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Allt postat av wheelinho

  1. Chris och jag har bråkat massa, dock har han typ vunnit alla duster och han 3betar mig typ HELA tiden. Så skönt när han ger tillbaka lite $ ** Andvari [Hold 'em] (5.00|10.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - Frisell sitting in seat 1 with $559.14 - wheelinho sitting in seat 2 with $1979.50 [Dealer] - Wyern sitting in seat 3 with $1811.00 - Chris-Bg sitting in seat 4 with $1343.00 - tinkeri sitting in seat 5 with $1527.00 - Royke sitting in seat 6 with $88.00 Wyern posted the small blind - $5.00 Chris-Bg posted the big blind - $10.00 ** Dealing card to wheelinho: , tinkeri folded Royke folded Frisell folded wheelinho raised - $36.00 Wyern called - $36.00 Chris-Bg raised - $150.00 wheelinho raised - $396.00 Wyern folded Chris-Bg went all-in - $1203.00 wheelinho called - $1353.00 ** Dealing the flop: , , ** Dealing the turn: ** Dealing the river: Chris-Bg shows: , wheelinho shows: , wheelinho wins $2739.00 from the main pot
  2. Jag folda då hans syn på turn lukta spaderdraget, pluss att han typ bomba river ganska snabbt va bara en känsla jag fick. Tror inte han bluffar så ofta här heller.
  3. riggat ** Andvari [Hold 'em] (5.00|10.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - wheelinho sitting in seat 1 with $1160.75 - tangocash7 sitting in seat 2 with $647.27 - presamicke sitting in seat 3 with $730.25 - HU4RollzPLZ sitting in seat 4 with $1065.75 - halilk sitting in seat 5 with $1259.75 [Dealer] - Nadja sitting in seat 6 with $1014.25 Nadja posted the small blind - $5.00 wheelinho posted the big blind - $10.00 ** Dealing card to wheelinho: , tangocash7 folded presamicke folded HU4RollzPLZ folded halilk called - $10.00 Nadja folded wheelinho bet - $50.00 halilk called - $50.00 ** Dealing the flop: , , wheelinho bet - $80.00 halilk raised - $160.00 wheelinho called - $160.00 ** Dealing the turn: wheelinho checked halilk checked ** Dealing the river: wheelinho bet - $280.00 halilk raised - $632.50 (ojoj) wheelinho went all-in - $680.75 halilk called - $960.75 wheelinho shows: , halilk mucks: wheelinho wins $2343.50 from the main pot
  4. dåligt med read ** Duneyr [Hold 'em] (5.00|10.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - Wyern sitting in seat 1 with $990.00 - Veppa sitting in seat 2 with $681.00 [sitting out] - wheelinho sitting in seat 3 with $949.00 - Guava sitting in seat 4 with $592.70 - presamicke sitting in seat 5 with $1832.53 [Dealer] - tudor79 sitting in seat 6 with $1283.11 tudor79 posted the small blind - $5.00 Wyern posted the big blind - $10.00 ** Dealing card to wheelinho: , wheelinho raised - $36.00 Guava folded presamicke folded tudor79 called - $36.00 Wyern folded ** Dealing the flop: , , tudor79 checked wheelinho bet - $65.00 tudor79 called - $65.00 ** Dealing the turn: tudor79 checked wheelinho bet - $160.00 tudor79 called - $160.00 ** Dealing the river: tudor79 bet - $368.59 wheelinho
  5. tyty Ligger ca 1k back idag. Spelade in 40 minuter av mitt lir idag, dock orka jag inte kommentera, funderar dock på om man kan kommentera i efterhand, att man spelar in sin inspelning och kommenterar samtidigt då. Va iofs inte super intressant session men kanske finns något intresse av att klanka ner lite på mitt spel? Spela 4 5/10 bord i början sen blev ett bord 3/6(plus 3 5/10 då) där jag lyckas busta typ direkt
  6. Cashgame 1/10 - $600 2/10 - $4,600 3/10 - $900 4/10 - $300 5/10 - $4,600 6/10 - $3,600 7/10 - $2,700 8/10 - $600 9/10 - $4,500 10/10 - $7,100 Totalus: $18,500
  7. Tror jag hade betat turn ganska ofta där
  8. Tack Lirar på Microgaming(Prima) just nu. De vet jag inte, men de känns alltid skönt att man vet att de kommer in en liten slant i början av varje månad
  9. Han äger/delägare nog hel del företag skulle jag tro, likaså eli, han sägs ju vara way rikast av alla i The big game, tror jag hört att han äger ca 50 "företag" i Las Vegas.
  10. Folk gör verklingen allt för att ge bort pengar idag ** Iolana [Hold 'em] (2.50|5.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - estella sitting in seat 1 with $852.20 - maatjo sitting in seat 2 with $0.00 [sitting out] - _GargameL_ sitting in seat 3 with $881.41 - mrkemp sitting in seat 4 with $500.00 [sitting out] - _ship_it_ sitting in seat 5 with $507.50 - wheelinho sitting in seat 6 with $562.13 [Dealer] estella posted the small blind - $2.50 _GargameL_ posted the big blind - $5.00 ** Dealing card to wheelinho: , _ship_it_ raised - $20.00 wheelinho raised - $70.00 estella folded _GargameL_ folded _ship_it_ called - $70.00 ** Dealing the flop: , , _ship_it_ checked wheelinho bet - $110.00 _ship_it_ called - $110.00 ** Dealing the turn: _ship_it_ checked wheelinho checked ** Dealing the river: _ship_it_ went all-in - $327.50 wheelinho called - $327.50 _ship_it_ shows: , wheelinho shows: , wheelinho wins $1019.50 from the main pot
  11. Börja få lite väl mycket $ på kontot så jag casha ut hälften ungefär, får se om de blir lite NL500/600 nu i början tills uttagnings riggen är över
  12. alltså höger är alltid höger? Han kanske spelar med ryggen emot bordet?
  13. Sjukt nice resultat. Vad spelar du för limit just nu?
  14. $8,000 plus idag just nu
  15. Standard? ** Somebody Needs You [Hold 'em] (5.00|10.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - wheelinho sitting in seat 1 with $3339.94 - HU4RollzPLZ sitting in seat 2 with $985.00 - tigere1 sitting in seat 3 with $795.83 - CanCollector sitting in seat 4 with $1000.00 - presamicke sitting in seat 5 with $819.00 [Dealer] - Condorcet sitting in seat 6 with $3144.87 Condorcet posted the small blind - $5.00 wheelinho posted the big blind - $10.00 ** Dealing card to wheelinho: , HU4RollzPLZ folded tigere1 raised - $20.00 CanCollector called - $20.00 presamicke folded Condorcet folded wheelinho called - $20.00 ** Dealing the flop: , , wheelinho checked tigere1 checked CanCollector bet - $32.50 wheelinho raised - $100.00 tigere1 folded CanCollector called - $100.00 ** Dealing the turn: wheelinho checked CanCollector bet - $200.00 wheelinho called - $200.00 ** Dealing the river: wheelinho checked CanCollector bet - $400.00 wheelinho folded CanCollector mucks: CanCollector wins $1062.00 from the main pot
  16. missnöjd med denna. Bör väl bet/folda turn? ** Another Try [Hold 'em] (5.00|10.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - PaidDay sitting in seat 1 with $1052.00 - amexos sitting in seat 2 with $1127.00 - presamicke sitting in seat 3 with $720.00 [Dealer] - tinkeri sitting in seat 4 with $1173.00 - neon77 sitting in seat 5 with $1098.19 - wheelinho sitting in seat 6 with $1441.45 tinkeri posted the small blind - $5.00 neon77 posted the big blind - $10.00 ** Dealing card to wheelinho: , wheelinho raised - $36.00 PaidDay folded amexos called - $36.00 presamicke folded tinkeri called - $36.00 neon77 folded ** Dealing the flop: , , tinkeri checked wheelinho bet - $85.00 amexos called - $85.00 tinkeri folded ** Dealing the turn: wheelinho checked amexos bet - $240.00 wheelinho called - $240.00 ** Dealing the river: wheelinho checked amexos went all-in - $766.00 wheelinho folded amexos mucks: amexos wins $1531.00 from the main pot Vad gör vi här? ** Somebody Needs You [Hold 'em] (5.00|10.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - wheelinho sitting in seat 1 with $2577.46 - HU4RollzPLZ sitting in seat 2 with $1327.91 - tigere1 sitting in seat 3 with $479.60 - tinkeri sitting in seat 4 with $778.48 - presamicke sitting in seat 5 with $819.00 - Condorcet sitting in seat 6 with $3021.75 [Dealer] wheelinho posted the small blind - $5.00 HU4RollzPLZ posted the big blind - $10.00 ** Dealing card to wheelinho: , tigere1 raised - $20.00 tinkeri folded presamicke folded Condorcet called - $20.00 wheelinho called - $20.00 HU4RollzPLZ called - $20.00 ** Dealing the flop: , , wheelinho checked HU4RollzPLZ checked tigere1 checked Condorcet checked ** Dealing the turn: wheelinho bet - $55.00 HU4RollzPLZ folded tigere1 called - $55.00 Condorcet raised - $287.00 wheelinho
  17. wtf!? ** Somebody Needs You [Hold 'em] (5.00|10.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - wheelinho sitting in seat 1 with $1472.46 - HU4RollzPLZ sitting in seat 2 with $1406.91 [Dealer] - tigere1 sitting in seat 3 with $877.34 - tinkeri sitting in seat 4 with $1122.00 - presamicke sitting in seat 5 with $819.00 - Condorcet sitting in seat 6 with $2767.75 tigere1 posted the small blind - $5.00 tinkeri posted the big blind - $10.00 ** Dealing card to wheelinho: , presamicke folded Condorcet folded wheelinho raised - $36.00 HU4RollzPLZ folded tigere1 folded tinkeri raised - $125.00 wheelinho raised - $366.00 tinkeri went all-in - $1007.00 wheelinho called - $1132.00 ** Dealing the flop: , , ** Dealing the turn: ** Dealing the river: tinkeri shows: , wheelinho shows: , wheelinho wins $2266.00 from the main pot
  18. 23k händer, men nästan alla vinster är från NL1000 så. 4/33 i andra breaket. Jobba! Edit: ute som 31a, AK mot KK och QQ. KK täckte mig
  19. jopp, han checka bakom med 4-6 på en spader 7a på river. Lirar en $25 re-buy på Prima, chippe i första breaket med 75 pers kvar
  20. hatar dessa lägen, äcklig miniraise på turn när man har överpar. Raise på turn brukar ju betyda STYRKA. Hur spelar vi vidare? ** Dreng [Hold 'em] (2.50|5.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - Challe51 sitting in seat 1 with $933.63 - wheelinho sitting in seat 2 with $495.00 - bareev sitting in seat 3 with $583.88 - Diagonals sitting in seat 4 with $637.51 - PHiLLeDiNGUE sitting in seat 5 with $1651.94 - plumagay sitting in seat 6 with $641.39 [Dealer] Challe51 posted the small blind - $2.50 wheelinho posted the big blind - $5.00 ** Dealing card to wheelinho: , bareev folded Diagonals folded PHiLLeDiNGUE folded plumagay called - $5.00 Challe51 called - $5.00 wheelinho bet - $20.00 plumagay called - $20.00 Challe51 folded ** Dealing the flop: , , wheelinho bet - $35.00 plumagay called - $35.00 ** Dealing the turn: wheelinho bet - $80.00 plumagay raised - $160.00 wheelinho
  21. Grattis & gl i 500krs
  22. Cashgame 1/10 - $600 2/10 - $4,600 3/10 - $900 4/10 - $300 5/10 - $4,600 6/10 - $3,600 7/10 - $2,700 8/10 - $600 9/10 - $4,500 Totalus: $11,400
  23. Regular som efter denna hand börjar håna mig för att vara dålig osvosv... Man blir ju ledsen ** Night Owl [Hold 'em] (2.50|5.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - wheelinho sitting in seat 2 with $527.13 - Roald373 sitting in seat 3 with $538.63 [Dealer] - Fayth sitting in seat 4 with $495.13 - 5goldstars sitting in seat 5 with $1884.22 - Darkored sitting in seat 6 with $50.00 Fayth posted the small blind - $2.50 5goldstars posted the big blind - $5.00 ** Dealing card to wheelinho: , Darkored folded wheelinho raised - $20.00 Roald373 folded Fayth called - $20.00 5goldstars folded ** Dealing the flop: , , Fayth bet - $30.00 wheelinho raised - $95.00 Fayth went all-in - $447.63 wheelinho called - $477.63 ** Dealing the turn: ** Dealing the river: Fayth shows: , wheelinho shows: , wheelinho wins $997.26 from the main pot
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