Jag la ut cirka 6.5k. Vi bubblade finalborrt på 20k,10k $109 på party.
En ITM på Stars. På party 4 itm. Ene torskar AA vs JJ på bubblan i en 80k pott. Han som går längst torskar en 500k pott AA vs AT djupt itm. Slutar ~75.
Backade 2k totalt på ett ungefär.
Dessa två händer, som nästan var back to back, när det var 125 pers kvar i den stora på Party tog mig från 6:e plats i chip count till seriöst shortstacked med bara 10xBB och sedan gick blinds upp några händer senare så då var det bara 6xBB kvar. I båda hade jag andra killen dominerad.
***** Hand History for Game 4992724029 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 27629083) - Sun Aug 20 22:45:13 EDT 2006
Table Sunday Million Guaranteed(798580) Table 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: chase21 (292459)
Seat 2: ne2aces_ (265110)
Seat 3: g1string (175869)
Seat 4: DocRaoulDuke (507211)
Seat 5: mermaidpokr (187758)
Seat 6: sios_knn (41962)
Seat 7: FlipMaker (253698)
Seat 8: mikeyivey (411631)
Seat 9: teribil (145744)
Seat 10: Ness1299 (223847)
chase21 posts ante (500)
ne2aces_ posts ante (500)
g1string posts ante (500)
DocRaoulDuke posts ante (500)
mermaidpokr posts ante (500)
sios_knn posts ante (500)
FlipMaker posts ante (500)
mikeyivey posts ante (500)
teribil posts ante (500)
Ness1299 posts ante (500)
Ness1299 posts small blind (10000)
chase21 posts big blind (20000)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to DocRaoulDuke [ Ah, Ad ]
ne2aces_ folds.
g1string folds.
DocRaoulDuke raises (50000) to 50000
mermaidpokr folds.
sios_knn folds.
FlipMaker folds.
mikeyivey folds.
teribil folds.
Ness1299 raises (213347) to 223347
Ness1299 is all-In.
chase21 folds.
DocRaoulDuke calls (173347)
Creating Main Pot with $471694 with Ness1299
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Th, 8d, 6h ]
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2c ]
** Dealing River ** : [ Td ]
** Summary **
Main Pot: 471694 |
Board: [ Th 8d 6h 2c Td ]
chase21 balance 271959, lost 20500 (folded)
ne2aces_ balance 264610, lost 500 (folded)
g1string balance 175369, lost 500 (folded)
DocRaoulDuke balance 283364, lost 223847 [ Ah Ad ] [ two pairs, aces and tens -- Ah,Ad,Th,Td,8d ]
mermaidpokr balance 187258, lost 500 (folded)
sios_knn balance 41462, lost 500 (folded)
FlipMaker balance 253198, lost 500 (folded)
mikeyivey balance 411131, lost 500 (folded)
teribil balance 145244, lost 500 (folded)
Ness1299 balance 471694, bet 223847, collected 471694, net +247847 [ Ts As ] [ three of a kind, tens -- As,Ts,Th,Td,8d ]
***** Hand History for Game 4992745744 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 27629083) - Sun Aug 20 22:47:42 EDT 2006
Table Sunday Million Guaranteed(798580) Table 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: chase21 (260959)
Seat 2: ne2aces_ (233610)
Seat 3: g1string (124369)
Seat 4: DocRaoulDuke (347364)
Seat 5: mermaidpokr (186258)
Seat 6: sios_knn (40462)
Seat 7: FlipMaker (287198)
Seat 8: mikeyivey (410131)
Seat 9: teribil (144244)
Seat 10: Ness1299 (470694)
chase21 posts ante (500)
ne2aces_ posts ante (500)
g1string posts ante (500)
DocRaoulDuke posts ante (500)
mermaidpokr posts ante (500)
sios_knn posts ante (500)
FlipMaker posts ante (500)
mikeyivey posts ante (500)
teribil posts ante (500)
Ness1299 posts ante (500)
g1string posts small blind (10000)
DocRaoulDuke posts big blind (20000)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to DocRaoulDuke [ 5c, 5s ]
mermaidpokr folds.
sios_knn folds.
FlipMaker folds.
mikeyivey folds.
teribil folds.
Ness1299 folds.
chase21 folds.
ne2aces_ calls (20000)
g1string raises (113869) to 123869
g1string is all-In.
DocRaoulDuke raises (326864) to 346864
DocRaoulDuke is all-In.
ne2aces_ folds.
Creating Main Pot with $272738 with g1string
Creating Side Pot 1 with $222995 with DocRaoulDuke
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7s, 7h, Tc ]
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Ad ]
** Dealing River ** : [ 8d ]
** Summary **
Main Pot: 272738 | Side Pot 1: 222995
Board: [ 7s 7h Tc Ad 8d ]
chase21 balance 260459, lost 500 (folded)
ne2aces_ balance 213110, lost 20500 (folded)
g1string balance 272738, bet 124369, collected 272738, net +148369 [ 5h Ac ] [ two pairs, aces and sevens -- Ac,Ad,Tc,7s,7h ]
DocRaoulDuke balance 222995, bet 347364, collected 222995, lost -124369 [ 5c 5s ] [ two pairs, sevens and fives -- Ad,7s,7h,5c,5s ]
mermaidpokr balance 185758, lost 500 (folded)
sios_knn balance 39962, lost 500 (folded)
FlipMaker balance 286698, lost 500 (folded)
mikeyivey balance 409631, lost 500 (folded)
teribil balance 143744, lost 500 (folded)
Ness1299 balance 470194, lost 500 (folded)
Hade jag vunnit dem båda hade jag haft chiplead tror jag, iaf inte långt ifrån.