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Allt postat av Zamora25

  1. Nån som kan rapportera om det spelas texas nl på cashgame idag? Pallar inte att åka till kasinot för att bara kolla om det spelas eller ej.
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  3. Jag har ganska stora erfarenheter av poker i östeuropa Tallinn är ett mycket bra alternativ. Riga likaså. Ukraina kommer mer och mer..
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  5. fisk
  6. trodde fan jag ksulle gå längre än 9:a.....spelade fan otroligt bra fram till finalbordet sen fuckade jag upp det helt, träffade inte ett skit de första 30 händerna, typ 69 hela tiden, bästa var väl KT...... Sen fick ajg AK....raisa....en syn, K på flopp, två klöver...bet, syn. en till klöver, han raisa jag syna, skit på river och han all in, jag folda... (han sa ssen att han hade nöt flush)... Sen mikaela raisa 20, Peter Auer reraisa 65k, givetvis borde jag ha lagt mig, visste att att nån satt med bra, speciellt mikaela som jag tyckte hade bara monster hela tiden hon höjde upp.... och hon hade KK Men det var skojigt ikväll iaf! Djens och NordicBet-folk och VIP på hollwyood gjorde det roligare iaf =)
  7. Själv så ligger man 2:a efter dag 1 a =)
  8. Zamora25


    Annars kan du ju flyga till london och ta typ easyjet eller nåt, billigt som tusan. du må¨ste ju försvara din titel som näst bäst i sverige
  9. Zamora25


    Hej, Blire klonk i Live SM nästa vecka för din del?
  10. Fredde du har 251 ggr pengarna ju
  11. MrTallSwede: Nu är du väl fel ute? Man ska kunna förhandsregistrera sig vilken dag man vill via hemsidan och sen punga ut betalningen på plats i kasinot. Peder Månsson får gärna bekräfta detta.
  12. Nu har Nordicbet odds på Live Poker-SM 2007. Favorit: Johan Storåkers Dan Glimne har högsta oddset
  13. kul, 6..........spelade på jobbet, ingen idé att gå hem....
  14. 6 kvar... är 6, tiltade bort 2 jävla händer, såååååå onödigt
  15. 2:a....13 kvar, en som blev lite tiltad av att jag reraisa hans raise 2 ggr irad =) QQ båda ggr
  16. 3:a....20 kvar......
  17. 6:a...34 kvar...... topp 2 går till wsop...3:an får inget
  18. Är 5 av 89 kvar, började på 640. Pokerstars, 4000 FPP inköp, topp 2 går till WSOP. Har legat topp 10 sen minut 1 typ. Har dock inte fått ett skit på 1 timme nu så hoppas korten kommer. Är rätt långsam struktur så är ju MYCKET kvar att spela
  19. Så det är alltså OK att betala in sig 1 timme innan turneringstart om man förhandsanmäler sig på baltic-poker.com ? Tänker på texas nl...
  20. Så många spelar på onsdag: http://www.baltic-poker.com/?id=5&tour=2997&res=1&pic=1 Så många spelar på torsdag: http://www.baltic-poker.com/?id=5&tour=2998&res=1&pic=1 Listan uppdateras dagligen.
  21. Åkte precis ut på Stars warm up... låg topp 10 ett bra tag men torska en fet pot mot han som leder just nu.....te amos luna.
  22. Dear Swedish Poker Championship participants, Please read these terms to make the tournament series go nice and fluent way without misunderstandings and will be easy for players and staff. 1. The one and only currency in Estonia is estonian kroon (EEK). 2. Age limit in casino and poker area is 21 years. It’s about presence in casino area, not only about playing in casino. 3. Keep your passport all the time with you. That’s the only acceptable document to prove your age or identify person in cash transactions. 4. All buy in’s can be done by bank transfer in euros or in casino in EEK. 5. There’s possibility to foreign currency to estonian kroons in cash desk. 6. All casino-winnings in Estonia are tax free. 7. All transactions more than 15 000 EEK must be registered by the law. We have to make the copy of your passport and register your home address and phone no. There’s nothing to do with taxation. 8. Payouts will be done in cash in EEK. If you want the winnings to be paid in your local currency (EUR, SEK) then you have to fill the bank transfer form in cashier desk and you’ll get the money in your currency to your bank account. 9. Our suggestion is to avoid cash – all cash transactions take much time. The suggested ways are: a. Make all bigger (5 000 EEK or more) in plaque’s (this is so called casino money – worth either 5 000 or 10 000 EEK / pcs. It’s easier and faster to count them) b. When you take money from your bank card in cash desk – ask cashier to give you plaque’s.. c. When you finish playing for the certain day, ask cashier to deposit your money in cash desk. Don’t take cash or chips into you’r room. It’s safer for you and we may run out of cash and chips if all players keep them in their hotel rooms. While depositing cash in our cash desk, keep the „winner check” to receive the money whenever you need. Losing this check may cause some extra trouble (up to 24 hours withdraw delay) but noone else can take your money even if he finds your winner check. d. If playing slots, use EZ-Pay tickets. These are paper tickets which can be used as cash in slot machines. Also the slots give you similar ticket when you make cash out from slot machine. These tickets are valid for 1 month, so there’s no need to change them to cash the whole week. e. Make the bank transfer from our cash desk to your personal account only when you want to send the money away (Saturday or Sunday for example). The transferring process may take several days and after you’ve made the transaction in cashier desk, you can’t take back any of that money – it goes to your account. The money appears to your account approximately in 5 workdays. For that transaction you need to write your: i. Name ii. Bank name iii. IBAN code iv. SWIFT code 10. The best way for cash withdraw is to take it from bank card from our cashier desk. In that case: a. The transaction cost will be covered by us. b. Your currency will be exchanged to EEK by the normal Hansabank exchange rates. c. You have an opportunity to put the money back to bank account with no expense if you go to cash desk for the transaction before 7.30 am same casino-day (casino day is 08.00-08.00). NB! For that transaction you have to keep the receipt. 11. Cash currency exchange can be made by the rates shown on the chart in cash desk. The rates are not as good as in bank. But we’ve made you an opportunity to exchange the same amount of money back to your currency by the same exchange rate. NB! For that transaction you have to keep the exchange receipt and make the change-back transaction on Monday at 1 pm latest. 12. In several cash games we’re not going to have cash-change on the table. We’ll open a separate cash exchange table where you can buy chips and go to the cash game table already with these chips. Afterwards you’ll get money for the chips from cash desk (check once more the term no. 9). 13. Casino VIP room will be open for tournament players who want to play private or if there’s not enough seats available in the main gaming area. There are no spectators allowed into VIP room, only players. 14. When playing in casino ask for bonus card. Ask for employees assistance to use the card while playing in slots or gaming tables. You’ll earn bonus points which can be exchanged to cash or used as credit for paying for drinks in casino bar. Many of these terms are optional (suggestions about transactions) but if you follow these terms you’ll manage your funds the safest, easiest and the most economic way. Best regards, Priit Pajumaa Poker manager Olympic Entertainment Group AS
  23. Gick från 35 USD till 2000 på 5 dagar....torska allt igår på 5/10 , spelar annars 050/1
  24. Tydligen har de ändrat speldatumet, lagt till en extra dag.. 28 mars till 2:a april.... dvs 2:a april är finaldagen, tidigare var det sagt att 1:a april ska vara finaldagen.
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