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Allt postat av SirTiner

  1. inga dator proffs här inte. Vista drar inte 800 meg och man kan inte räkna med firefox på för det drar lika mycket med vista som i xp. Sen är det många som klagar på minnet i Vista, läs detta: SuperFetch Windows SuperFetch enables programs and files to load much faster than they would on Windows XP–based PCs. When you're not actively using your computer, background tasks—including automatic backup programs and antivirus scans—run when they will least disturb you. These background tasks can take up system memory space that your programs had been using. On Windows XP–based PCs, this can slow progress to a crawl when you attempt to resume work. SuperFetch monitors which applications you use the most and preloads these into your system memory so they'll be ready when you need them. Windows Vista also runs background programs, like disk defragmenting and Windows Defender, at low priority so that they can do their job but your work always comes first. att vista inte funkar så bra för vissa har med Drivrutiner för graffe åsså vidare.
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