: $3 is raked from a pot of $1864.50. Canadiens1993 wins $1861.50 with a pair of kings. Ojsan.. Ok jag reloadar direkt. Vänta jag hann inte.. Låt se vad jag har fått för någon skithand. Hand #34296061-30614 at Leominster (No Limit Hold'em) Powered by UltimateBet Started at 30/Aug/06 12:23:53 2outer OBV is at seat 0 with $1694. dilbo is at seat 1 with $1443.25. DannyKK is at seat 2 with $83.50. Canadiens1993 is at seat 3 with $1861.50. McNallyville is at seat 4 with $1509.50. jorgesdaddy is at seat 5 with $1020. The button is at seat 0. dilbo posts the small blind of $5. DannyKK posts the big blind of $10. 2outer OBV: -- -- dilbo: -- -- DannyKK: Ah Ad JAAAAAA, 83$ kvar. Jag pushar! Canadiens1993: -- -- McNallyville: -- -- jorgesdaddy: -- -- Pre-flop: Canadiens1993 folds. McNallyville folds. jorgesdaddy raises to $35. 2outer OBV folds. dilbo folds. DannyKK goes all-in for $83.50. jorgesdaddy calls. Flop (board: Kd 9c Ts): (no action in this round) Turn (board: Kd 9c Ts 8d): (no action in this round) River (board: Kd 9c Ts 8d Js): (no action in this round) Showdown: DannyKK shows Ah Ad. DannyKK has Ah Ad Kd Ts Js: a pair of aces. jorgesdaddy shows 7s 9s. jorgesdaddy has 7s 9s Ts 8d Js: straight, jack high. Hand #34296061-30614 Summary: $3 is raked from a pot of $172. jorgesdaddy wins $169 with straight, jack high. Citera
HTDrD Postad 30 Augusti , 2006 Författare Rapport Postad 30 Augusti , 2006 En fin PLO hand. Hand #34295573-604 at Frankfort (Pot Limit Omaha) Powered by UltimateBet Started at 30/Aug/06 16:57:28 DannyKK is at seat 0 with $2198. P0KERMILLI0N is at seat 1 with $2805.50. clownTown is at seat 2 with $2390. nukf is at seat 3 with $7914.50. SamRosthein is at seat 4 with $2957. mamamiya is at seat 5 with $4674.50. The button is at seat 1. nukf posts the small blind of $10. SamRosthein posts the big blind of $25. DannyKK: 2c 4h 5s 3s P0KERMILLI0N: -- -- -- -- nukf: -- -- -- -- SamRosthein: -- -- -- -- mamamiya: -- -- -- -- Pre-flop: mamamiya raises to $85. DannyKK calls. P0KERMILLI0N folds. nukf folds. SamRosthein calls. Flop (board: 2s Qh 7d): SamRosthein checks. mamamiya checks. DannyKK checks. Turn (board: 2s Qh 7d As): SamRosthein checks. mamamiya bets $265. DannyKK calls. SamRosthein folds. River (board: 2s Qh 7d As 3d): mamamiya checks. DannyKK bets $795. mamamiya calls. Showdown: DannyKK shows 2c 4h 5s 3s. DannyKK has 4h 5s 2s As 3d: straight, five high. mamamiya mucks cards. (mamamiya has Ac 5h 6h Ah.) Hand #34295573-604 Summary: $2 is raked from a pot of $2385. DannyKK wins $2383 with straight, five high. Citera
HTDrD Postad 30 Augusti , 2006 Författare Rapport Postad 30 Augusti , 2006 Jag sitter och väntar ensam på action på ett 10/25$. En snubbe slår sig ned, förlorar första handen och det här är hans andra hand. Hand #34296784-16857 at Morgantown (No Limit Hold'em) Powered by UltimateBet Started at 30/Aug/06 16:51:07 DannyKK is at seat 3 with $2525. Mirada Mama is at seat 4 with $975. The button is at seat 4. Mirada Mama posts the small blind of $10. DannyKK posts the big blind of $25. DannyKK: Ad As Mirada Mama: -- -- Pre-flop: Mirada Mama raises to $75. DannyKK calls. Flop (board: 4s Jh Qd): DannyKK checks. Mirada Mama bets $150. DannyKK calls. Turn (board: 4s Jh Qd Qs): DannyKK checks. Mirada Mama bets $115. DannyKK calls. River (board: 4s Jh Qd Qs 7s): DannyKK checks. Mirada Mama goes all-in for $635. DannyKK calls. Showdown: Mirada Mama shows 4h 4d. Mirada Mama has 4h 4d 4s Qd Qs: full house, fours full of queens. DannyKK mucks cards. (DannyKK has Ad As.) Hand #34296784-16857 Summary: $.50 is raked from a pot of $1950. Mirada Mama wins $1949.50 with full house, fours full of queens. Han lämnade bordet. Spelade 2 händer, vann med set mot AA. Tackar. Jag undrar hur jag lyckades klara mig från tilt efter det. Försökte leta efter honom på alla möjliga bord utan att lyckas. Hoppas på snar revansch. Citera
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