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Allt postat av mariani

  1. Ah gjorde det han slowa KK men det är väl bara att betala då...
  2. Vad gör ni? Vad ska han ha? Texas Hold'em $4-$4 NL (Real Money), #522,017,193 Table Potosi, 24 May 2006 4:54 PM ET Seat 1: xxx [ACQC] ($805.60 in chips) Seat 2: a-clubpoker ($393.20 in chips) Seat 3: Xasunt ($343.50 in chips) Seat 4: GreedyBuddha ($502.80 in chips) Seat 5: scottu ($396 in chips) Seat 6: cakeboy x ($186.20 in chips) Seat 7: azumah23 ($233.40 in chips) Seat 8: fjellsko ($281.60 in chips) Seat 9: AAkula ($395 in chips) Seat 10: Hacko ($190 in chips) ANTES/BLINDS GreedyBuddha posts blind ($2), scottu posts blind ($4). PRE-FLOP cakeboy x folds, azumah23 calls $4, fjellsko folds, AAkula folds, Hacko folds, xxx bets $20, a-clubpoker folds, Xasunt folds, GreedyBuddha folds, scottu folds, azumah23 calls $16. FLOP [board cards 3S,9C,QD ] azumah23 checks, xxx bets $40, azumah23 bets $113
  3. Har idag lirat NL400 var nere på -900 men slutade sedan på +150 men pendlade riktigt rejält men sen +50 kanske efter turre. Kan väl inte syna denna, fi är ganska kompetent, hitills tight. Texas Hold'em $4-$4 NL (Real Money), #520,901,810 Table Biloxi, 24 May 2006 11:20 AM ET Seat 2: zcar18765 ($196.10 in chips) Seat 3: Machete0 ($203.10 in chips) Seat 6: langleylad ($498.20 in chips) Seat 8: sun_lee ($522 in chips) Seat 9: xxx [QQ]($582.70 in chips) ANTES/BLINDS sun_lee posts blind ($2), xxx posts blind ($4). PRE-FLOP zcar18765 bets $8, Machete0 calls $8, langleylad calls $8, sun_lee calls $6, xxx bets $30, zcar18765 calls $26, Machete0 folds, langleylad calls $26, sun_lee calls $26. FLOP [board cards 9C,3S,7C ] sun_lee checks, xxx bets $100, zcar18765 folds, langleylad bets $464.20 and is all-in, sun_lee folds, xxx folds. Ska jag fortsätta raisa på turn och ev. lägga vid omslag (kickern) eller hur? Vad betta på turn? Fi är förövrigt en av de sämsta spelarna jag någonsin mött men har otroligt tur, han gick in med lite men träffar hela tiden, han är ganska lös. Texas Hold'em $4-$4 NL (Real Money), #520,981,000 Table Biloxi, 24 May 2006 11:48 AM ET Seat 7: broonie2 ($121.40 in chips) Seat 8: sun_lee ($477 in chips) Seat 9: xxx [ AS,JH ]($560.20 in chips) Seat 10: all in too ($337.80 in chips) ANTES/BLINDS sun_lee posts blind ($2), xxx posts blind ($4). PRE-FLOP all in too calls $4, broonie2 calls $4, sun_lee calls $2, xxx bets $16, all in too calls $16, broonie2 folds, sun_lee folds. FLOP [board cards AH,3D,5H ] xxx bets $30, all in too calls $30. TURN [board cards AH,3D,5H,3S ] xxx checks, all in too checks. RIVER [board cards AH,3D,5H,3S,2S ] xxx checks, all in too bets $100, xxx calls $100. SHOWDOWN all in too shows [ AD,4D ] xxx mucks cards [ AS,JH ] all in too wins $306. Hur spelar man en sådan här hand, fortsätta betta på turn antar jag men hur mycket isåfall? Texas Hold'em $6-$6 NL (Real Money), #521,219,828 Table Kortrijk, 24 May 2006 1:08 PM ET Seat 1: moratti ($1,049.30 in chips) Seat 3: d0ct0r ($1,096.70 in chips) Seat 4: RockyTopJeff ($297 in chips) Seat 5: ASSOS1 ($780 in chips) Seat 6: Mr.Karlson ($252.35 in chips) Seat 7: xxx [ 8D,QD ]($807 in chips) Seat 8: The Rocks ($600 in chips) Seat 9: balordo10 ($72 in chips) ANTES/BLINDS Mr.Karlson posts blind ($3), xxx posts blind ($6). PRE-FLOP The Rocks folds, balordo10 folds, moratti calls $6, d0ct0r folds, RockyTopJeff folds, ASSOS1 folds, Mr.Karlson calls $3, xxx checks. FLOP [board cards 8C,4D,7H ] Mr.Karlson checks, xxx bets $15, moratti calls $15, Mr.Karlson folds. TURN [board cards 8C,4D,7H,10C ] xxx checks, moratti bets $28, xxx calls $28. RIVER [board cards 8C,4D,7H,10C,9H ] xxx checks, moratti checks. SHOWDOWN xxx shows [ 8D,QD ] moratti mucks cards [ QS,KC ] xxx wins $101.
  4. Ok, då. Säg till när du vill möta mig, vad är oddset? nån som vill satsa?
  5. Lirade lite nu, +250 men nu är det plugg som gäller. PS Nästa gång får du hitta på en bättre bortförklaring PinkFloyd, jag ska ta dig HU varken du vill eller inte hehe
  6. Aja plussade 500 i alla fall på NL200 så ska väl upp NL400 snart igen. Snart innan nästa rigg kommer idag var det helt otroligt och igår ska ingen prata om men i förrgår var det värst Hoppas det har lagt sig nu...
  7. HAHA så jädra roligt att jaginte kan sluta jag bara sitter och undrar vad de ska dra utmig på hahaha runner runner flush färg 2par mot set ja.... hahha
  8. Ne får nog läägga ner pokern asso, runner runner flush 7 utdragningar på river av 10 de senaste händerna HU nu TILT... fråga Mr.Tony
  9. Surt surt, men om du hade varit han hur hade du spelat då, likadant eller lagt handen?
  10. Är det gymnasiet du går ur? socialbidrag då?
  11. Men egentligen 96 handen spelade ju inte så stor roll att jag ur pos eftersom jag iaf ville få in keramiken sen 36 handen borde jag kanske raisat hårdare så vi hade kommit all-in redan på floppen...
  12. Ne läste precis i pokeredge dagbok och kom på att det faktiskt var ett bra spel
  13. Igår var iaf en jädra skitdag! Blev nog mycket dåligt spel igår också, lirade även FL 5-10 och 10-20 började med att vinna 500 till att sedan gå ner till -500!!! Summering: SLÄNG SKIT UR POSITION -1845 +4051 i Maj
  14. Har kommit på att den nog faktiskt var riktigt bra spelad, borde nog ha stor fold-eq på han här. Texas Hold'em $3-$6 NL (real money), hand #506,574,531 Table Vienna, 21 May 2006 1:42 AM ET Seat 3: ATG1172 ($179.10 in chips) Seat 4: a-clubpoker ($162.00 in chips) Seat 6: xxx [ 9C,6C ] ($1,126.25 in chips) Seat 8: Goldensilver ($101.00 in chips) Seat 9: michaudd ($428.50 in chips) ANTES/BLINDS Goldensilver posts blind ($3), michaudd posts blind ($6). PRE-FLOP ATG1172 folds, a-clubpoker folds, xxx bets $20, Goldensilver folds, michaudd calls $14. FLOP [board cards 4C,JH,8C ] michaudd checks, xxx bets $35, michaudd bets $125, xxx bets $1,071.25 and is all-in, michaudd calls $283.50 and is all-in. TURN [board cards 4C,JH,8C,8H ] RIVER [board cards 4C,JH,8C,8H,2D ] SHOWDOWN xxx shows [ 9C,6C ] michaudd shows [ JD,AC ] xxx wins $697.75, michaudd wins $857.
  15. Jaaa, slutade spela ur pos ett tag verkar som jag fått tillbaka det nu Verkar bli så efter att jag inte sätter nåt o torskar bra mot bättre men detta är helt klart en grej som måste förbättras, men som sagt jag hade fått bort det ett tag
  16. haha bra syn av mig tänkte dukasnek hade ak... very bad
  17. Ne denna var dåligt spelad. Här kommer några coinflips(förlorade såklart gick inte att vinna dem idag) plus någon mer. Texas Hold'em $2-$4 NL (real money), hand #505,873,557 Table Dana Point, 20 May 2006 10:16 PM ET Seat 1: Sewer x Rat ($396.00 in chips) Seat 2: bone256 ($1,477.10 in chips) Seat 3: dostietj ($394.00 in chips) Seat 4: Great Scott ($377.00 in chips) Seat 5: NYCE321 ($472.40 in chips) Seat 6: jhoffmann ($508.60 in chips) Seat 7: scottu ($256.90 in chips) Seat 8: xxx [ 6H,9H ] ($530.30 in chips) Seat 10: FunBoy57 ($490.20 in chips) ANTES/BLINDS scottu posts blind ($2), xxx posts blind ($4). PRE-FLOP FunBoy57 calls $4, Sewer x Rat folds, bone256 bets $13, dostietj folds, Great Scott folds, NYCE321 folds, jhoffmann folds, scottu folds, xxx calls $9, FunBoy57 folds. FLOP [board cards JH,4H,9S ] xxx checks, bone256 bets $30, xxxbets $90, bone256 bets $150, xxxbets $427.30 and is all-in, bone256 calls $337.30. TURN [board cards JH,4H,9S,2D ] RIVER [board cards JH,4H,9S,2D,KD ] SHOWDOWN xxx shows [ 6H,9H ] bone256 shows [ AH,AS ] bone256 wins $1,063.60 nästintill 50/50 enligt pokerstove Texas Hold'em $2-$4 NL (real money), hand #506,567,945 Table Dana Point, 21 May 2006 1:40 AM ET Seat 1: card shark19 ($364.40 in chips) Seat 2: tamarac ($244.25 in chips) Seat 3: Hustler 67 ($262.40 in chips) Seat 4: jhoffmann ($321.00 in chips) Seat 5: awkword411 ($388.00 in chips) Seat 6: Halduva ($225.75 in chips) Seat 7: mutixxx ($672.20 in chips) Seat 8: xxx [ 5C,5D ] ($394.40 in chips) Seat 9: seasider88 ($947.40 in chips) Seat 10: jb3 x ($161.00 in chips) ANTES/BLINDS Halduva posts blind ($2), mutixxx posts blind ($4). PRE-FLOP xxx calls $4, seasider88 calls $4, jb3 x folds, card shark19 folds, tamarac folds, Hustler 67 folds, jhoffmann folds, awkword411 folds, Halduva folds, mutixxx bets $10, xxx calls $10, seasider88 calls $10. FLOP [board cards 9S,5H,3D ] mutixxx bets $15, xxx bets $45, seasider88 calls $45, mutixxx calls $30. TURN [board cards 9S,5H,3D,3C ] mutixxx checks, xxx bets $100, seasider88 bets $200, mutixxx folds, xxx bets $235.40 and is all-in, seasider88 calls $135.40. RIVER [board cards 9S,5H,3D,3C,2H ] SHOWDOWN xxx shows [ 5C,5D ] seasider88 shows [ 9D,9H ] seasider88 wins $846.80. Inte turen med mig idag. Texas Hold'em $2-$4 NL (real money), hand #506,186,683 Table Youngstown, 20 May 2006 11:46 PM ET Seat 1: MrChigley ($206.20 in chips) Seat 4: BlackCoffe55 ($1,272.90 in chips) Seat 6: ekrem58 ($298.20 in chips) Seat 7: xxx [ 3S,6S ] ($364.80 in chips) Seat 8: TILT4REAL ($197.80 in chips) ANTES/BLINDS xxx posts blind ($2), TILT4REAL posts blind ($4). PRE-FLOP MrChigley folds, BlackCoffe55 bets $10, ekrem58 folds, xxx calls $8, TILT4REAL folds. FLOP [board cards 5S,JC,2S ] xxx checks, BlackCoffe55 bets $20, xxx bets $60, BlackCoffe55 calls $40. TURN [board cards 5S,JC,2S,QH ] xxx bets $75, BlackCoffe55 bets $1,202.90 and is all-in, xxx calls $219.80 and is all-in. RIVER [board cards 5S,JC,2S,QH,10D ] SHOWDOWN BlackCoffe55 shows [ AD,AS ] xxx shows [ 3S,6S ] BlackCoffe55 wins $1,638.70. Texas Hold'em $3-$6 NL (real money), hand #505,881,564 Table Vienna, 20 May 2006 10:18 PM ET Seat 2: Donkishness ($433.00 in chips) Seat 3: seasider88 ($495.50 in chips) Seat 6: ru3318374 ($582.00 in chips) Seat 7: shammm ($408.50 in chips) Seat 8: xxx [ 8C,6C ] ($273.85 in chips) Seat 9: Huw22 ($143.00 in chips) ANTES/BLINDS shammm posts blind ($3), xxx posts blind ($6). PRE-FLOP Huw22 folds, Donkishness folds, seasider88 bets $15, ru3318374 folds, shammm folds, xxx calls $9. FLOP [board cards 8D,9D,6H ] xxx checks, seasider88 bets $6, xxx bets $30, seasider88 bets $65, xxx bets $228.85 and is all-in, seasider88 bets $375.70. TURN [board cards 8D,9D,6H,7H ] RIVER [board cards 8D,9D,6H,7H,4D ] SHOWDOWN seasider88 shows [ 9S,8S ] xxx mucks cards [ 8C,6C ] seasider88 wins $735.55. Inte mycket som är med mig idag finns fler att ta av men kansek räcker med dessa
  18. Men denna handen spelade jag nog inte så bra i alla fall synpunkter? Texas Hold'em $4-$8 NL (real money), hand #505,689,257 Table Rockford, 20 May 2006 9:24 PM ET Seat 1: SuperSys.3 ($1,334.00 in chips) Seat 2: robben ($255.20 in chips) Seat 4: AceAnything ($50.00 in chips) Seat 5: deerman_xx ($262.20 in chips) Seat 6: yumyum2 ($150.00 in chips) Seat 7: xxx [ AC,QD ] ($438.40 in chips) Seat 8: counthat1 ($194.00 in chips) Seat 9: fred_b ($711.40 in chips) Seat 10: bone256 ($363.60 in chips) ANTES/BLINDS yumyum2 posts blind ($2), xxxposts blind ($4). PRE-FLOP counthat1 folds, fred_b folds, bone256 folds, SuperSys.3 folds, robben calls $4, AceAnything folds, deerman_xx folds, yumyum2 calls $2, xxx bets $16, robben calls $16, yumyum2 folds. FLOP [board cards 3C,5C,7H ] xxx bets $40, robben calls $40. TURN [board cards 3C,5C,7H,10C ] xxx bets $378.40 and is all-in, robben calls $195.20 and is all-in. RIVER [board cards 3C,5C,7H,10C,8S ] SHOWDOWN xxx shows [ AC,QD ] robben shows [ JC,KC ] robben wins $511.40, xxx wins $183.20.
  19. NEJ, nu slutar jag denna sessionen! gick från +400 till -1000 till -200 till -1000 till +100 och nu -850. Inte många dagar som det stämmer så lite som denna inga färgdrag sitter inte gut+färg sluta efter att jag precis torska set i 5 mot set i 9, det var droppen!
  20. OMG Texas Hold'em $4-$4 NL (Real Money), #506,323,750 Table Youngstown, 20 May 2006 6:28 PM ET Seat 1: terdfergesen ($352.20 in chips) Seat 2: dj4u2nite ($95.60 in chips) Seat 4: BlackCoffe55 ($1,616.70 in chips) Seat 7: xxx ($541.60 in chips) Seat 9: jschlach1 ($691.35 in chips) ANTES/BLINDS dj4u2nite posts blind ($2), BlackCoffe55 posts blind ($4). PRE-FLOP xxx calls $4, jschlach1 folds, terdfergesen folds, dj4u2nite calls $2, BlackCoffe55 bets $10, xxx calls $10, dj4u2nite calls $10. FLOP [board cards 9H,8C,7C ] dj4u2nite checks, BlackCoffe55 bets $35, xxx calls $35, dj4u2nite folds. TURN [board cards 9H,8C,7C,JD ] BlackCoffe55 bets $100, xxx bets $250, BlackCoffe55 bets $1,467.70 and is all-in, xxx calls $242.60 and is all-in. RIVER [board cards 9H,8C,7C,JD,QC ] SHOWDOWN BlackCoffe55 shows [ 10C,10S ] xxx shows [ 10D,QH ] BlackCoffe55 wins $1,075.10, BlackCoffe55 wins $547.10, xxxwins $547.10.
  21. Lirar just nu men oj vad det svänger + en 500 sen -1000 och nu -300 men hade lite otur också, torska en coinflip i en 1000d pott kan försöka hitta den sen.
  22. där borde du slängt.. du har som sagt inte bättre än par. Ah stämmer
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