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scudmissile, check yourself!


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** Sienna [Hold 'em] (0.50|1.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money

- Relaxed sitting in seat 1 with $70.13

- hannuman sitting in seat 2 with $73.20

- scudmissile sitting in seat 3 with $91.65

- TheProvider sitting in seat 4 with $120.50 [Dealer]

- heyjao sitting in seat 5 with $36.40

- mrwilly sitting in seat 6 with $69.32 [sitting out]

heyjao posted the small blind - $0.50

Relaxed posted the big blind - $1.00

** Dealing card to scudmissile: 7 of Spades, 8 of Spades

hannuman raised - $2.00

scudmissile called - $2.00

TheProvider folded

heyjao raised - $5.00

Relaxed folded

hannuman called - $5.00

scudmissile called - $5.00

** Dealing the flop: 3 of Spades, 4 of Clubs, 5 of Spades

heyjao bet - $7.00

hannuman called - $7.00

scudmissile went all-in - $86.65

heyjao folded

hannuman went all-in - $61.20

hannuman shows: Ace of Spades, Queen of Spades

** Dealing the turn: 3 of Hearts

** Dealing the river: 8 of Diamonds

scudmissile wins $157.40 from the main pot


Tycker lite synd om han. Han var så nära att folda.

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Blev rätt lack efter jag förlorat 2,5 inköp på 0.5/1NL mot samma kille på utdragningar. Han var helt hialös alltså. Synade ned rätt feta potbets med AKs på ragsbräda och träffar runner runner färg. Nästa var att jag hittade AA och raisade upp feting (vad att det bara e han som synar stora raises pre) och bordet kommer K-high men han har träffat en open-ended med 86o som han synar ned med och träffar på rivern. Efter den handen spammade han chatten med "HAHAHAHAHAHHA" och "LOOOOOOOOOOL" och jag är verkligen den som blir påverkad av sånt, så jag satte mig vid två 1.5/3 NL bord :D

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Uppifrån och ned:


** Spurwing [Hold 'em] (1.50|3.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money

- MADAMEROCK sitting in seat 1 with $612.34

- scudmissile sitting in seat 2 with $235.00 [Dealer]

- MarcusX sitting in seat 6 with $50.00 [sitting out]

MADAMEROCK posted the small blind - $1.50

scudmissile posted the big blind - $3.00

** Dealing card to scudmissile: Queen of Clubs, 8 of Hearts

MADAMEROCK raised - $6.00

scudmissile called - $6.00

** Dealing the flop: 7 of Hearts, 4 of Spades, Jack of Clubs

MADAMEROCK bet - $9.00

scudmissile called - $9.00

** Dealing the turn: Queen of Spades


scudmissile bet - $15.00

MADAMEROCK called - $15.00

** Dealing the river: 10 of Diamonds


scudmissile bet - $21.00

MADAMEROCK raised - $231.00

scudmissile folded

MADAMEROCK shows: 2 of Spades, 5 of Spades

MADAMEROCK wins $311.00 from the main pot




** Something Down [Hold 'em] (1.50|3.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money

- Hjartekung sitting in seat 1 with $388.52

- scudmissile sitting in seat 4 with $378.20

- MADAMEROCK sitting in seat 6 with $473.79 [Dealer]

Hjartekung posted the small blind - $1.50

scudmissile posted the big blind - $3.00

** Dealing card to scudmissile: 7 of Spades, 9 of Spades

MADAMEROCK raised - $12.00

Hjartekung folded

scudmissile called - $12.00

** Dealing the flop: 10 of Diamonds, Jack of Spades, 8 of Hearts

scudmissile checked

MADAMEROCK bet - $12.00

scudmissile raised - $24.00

MADAMEROCK called - $24.00

** Dealing the turn: Queen of Spades

scudmissile bet - $24.00

MADAMEROCK raised - $48.00

scudmissile called - $48.00

** Dealing the river: 10 of Spades

scudmissile bet - $102.00

MADAMEROCK called - $102.00


scudmissile wins $372.50 from the main pot




** Something Down [Hold 'em] (1.50|3.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money

- Hjartekung sitting in seat 1 with $388.52 [Dealer]

- scudmissile sitting in seat 4 with $566.20

- MADAMEROCK sitting in seat 6 with $284.79

scudmissile posted the small blind - $1.50

MADAMEROCK posted the big blind - $3.00

** Dealing card to scudmissile: 9 of Clubs, Jack of Clubs

Hjartekung folded

scudmissile called - $3.00


** Dealing the flop: 2 of Spades, 6 of Diamonds, Jack of Spades

scudmissile bet - $6.00

MADAMEROCK called - $6.00

** Dealing the turn: 9 of Diamonds

scudmissile bet - $18.00

MADAMEROCK raised - $72.00

scudmissile went all-in - $540.70

MADAMEROCK went all-in - $206.79

MADAMEROCK shows: 9 of Hearts, 2 of Clubs

** Dealing the river: 3 of Hearts

scudmissile wins $574.58 from the main pot




** Game ID 435854620 starting - 2005-07-27 07:20:35

** Spurwing [Hold 'em] (1.50|3.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money

- MADAMEROCK sitting in seat 1 with $966.64 [Dealer]

- scudmissile sitting in seat 2 with $365.95

- rvrrunner sitting in seat 5 with $92.05

scudmissile posted the small blind - $1.50

rvrrunner posted the big blind - $3.00

** Dealing card to scudmissile: 6 of Diamonds, Ace of Clubs


scudmissile raised - $12.00

rvrrunner raised - $21.00

scudmissile called - $21.00

** Dealing the flop: 5 of Clubs, 8 of Spades, 7 of Hearts

scudmissile checked

rvrrunner bet - $18.00

scudmissile went all-in - $346.45

rvrrunner went all-in - $56.05

rvrrunner shows: King of Hearts, King of Spades

** Dealing the turn: 10 of Clubs

** Dealing the river: Ace of Spades

scudmissile wins $189.10 from the main pot




** Spurwing [Hold 'em] (1.50|3.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money

- MADAMEROCK sitting in seat 1 with $973.24

- scudmissile sitting in seat 2 with $449.50 [Dealer]

- rvrrunner sitting in seat 5 with $0.00 [sitting out]

MADAMEROCK posted the small blind - $1.50

scudmissile posted the big blind - $3.00

** Dealing card to scudmissile: King of Hearts, 9 of Spades

MADAMEROCK raised - $6.00

scudmissile raised - $15.00

MADAMEROCK called - $15.00

** Dealing the flop: 7 of Hearts, Jack of Spades, 3 of Clubs

MADAMEROCK bet - $9.00

scudmissile raised - $27.00

MADAMEROCK raised - $45.00

scudmissile raised - $99.00


scudmissile wins $173.00 from the main pot


När jag tittar på hand historyn tycker jag mitt spel ser väldigt dumt ut men jag tyckte jag kunde läsa honom rätt bra och visste vart jag hade han.

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Vad gör ni med AKx mot reraise?


** Schwerin [Hold 'em] (0.50|1.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money

- Magnussen sitting in seat 1 with $23.75

- scudmissile sitting in seat 2 with $80.20

- Jayare7 sitting in seat 3 with $60.50

- Booch555 sitting in seat 4 with $31.25 [Dealer]

- Mr-T sitting in seat 5 with $90.40

- stevanl sitting in seat 6 with $107.00

Mr-T posted the small blind - $0.50

stevanl posted the big blind - $1.00

** Dealing card to scudmissile: King of Hearts, Ace of Hearts

Magnussen called - $1.00

scudmissile raised - $4.00

Jayare7 folded

Booch555 folded

Mr-T folded

stevanl raised - $7.00

Magnussen folded

scudmissile raised - $16.00

stevanl raised - $43.00

scudmissile went all-in - $64.20

stevanl called - $80.20

stevanl shows: Ace of Spades, Ace of Diamonds

** Dealing the flop: Queen of Hearts, 2 of Diamonds, 8 of Hearts

** Dealing the turn: 9 of Spades

** Dealing the river: Jack of Hearts

scudmissile wins $158.90 from the main pot

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nån minut efter..


** Harvest [Hold 'em] (0.50|1.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money

- The_big_tree sitting in seat 1 with $165.80

- scudmissile sitting in seat 2 with $83.10 [Dealer]

- Romeodown sitting in seat 3 with $100.95

- GREASET sitting in seat 4 with $143.52

- murms81 sitting in seat 5 with $133.20

- Clasenpete sitting in seat 6 with $54.00

Romeodown posted the small blind - $0.50

GREASET posted the big blind - $1.00

** Dealing card to scudmissile: Ace of Diamonds, King of Diamonds

murms81 raised - $2.00

Clasenpete called - $2.00

The_big_tree folded

scudmissile raised - $6.00

Romeodown called - $6.00

GREASET folded

murms81 called - $6.00

Clasenpete called - $6.00

** Dealing the flop: Ace of Hearts, Jack of Diamonds, Ace of Spades

Romeodown checked

murms81 checked

Clasenpete bet - $4.00

scudmissile called - $4.00

Romeodown called - $4.00

murms81 raised - $16.00

Clasenpete called - $16.00

scudmissile called - $16.00

Romeodown folded

** Dealing the turn: 9 of Hearts

murms81 bet - $20.00

Clasenpete called - $20.00

scudmissile called - $20.00

** Dealing the river: 6 of Diamonds

murms81 went all-in - $91.20

Clasenpete folded

scudmissile went all-in - $41.10

murms81 shows: 6 of Clubs, Ace of Clubs

murms81 wins $216.20 from the main pot

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Börjar kvällen med lite 0.5/1 NL SH


** Long Trip Home [Hold 'em] (0.50|1.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money

- MrBjorsa sitting in seat 1 with $111.30

- Narrad sitting in seat 2 with $117.00

- LabanD sitting in seat 3 with $221.04 [Dealer]

- scudmissile sitting in seat 4 with $98.50

- Anarcia sitting in seat 5 with $54.78

- Bi_tjej sitting in seat 6 with $50.35

scudmissile posted the small blind - $0.50

Anarcia posted the big blind - $1.00

** Dealing card to scudmissile: Ace of Clubs, Queen of Diamonds

Bi_tjej folded

MrBjorsa folded

Narrad raised - $2.00

LabanD folded

scudmissile raised - $6.50

Anarcia folded

Narrad called - $6.50

** Dealing the flop: 4 of Spades, 4 of Clubs, Ace of Spades

scudmissile bet - $7.00

Narrad called - $7.00

** Dealing the turn: Ace of Diamonds

scudmissile bet - $14.00

Narrad called - $14.00

** Dealing the river: Ace of Hearts

scudmissile checked

Narrad went all-in - $89.50

scudmissile went all-in - $71.50

Narrad shows: 9 of Hearts, 9 of Clubs

scudmissile wins $196.00 from the main pot

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Jag var säker på att han missat sin hand helt eller satt på ett lågt pp som han försökte sno potten med:

** Seville [Hold 'em] (0.50|1.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money

- scudmissile sitting in seat 1 with $96.60

- Cicceli sitting in seat 2 with $102.05 [Dealer]

- Martinmannen sitting in seat 3 with $89.20

- MrBjorsa sitting in seat 4 with $102.30

- jwrbl17 sitting in seat 6 with $11.40

Martinmannen posted the small blind - $0.50

MrBjorsa posted the big blind - $1.00

** Dealing card to scudmissile: King of Spades, Ace of Diamonds

jwrbl17 folded

scudmissile raised - $4.00

Cicceli called - $4.00

Martinmannen folded

MrBjorsa folded

** Dealing the flop: 4 of Clubs, Jack of Diamonds, 2 of Hearts

scudmissile bet - $8.00

Cicceli raised - $16.00

scudmissile called - $16.00

** Dealing the turn: 10 of Hearts

scudmissile checked

Cicceli bet - $25.00

scudmissile called - $25.00

** Dealing the river: 10 of Clubs

scudmissile went all-in - $51.60

Cicceli called - $51.60

Cicceli shows: Queen of Hearts, Queen of Clubs

Cicceli wins $192.70 from the main pot

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Har spelat rätt tight på detta bord men vet inte om motståndarn lagt märke till det.

Jag vet vad han sitter på och försöker sno potten men han kunde tydligen inte släppa sin hand.


** San Sebastian [Hold 'em] (0.50|1.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money

- scudmissile sitting in seat 2 with $136.35

- skimmo sitting in seat 3 with $39.25

- kjell22 sitting in seat 4 with $40.10 [Dealer]

- Snipers83 sitting in seat 5 with $189.24

- asom666 sitting in seat 6 with $59.10

Snipers83 posted the small blind - $0.50

asom666 posted the big blind - $1.00

** Dealing card to scudmissile: 10 of Diamonds, Queen of Diamonds

scudmissile called - $1.00

skimmo folded

kjell22 called - $1.00

Snipers83 raised - $5.00

asom666 folded

scudmissile called - $5.00

kjell22 folded

** Dealing the flop: 3 of Spades, 8 of Spades, 5 of Diamonds

Snipers83 checked

scudmissile bet - $10.00

Snipers83 raised - $20.00

scudmissile called - $20.00

** Dealing the turn: 7 of Clubs

Snipers83 checked

scudmissile bet - $33.00

Snipers83 called - $33.00

** Dealing the river: 7 of Hearts

Snipers83 bet - $35.00

scudmissile went all-in - $78.35

Snipers83 called - $78.35

Snipers83 shows: Ace of Spades, King of Diamonds

Snipers83 wins $272.70 from the main pot

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Dagens tourney slutade långt utanför ITM:


** $7,500 GUARANTEE:Table 10 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (200.00|400.00 No Limit - MTT) Real Money

- quizz_kid sitting in seat 1 with $7770.00

- Black-Pagan sitting in seat 2 with $5020.00

- Heffernan sitting in seat 3 with $5595.00

- warmer sitting in seat 4 with $4120.00

- tobbelobben sitting in seat 5 with $1883.00

- froddan sitting in seat 6 with $3282.50

- sjoqvist84 sitting in seat 7 with $5500.00

- kaizersauzee sitting in seat 8 with $6820.00 [Dealer]

- scudmissile sitting in seat 9 with $4155.00

- Joker_1 sitting in seat 10 with $8600.00

scudmissile posted the small blind - $100.00

Joker_1 posted the big blind - $200.00

** Dealing card to scudmissile: Queen of Clubs, Ace of Diamonds

quizz_kid folded

Black-Pagan folded

Heffernan folded

warmer folded

tobbelobben folded

froddan folded

sjoqvist84 folded

kaizersauzee raised - $400.00

scudmissile went all-in - $4155.00

Joker_1 folded

kaizersauzee called - $4255.00

kaizersauzee shows: Ace of Clubs, 10 of Spades

** Dealing the flop: 8 of Hearts, 6 of Hearts, Jack of Spades

** Dealing the turn: 2 of Clubs

** Dealing the river: 10 of Clubs

kaizersauzee wins $8710.00 from the main pot

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** Schwerin [Hold 'em] (0.50|1.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money

- maaats sitting in seat 1 with $42.68

- _TorsKeN_ sitting in seat 2 with $117.60

- milev sitting in seat 3 with $100.67 [Dealer]

- doddosweden sitting in seat 4 with $161.25

- scudmissile sitting in seat 5 with $77.35

doddosweden posted the small blind - $0.50

scudmissile posted the big blind - $1.00

** Dealing card to scudmissile: 10 of Hearts, 10 of Spades

maaats raised - $2.00

_TorsKeN_ folded

milev called - $2.00

doddosweden folded

scudmissile raised - $7.00

maaats called - $7.00

milev called - $7.00

** Dealing the flop: 3 of Clubs, 3 of Diamonds, 3 of Spades

scudmissile bet - $15.00

maaats called - $15.00

milev called - $15.00

** Dealing the turn: 8 of Spades

scudmissile went all-in - $56.35

maaats went all-in - $20.68

milev called - $56.35

maaats shows: Jack of Spades, Ace of Clubs

milev shows: Jack of Hearts, 3 of Hearts

** Dealing the river: King of Spades

milev wins $126.54 from the main pot

milev wins $197.88 from side pot 1


** Schwerin [Hold 'em] (0.50|1.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money

- vetiver sitting in seat 1 with $49.00

- _TorsKeN_ sitting in seat 2 with $117.10

- milev sitting in seat 3 with $220.60 [Dealer]

- doddosweden sitting in seat 4 with $163.50

- scudmissile sitting in seat 5 with $98.00

- Gryffe sitting in seat 6 with $99.00

doddosweden posted the small blind - $0.50

scudmissile posted the big blind - $1.00

** Dealing card to scudmissile: 8 of Diamonds, 8 of Hearts

Gryffe called - $1.00

vetiver folded

_TorsKeN_ raised - $5.00

milev folded

doddosweden called - $5.00

scudmissile called - $5.00

Gryffe folded

** Dealing the flop: 8 of Spades, 6 of Clubs, 7 of Diamonds

doddosweden checked

scudmissile checked

_TorsKeN_ bet - $13.00

doddosweden folded

scudmissile called - $13.00

** Dealing the turn: Jack of Hearts

scudmissile checked

_TorsKeN_ went all-in - $99.10

scudmissile went all-in - $81.00

_TorsKeN_ shows: 5 of Hearts, 5 of Clubs

** Dealing the river: 10 of Spades

scudmissile wins $201.00 from the main pot

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chansen var stor att jag redan var slagen men det fanns en del pengar i potten


** Sligo [Hold 'em] (0.50|1.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money

- pokerisevil sitting in seat 1 with $85.14

- Serpentini sitting in seat 2 with $68.74

- scudmissile sitting in seat 3 with $71.00 [Dealer]

- bleeper sitting in seat 4 with $87.50

- Sirpen sitting in seat 5 with $61.92

- norja sitting in seat 6 with $81.00

bleeper posted the small blind - $0.50

Sirpen posted the big blind - $1.00

** Dealing card to scudmissile: Ace of Hearts, Queen of Hearts

norja called - $1.00

pokerisevil called - $1.00

Serpentini called - $1.00

scudmissile raised - $6.00

bleeper called - $6.00

Sirpen folded

norja called - $6.00

pokerisevil called - $6.00

Serpentini folded

** Dealing the flop: Queen of Spades, 10 of Hearts, 9 of Spades

bleeper checked

norja bet - $8.00

pokerisevil called - $8.00

scudmissile went all-in - $65.00

bleeper folded

norja went all-in - $67.00

pokerisevil called - $75.00

pokerisevil shows: 10 of Diamonds, Jack of Diamonds

norja shows: King of Clubs, 10 of Spades

** Dealing the turn: 2 of Hearts

** Dealing the river: 2 of Spades

scudmissile wins $218.00 from the main pot

norja wins $20.00 from side pot 1

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nån minut efter..


** Harvest [Hold 'em] (0.50|1.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money

- The_big_tree sitting in seat 1 with $165.80

- scudmissile sitting in seat 2 with $83.10 [Dealer]

- Romeodown sitting in seat 3 with $100.95

- GREASET sitting in seat 4 with $143.52

- murms81 sitting in seat 5 with $133.20

- Clasenpete sitting in seat 6 with $54.00

Romeodown posted the small blind - $0.50

GREASET posted the big blind - $1.00

** Dealing card to scudmissile: Ace of Diamonds, King of Diamonds

murms81 raised - $2.00

Clasenpete called - $2.00

The_big_tree folded

scudmissile raised - $6.00

Romeodown called - $6.00

GREASET folded

murms81 called - $6.00

Clasenpete called - $6.00

** Dealing the flop: Ace of Hearts, Jack of Diamonds, Ace of Spades

Romeodown checked

murms81 checked

Clasenpete bet - $4.00

scudmissile called - $4.00

Romeodown called - $4.00

murms81 raised - $16.00

Clasenpete called - $16.00

scudmissile called - $16.00

Romeodown folded

** Dealing the turn: 9 of Hearts

murms81 bet - $20.00

Clasenpete called - $20.00

scudmissile called - $20.00

** Dealing the river: 6 of Diamonds

murms81 went all-in - $91.20

Clasenpete folded

scudmissile went all-in - $41.10

murms81 shows: 6 of Clubs, Ace of Clubs

murms81 wins $216.20 from the main pot


Den här handen kan du inte slöspela på flopp, antagligen har någon annan A å du låter honom dra kåk, samtidigt som du låter nån med stegdrag dra stegen. Raisa hårt på flopp , det andra A:et följer klart med på denna nivån


Sedan tycker jag att QT-handen är helt onödig, fold mot hans raise på flopp, och sedan på river borde det vara ganks aklart att han inte tänker släppa sin hand, och du kastar bort 78$ i onödan

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Första handen: Inte för att jag tror att outcome hade blivit anorlunda förutom att Clasenpete som antingen satt på XJ eller ett gutshotdrag skulle foldat på floppen och således inte dragit dött/efter sina 4 outs och hoppas att ingen fått/får in kåken. Jag ser heldre att A6 bettar ut hela vägen än om jag skulle tryckt på floppen och båda foldat, det är ändå 3 outs han drar efter och det kan han få fortsätta med så länge pengarna åker in i potten.


Andra handen: Jag har svårt att lägga mig då jag vet att han missat. På rivern tror jag han hoppas att jag dragit efter färgen och försöker få ut mig direkt då jag kanske träffat ett litet par på också som jag skulle semi-bluffat om han checkat till mig och då skulle han vara stekt. När jag tryckte på rivern stekte han ett bra tag och jag tycker jag spelade den rätt bra även om jag önskat att stackarna var lite djupare då det skulle bli väldigt svårt för han att syna rivern om jag hade haft lite mer.


Ber om ursäkt då det nästan låter som ett försvarstal men jag tycker inte att jag spelade fel i någon utav händerna förutom som du sa att det kanske var onödigt att trycka på rivern i andra handen då chansen var stor att han skulle synat A-hög.

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I AK handen ser då turn ut som ett ypperligt läge att re-raise all-in om du inte redan gjort det på flop. Tvivlar på att det går få ut mer ur Clasenpete efter turnbettet. Om han nu är på ett drag så måste du ju re-raise turn för att få ut pengar.

Sen att ni kommer få in pengarna hur som helst murms81 och du det köper jag. Men att du synar halva din stack när han har kåk känns inte det lite surt?

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Det hade känt ännu surare att hamna all-in på turn och se 6an titta fram på rivern.


Min read på mumrik var AJ men jag hade ändå inte tänkt släppa AK då ett sämre Ax än mig egentligen är en troligare hand. Jag var lite förvirrad under hela handen måste jag säga och försökte luska ut om han mjölkade mig eller satt på ett dåligt ess och jag hoppades att få reda på det på rivern då många spelare på 0.5/1 NL brukar checka alt. betta en realtivt liten summa i förhållande till potten med ett dåligt ess på rivern i den situationen men ändå inte tveka en sekund på att syna all-in.

Så om han suttit på AJ hade jag förlorat hela min stack i vilket fall då jag synade med min AK på rivern. Skillnaden: Hade jag tryckt på river kanske han skulle foldat sitt dåliga ess vilket jag absolut inte vill. Hade jag synat ned för att slå om på rivern är han så pass potcommited att han inte kan folda mot en all-in och jag tror även att han skulle få väldigt svårt att lägga esset även om våra stacks var större... vet inte hur jag skulle spelat handen då, antingen ganska mycket aggressivare.


Jag svamlar mycket, så ni vet. ;)

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Spelade en hand mot han tidigare då han hade cirka ett halvt inköp och bluffade bort det med AK som inte träffade så jag hade svårt att sätta honom på en riktig hand då han inte visade nån direkt styrka när jag slog om.


** Sofia [Hold 'em] (0.50|1.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money

- colt65 sitting in seat 1 with $59.32

- scudmissile sitting in seat 2 with $108.10 [Dealer]

- Snusmumriken sitting in seat 3 with $222.12

- abonin sitting in seat 4 with $147.30

- DeviIFish sitting in seat 5 with $57.29

- No_Name sitting in seat 6 with $37.45

Snusmumriken posted the small blind - $0.50

abonin posted the big blind - $1.00

** Dealing card to scudmissile: 8 of Spades, Jack of Spades

DeviIFish called - $1.00

No_Name folded

colt65 folded

scudmissile called - $1.00

Snusmumriken called - $1.00

abonin bet - $5.00

DeviIFish folded

scudmissile called - $5.00

Snusmumriken called - $5.00

** Dealing the flop: 8 of Diamonds, 4 of Spades, 2 of Clubs

Snusmumriken checked

abonin bet - $15.00

scudmissile called - $15.00

Snusmumriken called - $15.00

** Dealing the turn: 7 of Spades

Snusmumriken checked

abonin checked

scudmissile bet - $22.00

Snusmumriken folded

abonin called - $22.00

** Dealing the river: 3 of Spades

abonin checked

scudmissile went all-in - $66.10

abonin called - $66.10

abonin shows: Ace of Clubs, Ace of Spades

scudmissile wins $234.20 from the main pot

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** Samarkand [Hold 'em] (0.50|1.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money

- Predatorn sitting in seat 1 with $100.50

- scudmissile sitting in seat 2 with $264.25

- T-5977 sitting in seat 3 with $259.33

- Kabel sitting in seat 5 with $117.01 [Dealer]

- sklansky sitting in seat 6 with $79.00

sklansky posted the small blind - $0.50

Predatorn posted the big blind - $1.00

** Dealing card to scudmissile: Ace of Hearts, Ace of Spades

scudmissile raised - $4.00

T-5977 called - $4.00

Kabel raised - $16.00

sklansky folded

Predatorn folded

scudmissile called - $16.00

T-5977 called - $16.00

** Dealing the flop: 8 of Clubs, Jack of Diamonds, King of Diamonds

scudmissile checked

T-5977 checked

Kabel bet - $42.00

scudmissile called - $42.00

T-5977 called - $42.00

** Dealing the turn: 9 of Spades

scudmissile checked

T-5977 checked

Kabel went all-in - $59.01

scudmissile called - $59.01

T-5977 called - $59.01

** Dealing the river: 5 of Spades

scudmissile bet - $35.00

T-5977 folded

Kabel shows: King of Hearts, Ace of Diamonds

scudmissile wins $350.53 from the main pot


Jag ville verkligen inte forsla in pengarna mot T-5977 då jag satte han på tvåpar alt träffad stege på turn. Efter att han bara synat på turn var stegen utesluten och jag tror han skulle miniraisat mig med tvåpar för att sen checka river om jag synade.


Jag tror inte heller att han skulle våga bluffa ut mig ur potten med tanke på stacksizen och att jag synade en ganska stor reraise först in där och det är ett är ganska säkert täcken på ett högt PP där chansen finns att jag nu träffat set alternativt AK.


T-5977 skrev något i stil med " I cant * hit a single * draw its * unbelivable" efter jag bettade på rivern.

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handen ovan är den enda stora potten jag spelat mot T-5977 och denna hand utspelar sig 3 minuter senare:


** Samarkand [Hold 'em] (0.50|1.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money

- Predatorn sitting in seat 1 with $100.00

- scudmissile sitting in seat 2 with $496.77

- T-5977 sitting in seat 3 with $142.32

- Kabel sitting in seat 5 with $0.00 [sitting out]

- sklansky sitting in seat 6 with $79.00 [Dealer]

Predatorn posted the small blind - $0.50

scudmissile posted the big blind - $1.00

** Dealing card to scudmissile: 2 of Spades, 3 of Hearts

T-5977 called - $1.00

sklansky folded

Predatorn folded

scudmissile checked

** Dealing the flop: 9 of Hearts, 3 of Diamonds, 2 of Diamonds

scudmissile bet - $3.00

T-5977 raised - $6.00

scudmissile raised - $15.00

T-5977 called - $15.00

** Dealing the turn: 7 of Spades

scudmissile bet - $22.00

T-5977 called - $22.00

** Dealing the river: 7 of Hearts

scudmissile bet - $38.00

T-5977 called - $38.00

T-5977 shows: Queen of Spades, 9 of Clubs

T-5977 wins $150.50 from the main pot


Vet inte riktigt vad jag gör på rivern, ett desperat försök att få ut honom genom att säga att 7an inte förändrade min hand. Sen är det lite psykologiskt också då jag inte förlorat en enda showdown mot killen på en timma och det kan lätt få en att börja tvecka på sin hand.

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Dålig kväll helt enkelt.


** Game ID 441984761 starting - 2005-08-01 04:16:32

** Samarkand [Hold 'em] (0.50|1.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money

- joeyzo sitting in seat 1 with $46.35

- shea1215 sitting in seat 2 with $30.26

- Citodon sitting in seat 3 with $29.65

- scudmissile sitting in seat 4 with $93.50

- Defoss sitting in seat 5 with $50.71 [Dealer]

- theariados sitting in seat 6 with $147.80

theariados posted the small blind - $0.50

joeyzo posted the big blind - $1.00

** Dealing card to scudmissile: 9 of Clubs, 8 of Clubs

shea1215 called - $1.00

Citodon folded

scudmissile called - $1.00

Defoss called - $1.00

theariados raised - $5.00

joeyzo folded

shea1215 called - $5.00

scudmissile called - $5.00

Defoss called - $5.00

** Dealing the flop: 7 of Diamonds, 10 of Hearts, Jack of Spades

theariados checked

shea1215 bet - $4.00

scudmissile raised - $12.00

Defoss went all-in - $45.71

theariados went all-in - $143.30

shea1215 went all-in - $21.26

scudmissile went all-in - $76.50

shea1215 shows: 9 of Spades, 7 of Spades

Defoss shows: Ace of Spades, 10 of Spades

theariados shows: 10 of Clubs, 10 of Diamonds

** Dealing the turn: 3 of Clubs

** Dealing the river: 7 of Clubs

theariados wins $119.04 from the main pot

theariados wins $180.39 from side pot 1

theariados wins $265.97 from side pot 2

End of game 441984761


** Game ID 441989823 starting - 2005-08-01 04:24:47

** Skopje [Hold 'em] (0.50|1.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money

- skycruser66 sitting in seat 1 with $121.00

- chadant sitting in seat 2 with $10.00

- scudmissile sitting in seat 3 with $61.50

- kudogg2004 sitting in seat 4 with $82.20

- jamesdinh sitting in seat 5 with $40.20

- Challe50 sitting in seat 6 with $388.86 [Dealer]

skycruser66 posted the small blind - $0.50

chadant posted the big blind - $1.00

** Dealing card to scudmissile: Ace of Clubs, King of Clubs

scudmissile raised - $4.00

kudogg2004 folded

jamesdinh called - $4.00

Challe50 folded

skycruser66 called - $4.00

chadant went all-in - $10.00

scudmissile raised - $25.00

jamesdinh went all-in - $36.20

skycruser66 folded

scudmissile called - $40.20

chadant shows: 2 of Hearts, 2 of Clubs

jamesdinh shows: Ace of Hearts, Ace of Diamonds

** Dealing the flop: 4 of Diamonds, 5 of Spades, 2 of Diamonds

** Dealing the turn: King of Spades

** Dealing the river: 6 of Clubs

chadant wins $35.15 from the main pot

jamesdinh wins $57.25 from side pot 1

End of game 441989823

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