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Skulle jag bettat rivern? Fanns det något jag skulle gjort annorlunda? Skullle jag höjt på floppen? Hade jag haft ledningen hade jag ändå fått syn av händerna som drar ut mig, ligger jag under hade jag ev fått reda på det.


- spyse sitting in seat 1 with $12.38 [Dealer]

- jondyx sitting in seat 2 with $20.98

- diydiy sitting in seat 3 with $8.27

- mirin sitting in seat 4 with $12.30

- fenace sitting in seat 5 with $9.29

- BestBear sitting in seat 6 with $27.16

jondyx posted the small blind - $0.07

diydiy posted the big blind - $0.15

** Dealing card to spyse: 3 of Diamonds, 3 of Clubs

mirin folded

fenace folded

BestBear called - $0.15

spyse called - $0.15

jondyx called - $0.15

diydiy checked

** Dealing the flop: 3 of Spades, 4 of Hearts, 5 of Clubs

jondyx bet - $0.15

diydiy folded

BestBear called - $0.15

spyse called - $0.15

** Dealing the turn: Ace of Clubs

jondyx bet - $0.30

BestBear called - $0.30

spyse raised - $0.60

jondyx called - $0.60

BestBear called - $0.60

** Dealing the river: 9 of Diamonds

jondyx bet - $0.30

BestBear called - $0.30

spyse called - $0.30

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