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Slutade +280$ på limit. Inte illa och bra med klonktur. Fast det tycker jag det alltid verkar vara på limit. Bara syna ned med vad som. Snabbt spel är det iaf så jag spelar då och då. Går inte bra.


Här är tre händer som följde efter varandra nästan. Spelar som en riktigt donk. Kämns som jag förlorade 700 i onödan på hand 1 och inte fick ut max värde på hand 2. Hand 3 var nog maxad tack vare min sega stil där.


Hand 1.


Hand #11009450-4111 at Lisbon (No Limit Hold'em)

Powered by UltimateBet

Started at 18/Jan/06 16:39:29


cmw is at seat 0 with $1936.50.

Shockbrake is at seat 1 with $1923.25 (sitting out).

M0LEDADDY is at seat 2 with $1000.

BlaineSTAR is at seat 3 with $1071.75.

DannyKK is at seat 4 with $2890.75.

lollipop718 is at seat 5 with $3817.75.

hamhock is at seat 7 with $979.75.

dabadbeatman is at seat 8 with $985.

AllinAndy is at seat 9 with $934.75.

The button is at seat 9.


cmw posts the small blind of $5.

M0LEDADDY posts the big blind of $10.


cmw: -- --

M0LEDADDY: -- --

BlaineSTAR: -- --

DannyKK: Tc Ah

lollipop718: -- --

hamhock: -- --

dabadbeatman: -- --

AllinAndy: -- --




BlaineSTAR folds. DannyKK raises to $35.

lollipop718 folds. hamhock calls. dabadbeatman

folds. AllinAndy folds. cmw folds. M0LEDADDY



Flop (board: 3d Ts 7h):


DannyKK bets $85. hamhock raises to $170. DannyKK



Turn (board: 3d Ts 7h 6h):


DannyKK checks. hamhock bets $250. DannyKK calls.



River (board: 3d Ts 7h 6h 7d):


DannyKK checks. hamhock goes all-in for $524.75.

DannyKK calls.




hamhock shows Ks Kh.

hamhock has Ks Kh Ts 7h 7d: two pair, kings and sevens.

DannyKK mucks cards.

(DannyKK has Tc Ah.)



Hand #11009450-4111 Summary:


$3 is raked from a pot of $1974.50.

hamhock wins $1971.50 with two pair, kings and sevens.


Snacka om att jag ångrar synen här. Framför allt var det synen på turn som var illa. Motståndaren bettade perfekt belopp vilket gjorde mig för nyfiken på att syna. Illa.



Hand 2.


Hand #11009450-4113 at Lisbon (No Limit Hold'em)

Powered by UltimateBet

Started at 18/Jan/06 16:42:17


cmw is at seat 0 with $1978.50.

Shockbrake is at seat 1 with $1923.25 (sitting out).

M0LEDADDY is at seat 2 with $980.

BlaineSTAR is at seat 3 with $1061.75.

DannyKK is at seat 4 with $1911.

lollipop718 is at seat 5 with $3807.75.

hamhock is at seat 7 with $1971.50.

dabadbeatman is at seat 8 with $975.

AllinAndy is at seat 9 with $924.75.

The button is at seat 2.


BlaineSTAR posts the small blind of $5.

DannyKK posts the big blind of $10.


cmw: -- --

M0LEDADDY: -- --

BlaineSTAR: -- --

DannyKK: Ts Tc

lollipop718: -- --

hamhock: -- --

dabadbeatman: -- --

AllinAndy: -- --




lollipop718 raises to $35. hamhock folds.

dabadbeatman folds. AllinAndy folds. cmw folds.

M0LEDADDY folds. BlaineSTAR calls. DannyKK calls.



Flop (board: Td 9d 4d):


BlaineSTAR checks. DannyKK bets $60. lollipop718

raises to $120. BlaineSTAR folds. DannyKK calls.



Turn (board: Td 9d 4d 7h):


DannyKK checks. lollipop718 bets $175. DannyKK



River (board: Td 9d 4d 7h 5c):


DannyKK checks. lollipop718 bets $350. DannyKK

raises to $875. lollipop718 folds. DannyKK is

returned $525 (uncalled).


Här höll jag tummarna för att ett fjärde ruter inte skulle falla. Valde att försöka med en checkraise på river eftersom jag precis synat ned med A10 i en annan hand och jag var säker på att motståndaren skulle försöka få ett extra bet med sitt överpar. Jag antar att min checkraise var för kraftig.


Hand 3


Hand #11009450-4113 Summary:


$3 is raked from a pot of $1395.


Hand #11009450-4115 at Lisbon (No Limit Hold'em)

Powered by UltimateBet

Started at 18/Jan/06 16:45:07


cmw is at seat 0 with $1978.50.

M0LEDADDY is at seat 2 with $980.

BlaineSTAR is at seat 3 with $1026.75.

DannyKK is at seat 4 with $2618.

lollipop718 is at seat 5 with $3092.75.

Faldo17 is at seat 6 with $927.50.

hamhock is at seat 7 with $1936.50.

dabadbeatman is at seat 8 with $1047.

AllinAndy is at seat 9 with $924.75.

The button is at seat 4.


lollipop718 posts the small blind of $5.

Faldo17 posts the big blind of $10.


cmw: -- --

M0LEDADDY: -- --

BlaineSTAR: -- --

DannyKK: Ah Ks

lollipop718: -- --

Faldo17: -- --

hamhock: -- --

dabadbeatman: -- --

AllinAndy: -- --




hamhock folds. dabadbeatman folds. AllinAndy folds.

cmw folds. M0LEDADDY folds. BlaineSTAR raises to

$35. DannyKK calls. lollipop718 folds. Faldo17



Flop (board: 5d As 6d):


BlaineSTAR bets $50. DannyKK raises to $100.

BlaineSTAR re-raises to $150. DannyKK calls.


Turn (board: 5d As 6d 2d):


BlaineSTAR bets $150. DannyKK calls.


River (board: 5d As 6d 2d 4s):


BlaineSTAR bets $300. DannyKK calls.






BlaineSTAR shows Qs Td.

BlaineSTAR has Qs Td 5d As 6d: ace high.

DannyKK shows Ah Ks.

DannyKK has Ah Ks 5d As 6d: a pair of aces.



Hand #11009450-4115 Summary:


$3 is raked from a pot of $1285.

DannyKK wins $1282 with a pair of aces.


Hade motståndaren bettat all-in på river hade jag funderat länge och väl om det hade varit värt att syna. Såg AK i ruter framför mig.

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Ytterligare en hård pokerdag lagd till handlingarna. Spelade 5hr+ på 10/25$ och det var ingen lek direkt. Riktigt riktigt vassa spelare där och det slutade på ca -3,5k. Inte helt lyckat och jag kommer inte gå upp där igen om det inte finns dåliga spelare runt bordet. Förlorade min största pott någonsin efter synnerligen olyckliga omständigheter. En sån där hand som man tänker länge på efteråt. Kommentarer om mitt spel mottages gärna.


10/25. 9-10 spelare vid bordet. Jag har suttit länge vid bordet och de allra flesta verkar väldigt solida. Bordet har gått från SH till fullsatt och alla har tightat upp. Jag har 6k i stacken och de andra tre jag möter i den här handen har mellan 2,5-4,5k.


Jag hittar [6 :diamond: 6 :spade: ] från UTG och vill spela. Bettar 50$. Anledningen att jag inte limpar är att då kan man alltid räkna med en pothöjning och då kommer det kosta minst 110$ att spela handen. Alla lägger sig fram till knappen som synar. SB synar och BB slår om och höjer till 250$. Han har 4,5k i sin stack och jag synar för att omöjligt träffa set och vinna en monsterpott. Knappen och SB synar också och vi är fyra med som ser floppen:


Pot: 1000$

Flop: [9 :club: 7 :club: 5 :diamond: ]


Ingen drömflop. Jag träffade inte så jag är beredd att dumpa handen. BB checkar och sedan checkar alla efter honom.


Pot: 1000$

Turn: [8 :club: ]


KLONK. Där satt den! BB checkar igen och jag bettar pot. Vill bara ta ned handen och skyddar den från eventuella färgdrag. Knappen ställer in för ytterligare 1500$ och SB och BB viker.

Poten är på 4,5k och det kostar mig 1,5k att vara med. Känns ju nästan helt säkert att han har minst en 6:a eller färgen. Jag kan inte låta bli och synar. River ger en blank och motståndaren tar potten med [J :diamond: 10 :club: ] och potten på 6k. Satan vad tung den var, sannolikt den värsta hand jag någonsin spelat. Har tänkt och tänkt på handen i natt och hittar inte så mycket att göra åt. Trista omständigheter att BB höjde så fattigt så att alla gick med och skithanden J10o vinner efter mega neggo klonken från mig. Alternativ kunde varit check på turn eller att betta 500 och kanske kunna hitta en fold om någon slår om.



Rulle: 11,2k

Rake: ca 700


Nu är det alltid lätt att va efterklok... Men jag tänkte på 2 saker som du skulle kunna ha gjort annorlunda.


1.Nu vet inte jag hur fiffiga spelarna på bordet försökte va, vissa har ju en tendens att tycka det är häftigt att CR efter dom har höjt preflop. Men varför checkar du på floppen? Jag hade nog bettat, kring halv pot eller strax över för att försöka ta potten direkt. Det finns en rätt stor chans att du har bäst hand, då 2/3 har checkat och du har ändå outs mot t.ex. TPTK

JT handen hade fått rätt svårt att syna ett bett på säg 700, med "bara" 2.5k i stacken.


2. Synen på hans reraise är väl inte klockren. Det ligger 3 färgkort och fyra till stegen. Du har ändå sucker straiten, får känslan av att du som bäst kan hoppas på att splitta där. Det finns rätt mycket som slår dig och rätt lite du slår. Du har heller inga redraws om du ligger efter eller splittar med en 6:a.

Å andra sidan ligger det väldigt mycket i potten... Oddsen för den synen är väl förbra kanske då möjligheten ändå finns för en semibluff med drag eller att han har överspelat 2 par/set


Lite blandade händer från igår och idag. Först en bad beat av klass. Den här hade jag dött av.


Hand #11009450-4107 at Lisbon (No Limit Hold'em)

Powered by UltimateBet

Started at 18/Jan/06 16:36:46


cmw is at seat 0 with $1946.50.

Shockbrake is at seat 1 with $1923.25 (sitting out).

marcianoaa is at seat 2 with $970.

BlaineSTAR is at seat 3 with $984.75.

DannyKK is at seat 4 with $2925.75.

lollipop718 is at seat 5 with $2136.

ram714 is at seat 6 with $1582.75.

hamhock is at seat 7 with $1004.75.

dabadbeatman is at seat 8 with $1000 (sitting out).

AllinAndy is at seat 9 with $1044.75.

The button is at seat 5.


ram714 posts the small blind of $5.

hamhock posts the big blind of $10.


cmw: -- --

marcianoaa: -- --

BlaineSTAR: -- --

DannyKK: 7s Jh

lollipop718: -- --

ram714: -- --

hamhock: -- --

AllinAndy: -- --




AllinAndy raises to $20. cmw folds. marcianoaa

folds. BlaineSTAR folds. DannyKK folds.

lollipop718 calls. ram714 calls. hamhock calls.


Flop (board: Qc Qd 3d):


ram714 checks. hamhock checks. AllinAndy bets $50.

lollipop718 calls. ram714 raises to $280. hamhock

folds. AllinAndy folds. lollipop718 calls.


Turn (board: Qc Qd 3d 7c):


ram714 goes all-in for $1282.75. lollipop718 calls.



River (board: Qc Qd 3d 7c 8s):


(no action in this round)





ram714 shows Qs Kc.

ram714 has Qs Kc Qc Qd 8s: three queens.

lollipop718 shows 8h Qh.

lollipop718 has 8h Qh Qc Qd 8s: full house, queens full of eights.



Hand #11009450-4107 Summary:


$3 is raked from a pot of $3255.50.

lollipop718 wins $3252.50 with full house, queens full of eights.


En standard fold här. Först blir man glad att floppa 2 två men på reraise är det givetvis fold som gäller.




Hand #10717081-33942 at Garfield (No Limit Hold'em)

Powered by UltimateBet

Started at 19/Jan/06 11:12:21


oldfashiond is at seat 0 with $1810.35.

DannyDanny is at seat 1 with $2625.45.

Smokin001 is at seat 2 with $958.50.

DannyKK is at seat 3 with $1172.

Lisa Pena is at seat 4 with $437.

Ub King is at seat 5 with $1064.

The button is at seat 1.


Smokin001 posts the small blind of $5.

DannyKK posts the big blind of $10.


oldfashiond: -- --

DannyDanny: -- --

Smokin001: -- --

DannyKK: Kd Jd

Lisa Pena: -- --

Ub King: -- --




Lisa Pena folds. Ub King calls. oldfashiond folds.

DannyDanny raises to $45. Smokin001 folds. DannyKK

calls. Ub King calls.


Flop (board: Jh Kh 5h):


DannyKK bets $140. Ub King calls. DannyDanny raises

to $700. DannyKK folds. Ub King goes all-in for

$1019. DannyDanny calls.


Turn (board: Jh Kh 5h 4h):


(no action in this round)



River (board: Jh Kh 5h 4h 5d):


(no action in this round)







Ub King shows Th 6h.

Ub King has Th 6h Jh Kh 5h: flush, king high.

DannyDanny mucks cards.

(DannyDanny has 7h 8h.)



Hand #10717081-33942 Summary:


$3 is raked from a pot of $2318.

Ub King wins $2315 with flush, king high.


Här en hand på samma tema när jag inte släpper topp 2. Resultatet var inget vidare.



Hand #10717136-25712 at Leominster (No Limit Hold'em)

Powered by UltimateBet

Started at 19/Jan/06 12:06:01


PoquetAces is at seat 0 with $507.50.

gamebird is at seat 1 with $500.

halawe is at seat 2 with $591.50.

DannyKK is at seat 5 with $1000.

The button is at seat 0.


halawe posts the small blind of $5.

DannyKK posts the big blind of $10.


PoquetAces: -- --

halawe: -- --

DannyKK: 8h Tc




PoquetAces raises to $35. halawe calls. DannyKK



Flop (board: Js Ts 8s):


halawe checks. DannyKK bets $105. PoquetAces calls.

halawe calls.


Turn (board: Js Ts 8s 6c):


halawe checks. DannyKK bets $420. PoquetAces goes

all-in for $367.50. halawe folds. DannyKK is

returned $52.50 (uncalled).


River (board: Js Ts 8s 6c 3h):


(no action in this round)







DannyKK shows 8h Tc.

DannyKK has 8h Tc Js Ts 8s: two pair, tens and eights.

PoquetAces shows Qs 2s.

PoquetAces has Qs 2s Js Ts 8s: flush, queen high.



Hand #10717136-25712 Summary:


$1 is raked from a pot of $1155.

PoquetAces wins $1154 with flush, queen high.


Min näst största pott någonsin. Ruskigt skön. Motståndaren måste ha haft lite olika mål med sitt 3-bett allin. Dels att få mig att lägga alla kungar eller att syna med färgdrag. Jag vet inte riktigt vad det var, men aldrig att jag lägger AK där.


Hand #10742452-18088 at Ramona (No Limit Hold'em)

Powered by UltimateBet

Started at 19/Jan/06 12:57:30


mandrakino is at seat 0 with $2167.

DannyKK is at seat 1 with $2535.

quincunx is at seat 3 with $2484.

BellagioLee is at seat 4 with $322.

Suri is at seat 5 with $2859.50.

The button is at seat 5.


mandrakino posts the small blind of $10.

DannyKK posts the big blind of $25.


mandrakino: -- --

DannyKK: Ad Ks

quincunx: -- --

BellagioLee: -- --

Suri: -- --




quincunx raises to $85. BellagioLee folds. Suri

folds. mandrakino calls. DannyKK calls.


Flop (board: 3s 2d Kd):


mandrakino checks. DannyKK checks. quincunx bets

$150. mandrakino calls. DannyKK raises to $600.

quincunx re-raises to $2205. mandrakino folds.

DannyKK goes all-in for $2450. quincunx goes all-in

for $2399. DannyKK is returned $51 (uncalled).


Turn (board: 3s 2d Kd 4s):


(no action in this round)



River (board: 3s 2d Kd 4s 7c):


(no action in this round)







DannyKK shows Ad Ks.

DannyKK has Ad Ks Kd 4s 7c: a pair of kings.

quincunx shows 8d 8h.

quincunx has 8d 8h Kd 4s 7c: a pair of eights.



Hand #10742452-18088 Summary:


$2 is raked from a pot of $5203.

DannyKK wins $5201 with a pair of kings.


Började sålunda bra på 10/25 igår. Sedan följde massa förluster. Så här såg det ut hela tiden.




Hand #10742452-18188 at Ramona (No Limit Hold'em)

Powered by UltimateBet

Started at 19/Jan/06 13:42:32


mandrakino is at seat 0 with $4837.

adversity is at seat 1 with $3046.

Buck_Taxon is at seat 2 with $3821.

18quills is at seat 3 with $358.50.

BellagioLee is at seat 4 with $2682.50.

DannyKK is at seat 5 with $2405.

The button is at seat 5.


mandrakino posts the small blind of $10.

adversity posts the big blind of $25.


mandrakino: -- --

adversity: -- --

Buck_Taxon: -- --

18quills: -- --

BellagioLee: -- --

DannyKK: 4d 4s




Buck_Taxon folds. 18quills folds. BellagioLee

folds. DannyKK raises to $85. mandrakino calls.

adversity calls.


Flop (board: 6h 3h 3d):


mandrakino checks. adversity checks. DannyKK bets

$255. mandrakino calls. adversity folds.


Turn (board: 6h 3h 3d Ts):


mandrakino checks. DannyKK checks.


River (board: 6h 3h 3d Ts 5s):


mandrakino bets $300. DannyKK calls.






mandrakino shows 8d 8s.

mandrakino has 8d 8s 3h 3d Ts: two pair, eights and threes.

DannyKK mucks cards.

(DannyKK has 4d 4s.)



Hand #10742452-18188 Summary:


$3 is raked from a pot of $1365.

mandrakino wins $1362 with two pair, eights and threes.


Den här var tung som fan. Jag vet inte vem 10:an på turn var ett mirakelkort för. Gissningsvis för mig.



Hand #10742452-18191 at Ramona (No Limit Hold'em)

Powered by UltimateBet

Started at 19/Jan/06 13:43:50


mandrakino is at seat 0 with $5559.

adversity is at seat 1 with $2951.

Buck_Taxon is at seat 2 with $3843.

18quills is at seat 3 with $308.50.

BellagioLee is at seat 4 with $2717.50.

DannyKK is at seat 5 with $2500.

The button is at seat 2.


18quills posts the small blind of $10.

BellagioLee posts the big blind of $25.


mandrakino: -- --

adversity: -- --

Buck_Taxon: -- --

18quills: -- --

BellagioLee: -- --

DannyKK: Ah Qd




DannyKK raises to $85. mandrakino folds. adversity

calls. Buck_Taxon folds. 18quills folds.

BellagioLee folds.


Flop (board: Js Qs As):


DannyKK bets $205. adversity raises to $600.

DannyKK calls.


Turn (board: Js Qs As Tc):


DannyKK checks. adversity bets $675. DannyKK folds.

adversity is returned $675 (uncalled).




Hand #10742452-18191 Summary:


$3 is raked from a pot of $1405.

adversity wins $1402.


Ajaj.. Den här var blytung. En sån där hand man tänker på länge efteråt. Det fanns inte en enda annan flopp som skulle kunna gjort att jag synade mig all in här. Endast J hög floppen. Annars skulle jag hittat en fold.



Hand #10742452-18195 at Ramona (No Limit Hold'em)

Powered by UltimateBet

Started at 19/Jan/06 13:46:34


mandrakino is at seat 0 with $5359.

adversity is at seat 1 with $3583.

Buck_Taxon is at seat 2 with $3843.

18quills is at seat 3 with $2959.

BellagioLee is at seat 4 with $2597.50.

DannyKK is at seat 5 with $2025.50.

The button is at seat 0.


adversity posts the small blind of $10.

Buck_Taxon posts the big blind of $25.


mandrakino: -- --

adversity: -- --

Buck_Taxon: -- --

18quills: -- --

BellagioLee: -- --

DannyKK: Qc Qh




18quills raises to $85. BellagioLee folds. DannyKK

calls. mandrakino folds. adversity folds.

Buck_Taxon folds.


Flop (board: Jd 9h 7h):


18quills bets $170. DannyKK raises to $500.

18quills re-raises to $1705. DannyKK goes all-in for

$1940.50. 18quills calls.


Turn (board: Jd 9h 7h 4c):


(no action in this round)



River (board: Jd 9h 7h 4c Ah):


(no action in this round)






DannyKK shows Qc Qh.

DannyKK has Qc Qh Jd 9h Ah: a pair of queens.

18quills shows Kd Ks.

18quills has Kd Ks Jd 9h Ah: a pair of kings.



Hand #10742452-18195 Summary:


$3 is raked from a pot of $4086.

18quills wins $4083 with a pair of kings.


Var rätt sliten efter de där tunga förlusterna och eftersom nivån gör att potterna blir grymt stora kändes det inte direkt bekvämt. Här tvingade jag mig att trycka en all-in på turn. Motståndaren stekte länge, undra om han inte hade en dam eller JJ.




Hand #10742452-18256 at Ramona (No Limit Hold'em)

Powered by UltimateBet

Started at 19/Jan/06 14:11:42


mandrakino is at seat 0 with $5954.

Buck_Taxon is at seat 2 with $4380.

BellagioLee is at seat 4 with $2513.50.

DannyKK is at seat 5 with $2778.

The button is at seat 5.


mandrakino posts the small blind of $10.

Buck_Taxon posts the big blind of $25.


mandrakino: -- --

Buck_Taxon: -- --

BellagioLee: -- --

DannyKK: Th Ts




BellagioLee folds. DannyKK raises to $85.

mandrakino re-raises to $280. Buck_Taxon folds.

DannyKK calls.


Flop (board: Qs 2h 5h):


mandrakino bets $585. DannyKK calls.


Turn (board: Qs 2h 5h 6d):


mandrakino checks. DannyKK bets $1755. mandrakino

folds. DannyKK is returned $1755 (uncalled).




Hand #10742452-18256 Summary:


$2 is raked from a pot of $1755.

DannyKK wins $1753.¨


En standard förlust hand. Tycker jag klarade mig ruskigt bra här faktiskt. Motståndaren leder ut på floppen och vill ha omslag. På turn checkar han för att checkraisa. Jag lyckades hålla mig kall och gjorde ett crying call på river som jag kanske kunde undvikit. Är iaf nöjd med att jag inte förlorade mera.


Hand #10742452-18268 at Ramona (No Limit Hold'em)

Powered by UltimateBet

Started at 19/Jan/06 14:17:28


mandrakino is at seat 0 with $5185.

Buck_Taxon is at seat 2 with $4020.

gcnmoo is at seat 3 with $2621.

BellagioLee is at seat 4 with $2617.50.

DannyKK is at seat 5 with $3664.

The button is at seat 2.


gcnmoo posts the small blind of $10.

BellagioLee posts the big blind of $25.


mandrakino: -- --

Buck_Taxon: -- --

gcnmoo: -- --

BellagioLee: -- --

DannyKK: Ad Kc




DannyKK raises to $85. mandrakino calls. Buck_Taxon

folds. gcnmoo calls. BellagioLee calls.


Flop (board: As 9h 6h):


gcnmoo bets $175. BellagioLee folds. DannyKK calls.

mandrakino folds.


Turn (board: As 9h 6h 4d):


gcnmoo checks. DannyKK checks.


River (board: As 9h 6h 4d 2d):


gcnmoo bets $525. DannyKK calls.






gcnmoo shows 6c 6s.

gcnmoo has 6c 6s As 9h 6h: three sixes.

DannyKK mucks cards.

(DannyKK has Ad Kc.)



Hand #10742452-18268 Summary:


$2 is raked from a pot of $1740.

gcnmoo wins $1738 with three sixes.


Riktigt uselt spelat. I sådana här lägen skulle jag vilja ha ballar av stål och slå om på floppen för att sedan få båda korten som följer. Som det är nu, i den här handen, och oftast skänker jag bort massa pengar på sånt här spel.




Hand #10742452-18288 at Ramona (No Limit Hold'em)

Powered by UltimateBet

Started at 19/Jan/06 14:25:04


mandrakino is at seat 0 with $4465.

bedeviling is at seat 1 with $2500.

Buck_Taxon is at seat 2 with $4682.

gcnmoo is at seat 3 with $3402.

BellagioLee is at seat 4 with $3181.50.

DannyKK is at seat 5 with $2570.

The button is at seat 2.


gcnmoo posts the small blind of $10.

BellagioLee posts the big blind of $25.


mandrakino: -- --

Buck_Taxon: -- --

gcnmoo: -- --

BellagioLee: -- --

DannyKK: 7d Td




DannyKK raises to $50. mandrakino calls. Buck_Taxon

folds. gcnmoo re-raises to $160. BellagioLee folds.

DannyKK calls. mandrakino folds.


Flop (board: 3d Qs Ad):


gcnmoo bets $225. DannyKK calls.


Turn (board: 3d Qs Ad 8s):


gcnmoo bets $475. DannyKK calls.


River (board: 3d Qs Ad 8s Js):


gcnmoo bets $1125. DannyKK folds. gcnmoo is

returned $1125 (uncalled).




Hand #10742452-18288 Summary:


$2 is raked from a pot of $1795.

gcnmoo wins $1793.


Här hade jag chansen på en ruskigt stor pott, men motståndaren höll sig lugn och förlorade minimalt. Jag ångrar djupt att jag inte checkade på turn och sedan slog om. Han hade sannolikt inte kunnat lägga sig då.


Hand #10742452-18302 at Ramona (No Limit Hold'em)

Powered by UltimateBet

Started at 19/Jan/06 14:31:11


mandrakino is at seat 0 with $4517.

bedeviling is at seat 1 with $2954.

Buck_Taxon is at seat 2 with $4599.

gcnmoo is at seat 3 with $4080.

BellagioLee is at seat 4 with $3131.50.

DannyKK is at seat 5 with $2500.

The button is at seat 4.


DannyKK posts the small blind of $10.

mandrakino posts the big blind of $25.


mandrakino: -- --

bedeviling: -- --

Buck_Taxon: -- --

gcnmoo: -- --

BellagioLee: -- --

DannyKK: 8s 9d




bedeviling folds. Buck_Taxon folds. gcnmoo folds.

BellagioLee raises to $85. DannyKK calls.

mandrakino folds.


Flop (board: 7c 6c 3d):


DannyKK checks. BellagioLee checks.


Turn (board: 7c 6c 3d 5h):


DannyKK bets $120. BellagioLee calls.


River (board: 7c 6c 3d 5h 9s):


DannyKK bets $435. BellagioLee calls.






DannyKK shows 8s 9d.

DannyKK has 8s 9d 7c 6c 5h: straight, nine high.

BellagioLee mucks cards.

(BellagioLee has 4d 2d.)



Hand #10742452-18302 Summary:


$3 is raked from a pot of $1305.

DannyKK wins $1302 with straight, nine high.


Jag kände mig inte helt bekväm på den höga nivån och gick tillbaka till mina gamla synder att inte betta handen på river. Illa, här hade jag nog kunnat få en hel del till.


Hand #10742452-18308 at Ramona (No Limit Hold'em)

Powered by UltimateBet

Started at 19/Jan/06 14:34:34


mandrakino is at seat 0 with $5264.

bedeviling is at seat 1 with $3361.

Buck_Taxon is at seat 2 with $4564.

gcnmoo is at seat 3 with $4017.50.

BellagioLee is at seat 4 with $1401.50 (sitting out).

DannyKK is at seat 5 with $3159.

The button is at seat 3.


DannyKK posts the small blind of $10.

mandrakino posts the big blind of $25.


mandrakino: -- --

bedeviling: -- --

Buck_Taxon: -- --

gcnmoo: -- --

DannyKK: Jd Ks




bedeviling folds. Buck_Taxon folds. gcnmoo folds.

DannyKK raises to $75. mandrakino calls.


Flop (board: Jh 4d Td):


DannyKK bets $150. mandrakino calls.


Turn (board: Jh 4d Td 2d):


DannyKK checks. mandrakino bets $450. DannyKK



River (board: Jh 4d Td 2d Js):


DannyKK checks. mandrakino checks.






DannyKK shows Jd Ks.

DannyKK has Jd Ks Jh Td Js: three jacks.

mandrakino mucks cards.

(mandrakino has Tc 4c.)



Hand #10742452-18308 Summary:


$2 is raked from a pot of $1350.

DannyKK wins $1348 with three jacks.


Här var en riktigt svår hand. Floppen var nog den sämsta som tänkas kunde eftersom den gav mig extra outs plus skrämde livet ur mig. Efter jag checkat på flop och turn så gissade jag att han satt på mig på AK och jag vågade inte betta trots att jag var säker på att han hade ett pockets. En sån här liten meningslös hand som sätter sig i skallen, hur kunde han syna med 22 och varför kom floppen med q10? Fick resa mig upp och gå ett varv i rummet efter den.


Hand #10742452-18318 at Ramona (No Limit Hold'em)

Powered by UltimateBet

Started at 19/Jan/06 14:39:07


mandrakino is at seat 0 with $4601.

bedeviling is at seat 1 with $2711.

Buck_Taxon is at seat 2 with $5350.

18quills is at seat 3 with $2638.

BellagioLee is at seat 4 with $1376.50.

DannyKK is at seat 5 with $3492.

The button is at seat 3.


BellagioLee posts the small blind of $10.

DannyKK posts the big blind of $25.


mandrakino: -- --

bedeviling: -- --

Buck_Taxon: -- --

18quills: -- --

BellagioLee: -- --

DannyKK: Ks Ah




mandrakino raises to $85. bedeviling folds.

Buck_Taxon folds. 18quills folds. BellagioLee

calls. DannyKK re-raises to $340. mandrakino folds.

BellagioLee calls.


Flop (board: Tc 4s Qc):


BellagioLee checks. DannyKK checks.


Turn (board: Tc 4s Qc 3h):


BellagioLee checks. DannyKK checks.


River (board: Tc 4s Qc 3h 4c):


BellagioLee checks. DannyKK checks.






BellagioLee shows 2c 2h.

BellagioLee has 2c 2h 4s Qc 4c: two pair, fours and deuces.

DannyKK mucks cards.

(DannyKK has Ks Ah.)



Hand #10742452-18318 Summary:


$3 is raked from a pot of $765.

BellagioLee wins $762 with two pair, fours and deuces.


Här var en cool hand. I början av min pokerkarriär skulle jag aldrig kommit på tanken att 3 betta på floppen med den här handen. Men nu är det andra bullar som gäller och killen som är motståndare i den här handen har jag mött många gånger och han är vild som fan.


and #10717136-26258 at Leominster (No Limit Hold'em)

Powered by UltimateBet

Started at 19/Jan/06 15:58:28


Just-In-Time is at seat 0 with $1043.

DannyKK is at seat 1 with $1036.

wbfinist is at seat 4 with $3543.75.

WSUdrunk is at seat 5 with $1000.

The button is at seat 0.


DannyKK posts the small blind of $5.

wbfinist posts the big blind of $10.


Just-In-Time: -- --

DannyKK: Kh Qs

wbfinist: -- --

WSUdrunk: -- --




WSUdrunk folds. Just-In-Time folds. DannyKK raises

to $30. wbfinist calls.


Flop (board: 5c Th Kc):


DannyKK bets $60. wbfinist raises to $240. DannyKK

re-raises to $780. wbfinist re-raises to $2400.

DannyKK goes all-in for $1006. wbfinist is returned

$1394 (uncalled).


Turn (board: 5c Th Kc Td):


(no action in this round)



River (board: 5c Th Kc Td Qh):


(no action in this round)







wbfinist shows Qd Ks.

wbfinist has Qd Ks Th Kc Qh: two pair, kings and queens.

DannyKK shows Kh Qs.

DannyKK has Kh Qs Th Kc Qh: two pair, kings and queens.



Hand #10717136-26258 Summary:


$2 is raked from a pot of $2072.

wbfinist wins $1035 of a $2070 pot with two pair, kings and queens.

DannyKK wins $1035 of a $2070 pot with two pair, kings and queens.


En skithand. Så här illa kan jag spela ibland. Blockbettet på 10$ på river var inte direkt stor poker.





Hand #11009446-3764 at Rotterdam (No Limit Hold'em)

Powered by UltimateBet

Started at 19/Jan/06 16:17:51


takeitdownnot is at seat 0 with $552.

DannyKK is at seat 3 with $914.

Germacho is at seat 5 with $936.50.

The button is at seat 5.


takeitdownnot posts the small blind of $5.

DannyKK posts the big blind of $10.


takeitdownnot: -- --

DannyKK: As 2c

Germacho: -- --




Germacho raises to $35. takeitdownnot calls.

DannyKK calls.


Flop (board: Ad 6s 3d):


takeitdownnot checks. DannyKK checks. Germacho bets

$85. takeitdownnot folds. DannyKK calls.


Turn (board: Ad 6s 3d 9d):


DannyKK checks. Germacho checks.


River (board: Ad 6s 3d 9d 2d):


DannyKK bets $10. Germacho raises to $135. DannyKK







Germacho shows 4h Qd.

Germacho has Qd Ad 3d 9d 2d: flush, ace high.

DannyKK mucks cards.

(DannyKK has As 2c.)



Hand #11009446-3764 Summary:


$1 is raked from a pot of $545.

Germacho wins $544 with flush, ace high.


Här var ett läge under sessionen som inget gick. Den här handen var sån mental tortyr. Kolla floppen, kolla färgdraget som träffar på turn och kolla sedan rivern.. Han med färgdraget hade dessutom spader 9 och hade betalt ordentligt på river. En 1 outare för att förstöra en potentielt stor pott. Var inte glad efter detta.



Hand #11070220-2813 at Scunthorpe (No Limit Hold'em)

Powered by UltimateBet

Started at 19/Jan/06 19:17:08


grahamaddiso is at seat 1 with $2602.50.

boy is at seat 2 with $2253.

ITALIANO33 is at seat 4 with $0 (sitting out).

x-fire-x is at seat 5 with $292.

DannyKK is at seat 6 with $3077.

The button is at seat 5.


DannyKK posts the small blind of $10.

grahamaddiso posts the big blind of $25.


grahamaddiso: -- --

boy: -- --

x-fire-x: -- --

DannyKK: 2c Ah




boy folds. x-fire-x calls. DannyKK calls.

grahamaddiso checks.


Flop (board: Ac 2s As):


DannyKK bets $75. grahamaddiso calls. x-fire-x



Turn (board: Ac 2s As 9h):


DannyKK bets $140. grahamaddiso raises to $280.

x-fire-x goes all-in for $192. DannyKK calls.


River (board: Ac 2s As 9h 9d):


DannyKK checks. grahamaddiso checks.






DannyKK shows 2c Ah.

DannyKK has Ah Ac As 9h 9d: full house, aces full of nines.

grahamaddiso mucks cards.

(grahamaddiso has 9s 3s.)

x-fire-x shows Tc Ad.

x-fire-x has Ad Ac As 9h 9d: full house, aces full of nines.



Hand #11070220-2813 Summary:


$2 is raked from a total pot of $1052.

$2 is raked from the main pot of $876.

$0 is raked from side pot #1 of $176.

x-fire-x wins the main pot $437 of a $874 pot with full house, aces full of nine

DannyKK wins the main pot $437 of a $874 pot with full house, aces full of nines

DannyKK wins the side pot $176 with full house, aces full of nines.


Ungefär samma typ av hand där jag vann 5k med AK. Här blev det dock annorlunda då jag verkligen fruktade AA och som om inte det vore nog föll J och Q på turn och river. Var helt säker på att förlora handen och en allin på river fått mig att folda. Kanske att han skulle klarat av att läsa mig på det, den känns uppenbar.


Hand #11070220-2839 at Scunthorpe (No Limit Hold'em)

Powered by UltimateBet

Started at 19/Jan/06 19:28:10


grahamaddiso is at seat 1 with $2298.50.

boy is at seat 2 with $2948.

x-fire-x is at seat 5 with $104.

DannyKK is at seat 6 with $3114.

The button is at seat 6.


grahamaddiso posts the small blind of $10.

boy posts the big blind of $25.


grahamaddiso: -- --

boy: -- --

x-fire-x: -- --

DannyKK: Ac Kh




x-fire-x folds. DannyKK raises to $85. grahamaddiso

re-raises to $280. boy folds. DannyKK calls.


Flop (board: 7h 2s Kd):


grahamaddiso bets $585. DannyKK calls.


Turn (board: 7h 2s Kd Js):


grahamaddiso checks. DannyKK checks.


River (board: 7h 2s Kd Js Qs):


grahamaddiso checks. DannyKK checks.






grahamaddiso shows Td Tc.

grahamaddiso has Td Tc Kd Js Qs: a pair of tens.

DannyKK shows Ac Kh.

DannyKK has Ac Kh Kd Js Qs: a pair of kings.



Hand #11070220-2839 Summary:


$2 is raked from a pot of $1755.

DannyKK wins $1753 with a pair of kings.


Den här handen är sannolikt den sämst spelade jag någonsin sett i hela mitt liv. Nivån är 10/25$ och jag antar att flertalet av spelarna är heltidsproffs. Luta er tillbaka och njut&förfäras av följande fiskspel.



Hand #11070220-2856 at Scunthorpe (No Limit Hold'em)

Powered by UltimateBet

Started at 19/Jan/06 19:35:15


Seby is at seat 0 with $965.

grahamaddiso is at seat 1 with $1218.50.

boy is at seat 2 with $3107.

x-fire-x is at seat 5 with $139.

DannyKK is at seat 6 with $4021.

pannella is at seat 8 with $1000.

The button is at seat 0.


grahamaddiso posts the small blind of $10.

boy posts the big blind of $25.

pannella posts out of turn for $25.


Seby: -- --

grahamaddiso: -- --

boy: -- --

x-fire-x: -- --

DannyKK: 4s 2h

pannella: -- --




x-fire-x folds. DannyKK folds. pannella checks.

Seby raises to $110. grahamaddiso re-raises to $195.

boy folds. pannella folds. Seby calls.


Flop (board: Kc 9h 9d):


grahamaddiso bets $440. Seby calls.


Turn (board: Kc 9h 9d 6s):


grahamaddiso goes all-in for $583.50. Seby goes

all-in for $330. grahamaddiso is returned $253.50



River (board: Kc 9h 9d 6s Kh):


(no action in this round)







grahamaddiso shows Tc Th.

grahamaddiso has Tc Th Kc 9h Kh: two pair, kings and tens.

Seby shows 4d 6h.

Seby has 6h Kc 9h 9d Kh: two pair, kings and nines.



Hand #11070220-2856 Summary:


$3 is raked from a pot of $1980.

grahamaddiso wins $1977 with two pair, kings and tens.


Det är så man inte tror det är sant.


Här fick jag en stor en på kroken. Inte nära fiskspelet ovan men ändå på riktigt tomtenivå.




Hand #11070220-2863 at Scunthorpe (No Limit Hold'em)

Powered by UltimateBet

Started at 19/Jan/06 19:39:00


grahamaddiso is at seat 1 with $2250.50.

boy is at seat 2 with $3107.

x-fire-x is at seat 5 with $79.

DannyKK is at seat 6 with $3771.

pannella is at seat 8 with $1236.

The button is at seat 2.


x-fire-x posts the small blind of $10.

DannyKK posts the big blind of $25.


grahamaddiso: -- --

boy: -- --

x-fire-x: -- --

DannyKK: Js Jd

pannella: -- --




pannella raises to $85. grahamaddiso folds. boy

folds. x-fire-x folds. DannyKK calls.


Flop (board: 2s Jh Qh):


DannyKK checks. pannella bets $180. DannyKK calls.



Turn (board: 2s Jh Qh Ad):


DannyKK checks. pannella bets $540. DannyKK raises

to $2160. pannella goes all-in for $971. DannyKK is

returned $1189 (uncalled).


River (board: 2s Jh Qh Ad 7c):


(no action in this round)







DannyKK shows Js Jd.

DannyKK has Js Jd Jh Qh Ad: three jacks.

pannella shows Jc Tc.

pannella has Jc Tc Jh Qh Ad: a pair of jacks.



Hand #11070220-2863 Summary:


$2 is raked from a pot of $2482.

DannyKK wins $2480 with three jacks.


Här är den, min största förlustpott någonsin. Fy fan vad illa. En pott som inte borde blivit någonsin och en massa märkligheter ställer till det. Undra vad tusan han som satt på BB och höjde upp till 250 in i 3 spelare tänkte. Och undra vad jag tänkte... En ruskigt stor läcka jag har är turnspelet. Ofta funkar det bra på flopp och river men det har hänt i nästan alla stora potter jag förlorat att jag tappat greppet på turn. Det är som om jag inte kan se när turn kortet träffar motståndaren.



Hand #11070220-2894 at Scunthorpe (No Limit Hold'em)

Powered by UltimateBet

Started at 19/Jan/06 19:57:50


Seby is at seat 0 with $3643.

grahamaddiso is at seat 1 with $1580.50.

boy is at seat 2 with $3129.

bedeviling is at seat 3 with $2697.

airman is at seat 4 with $186.

deerchaser21 is at seat 5 with $2914.

DannyKK is at seat 6 with $5832.

PartyHost is at seat 7 with $2500.

G0 F1SH is at seat 8 with $2500.

Rock Biter is at seat 9 with $2500.

The button is at seat 3.


airman posts the small blind of $10.

deerchaser21 posts the big blind of $25.


Seby: -- --

grahamaddiso: -- --

boy: -- --

bedeviling: -- --

airman: -- --

deerchaser21: -- --

DannyKK: 6s 6h

Rock Biter: -- --




DannyKK raises to $50. Rock Biter folds. Seby

folds. grahamaddiso folds. boy folds. bedeviling

calls. airman calls. deerchaser21 re-raises to

$250. DannyKK calls. bedeviling calls. airman

goes all-in for $186.


Flop (board: 9c 7c 5s):


deerchaser21 checks. DannyKK checks. bedeviling



Turn (board: 9c 7c 5s 8c):


deerchaser21 checks. DannyKK bets $936. bedeviling

goes all-in for $2447. deerchaser21 folds. DannyKK



River (board: 9c 7c 5s 8c Ad):


(no action in this round)







bedeviling shows Tc Jd.

bedeviling has Tc Jd 9c 7c 8c: straight, jack high.

airman shows Qs 4s.

airman has Qs 9c 7c 8c Ad: ace high.

DannyKK mucks cards.

(DannyKK has 6s 6h.)



Hand #11070220-2894 Summary:


$3 is raked from a total pot of $5830.

$3 is raked from the main pot of $744.

$0 is raked from side pot #1 of $5086.

bedeviling wins the main pot $741 with straight, jack high.

bedeviling wins the side pot $5086 with straight, jack high.


Synd att rivern ger ett fjärde hjärter. Undra om han hade synat en all-in eller som det hade blivit all-in om inte hjärter kungen föll på river.



Hand #11070220-2940 at Scunthorpe (No Limit Hold'em)

Powered by UltimateBet

Started at 19/Jan/06 20:25:56


Seby is at seat 0 with $3428.

PocTensA10 is at seat 1 with $1104.50.

boy is at seat 2 with $3170.50.

bedeviling is at seat 3 with $5532.

snake84 is at seat 4 with $2500.

xpensive is at seat 5 with $3305.50.

DannyKK is at seat 6 with $2599.

money_pot is at seat 7 with $625.

G0 F1SH is at seat 8 with $2284.50.

Rock Biter is at seat 9 with $3191.

The button is at seat 0.


PocTensA10 posts the small blind of $10.

boy posts the big blind of $25.


Seby: -- --

PocTensA10: -- --

boy: -- --

bedeviling: -- --

snake84: -- --

xpensive: -- --

DannyKK: Ad 5d

money_pot: -- --

G0 F1SH: -- --

Rock Biter: -- --




bedeviling calls. snake84 folds. xpensive folds.

DannyKK calls. money_pot calls. G0 F1SH folds.

Rock Biter folds. Seby folds. PocTensA10 calls.

boy checks.


Flop (board: 8d 9h 4d):


PocTensA10 bets $50. boy folds. bedeviling folds.

DannyKK calls. money_pot folds.


Turn (board: 8d 9h 4d Td):


PocTensA10 checks. DannyKK bets $100. PocTensA10



River (board: 8d 9h 4d Td Kd):


PocTensA10 checks. DannyKK bets $425. PocTensA10







DannyKK shows Ad 5d.

DannyKK has Ad 5d 8d Td Kd: flush, ace high.

PocTensA10 mucks cards.

(PocTensA10 has 9d Qd.)



Hand #11070220-2940 Summary:


$3 is raked from a pot of $1275.

DannyKK wins $1272 with flush, ace high.


Fick honom straxt efteråt. Såna här all-ins gör att man har det svårt att någonsin lägga överpar på den här nivån.




Hand #11070220-2952 at Scunthorpe (No Limit Hold'em)

Powered by UltimateBet

Started at 19/Jan/06 20:34:25


Seby is at seat 0 with $3393.

PocTensA10 is at seat 1 with $739.50.

boy is at seat 2 with $3222.50.

bedeviling is at seat 3 with $5542 (sitting out).

snake84 is at seat 4 with $2932.

xpensive is at seat 5 with $3305.50.

DannyKK is at seat 6 with $3053.

money_pot is at seat 7 with $625.

G0 F1SH is at seat 8 with $2234.50.

Rock Biter is at seat 9 with $3241.

The button is at seat 2.


snake84 posts the small blind of $10.

xpensive posts the big blind of $25.


Seby: -- --

PocTensA10: -- --

boy: -- --

snake84: -- --

xpensive: -- --

DannyKK: Qh Qd

money_pot: -- --

G0 F1SH: -- --

Rock Biter: -- --




DannyKK raises to $85. money_pot folds. G0 F1SH

folds. Rock Biter folds. Seby folds. PocTensA10

calls. boy folds. snake84 folds. xpensive folds.



Flop (board: 3d Ts 9s):


DannyKK bets $205. PocTensA10 goes all-in for

$654.50. DannyKK calls.


Turn (board: 3d Ts 9s 8c):


(no action in this round)



River (board: 3d Ts 9s 8c 8h):


(no action in this round)







PocTensA10 shows Qc Kh.

PocTensA10 has Qc Kh Ts 8c 8h: a pair of eights.

DannyKK shows Qh Qd.

DannyKK has Qh Qd Ts 8c 8h: two pair, queens and eights.



Hand #11070220-2952 Summary:


$3 is raked from a pot of $1514.

DannyKK wins $1511 with two pair, queens and eights.

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