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PokerStars Game #33964407825: Tournament #203040591, $50+$5 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XX (3500/7000) - 2009/10/12 21:05:33 ET

Table '203040591 15' 9-max Seat #1 is the button

Seat 1: OmegaPhi (138500 in chips)

Seat 2: Bruno GT (220653 in chips)

Seat 6: GotURead (323295 in chips)

Seat 8: storkiz123 (114334 in chips)

Seat 9: sgau777 (76603 in chips)

OmegaPhi: posts the ante 700

Bruno GT: posts the ante 700

GotURead: posts the ante 700

storkiz123: posts the ante 700

sgau777: posts the ante 700

Bruno GT: posts small blind 3500

GotURead: posts big blind 7000

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to storkiz123 Ace of SpadesKing of Clubs

storkiz123: raises 106634 to 113634 and is all-in

sgau777: folds

OmegaPhi: folds

Bruno GT: folds

GotURead: calls 106634

*** FLOP *** 8 of ClubsKing of Diamonds8 of Hearts

*** TURN *** 8 of ClubsKing of Diamonds8 of HeartsQueen of Spades

*** RIVER *** 8 of ClubsKing of Diamonds8 of HeartsQueen of Spades9 of Diamonds

*** SHOW DOWN ***

GotURead: shows 9 of Clubs9 of Hearts (a full house, Nines full of Eights)

storkiz123: shows Ace of SpadesKing of Clubs (two pair, Kings and Eights)

GotURead collected 234268 from pot

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 234268 | Rake 0

Board 8 of ClubsKing of Diamonds8 of HeartsQueen of Spades9 of Diamonds

Seat 1: OmegaPhi (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 2: Bruno GT (small blind) folded before Flop

Seat 6: GotURead (big blind) showed 9 of Clubs9 of Hearts and won (234268) with a full house, Nines full of Eights

Seat 8: storkiz123 showed Ace of SpadesKing of Clubs and lost with two pair, Kings and Eights

Seat 9: sgau777 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

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Tjena alla glada har varit rätt dåligt med skrivande på sistone. Jag har jobbat rätt mycket på sistone som är lite segt när man springer bra i pokern. Sen måste man jobba in lite bara för att man ska vara ledig hela november då det bär av till först Thailand sen två poker resor till spanien.


Ska försöka skärpa mig men det bruka tyvär inte lyckas så bra


Over and Out

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PokerStars Game #34046196629: Tournament #203040573, $50+$5 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXII (4000/8000) - 2009/10/14 21:03:03 ET

Table '203040573 63' 9-max Seat #3 is the button

Seat 3: skratte (331297 in chips)

Seat 4: Azesz (182097 in chips)

Seat 5: Fbonacci (312468 in chips)

Seat 7: storkiz123 (231034 in chips)

Seat 8: Folk85 (311753 in chips)

Seat 9: Revolver_O (744470 in chips)

skratte: posts the ante 800

Azesz: posts the ante 800

Fbonacci: posts the ante 800

storkiz123: posts the ante 800

Folk85: posts the ante 800

Revolver_O: posts the ante 800

Azesz: posts small blind 4000

Fbonacci: posts big blind 8000

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to storkiz123 10 of Spades10 of Diamonds

storkiz123: raises 11999 to 19999

Folk85: calls 19999

Revolver_O: folds

skratte: folds

Azesz: calls 15999

Fbonacci: folds

*** FLOP *** 2 of Spades9 of Hearts2 of Diamonds

Azesz: checks

storkiz123: bets 40000

Folk85: raises 40000 to 80000

Azesz: folds

storkiz123: raises 130235 to 210235 and is all-in

Folk85: calls 130235

*** TURN *** 2 of Spades9 of Hearts2 of Diamonds5 of Clubs

*** RIVER *** 2 of Spades9 of Hearts2 of Diamonds5 of Clubs6 of Spades

*** SHOW DOWN ***

storkiz123: shows 10 of Spades10 of Diamonds (two pair, Tens and Deuces)

Folk85: shows King of SpadesKing of Diamonds (two pair, Kings and Deuces)

Folk85 collected 493267 from pot

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 493267 | Rake 0

Board 2 of Spades9 of Hearts2 of Diamonds5 of Clubs6 of Spades

Seat 3: skratte (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 4: Azesz (small blind) folded on the Flop

Seat 5: Fbonacci (big blind) folded before Flop

Seat 7: storkiz123 showed 10 of Spades10 of Diamonds and lost with two pair, Tens and Deuces

Seat 8: Folk85 showed King of SpadesKing of Diamonds and won (493267) with two pair, Kings and Deuces

Seat 9: Revolver_O folded before Flop (didn't bet)

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Tjena alla glada har varit rätt dåligt med skrivande på sistone. Jag har jobbat rätt mycket på sistone som är lite segt när man springer bra i pokern. Sen måste man jobba in lite bara för att man ska vara ledig hela november då det bär av till först Thailand sen två poker resor till spanien.

Ska försöka skärpa mig men det bruka tyvär inte lyckas så bra


Over and Out


Jag hänger på den till Mallorca.

Tar vi din BMW ner?

Jag är "liten" och får plats i baksätet! 8-)

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***** Hand History for Game 8525671772 *****

NL Texas Hold'em $215 USD Buy-in Trny: 48044330 Level: 6 Blinds(200/400) - Sunday, October 18, 14:45:00 EDT 2009

Table $300K Guaranteed Sunday (1770235) Table #5 (Real Money)

Seat 2 is the button

Total number of players : 9

Seat 8: El_Majico666 ( 5,330 )

Seat 10: Hockey2008 ( 7,322 )

Seat 5: READBLANK ( 16,208 )

Seat 4: Ragetime4you ( 2,852 )

Seat 2: corinaandra ( 8,898 )

Seat 1: gizzyhardcor ( 7,850 )

Seat 7: hardy1111 ( 1,030 )

Seat 9: kjlv66 ( 29,048 )

Seat 6: ztorkiz123 ( 11,460 )

Trny: 48044330 Level: 6


There is no Small Blind in this hand as the Big Blind of the previous hand left the table.

** Dealing down cards **

Dealt to ztorkiz123 [ Tc Ts ]

READBLANK raises [985]

ztorkiz123 calls [985]

hardy1111 folds

El_Majico666 folds

kjlv66 folds

Hockey2008 folds

gizzyhardcor folds

corinaandra folds

Ragetime4you folds

** Dealing Flop ** [ Qs, Th, 6c ]


ztorkiz123 bets [1,185]

READBLANK calls [1,185]

** Dealing Turn ** [ Td ]


ztorkiz123 bets [1,600]

READBLANK raises [3,675]

ztorkiz123 calls [2,075]

** Dealing River ** [ 3h ]

READBLANK is all-In [10,363]

ztorkiz123 is all-In [5,615]

READBLANK shows [ 9s, 9h ]two pairs, Tens and Nines.

ztorkiz123 shows [ Tc, Ts ]four of a kind, Tens.

READBLANK wins 4,748 chips from the side pot 1 with two pairs, Tens and Nines.

ztorkiz123 wins 23,320 chips from the main pot with four of a kind, Tens.

Pseudonym77 has joined the table.

Player Pseudonym77 has been moved from table 60 to this table

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Henrik Wärn säger:


kan du se om du hitta det nya 2m2mm avsnittet



har det kommit då?

Henrik Wärn säger:


men pokerforum mår inte bra


Henrik Wärn säger:

jo det har dom läste på pokerforum



länka ingen där då?

kmr säkert en länk när som då


Henrik Wärn säger:

nej förbjudet eller nått hatar kuksugarna där



lär va många som fråga efter länk *


Henrik Wärn säger:




amen fyfan så lamt


Henrik Wärn säger:

men pokerforum mår inte bra fatta inte hur dom mår

geeksen som är mods där sitter väl och runka sina kukar och är kåtar när ingen får se 2m2mm



Hur mår du egentligen?

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Full Tilt Poker Game #15517527169: $30,000 KO Guarantee (112625946), Table 7 - 2500/5000 Ante 600 - No Limit Hold'em - 22:10:50 ET - 2009/10/22

Seat 1: 1NEVAK6 (91,079)

Seat 2: DENNIS CHANEY (82,400)

Seat 3: siraman (93,158)

Seat 5: ezgam (290,118)

Seat 6: Mr Sparco (278,247)

Seat 7: CHRISSYb77 (52,066)

Seat 8: ztorkiz (234,932)

1NEVAK6 antes 600


siraman antes 600

ezgam antes 600

Mr Sparco antes 600

CHRISSYb77 antes 600

ztorkiz antes 600

Mr Sparco posts the small blind of 2,500

CHRISSYb77 posts the big blind of 5,000

The button is in seat #5

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to ztorkiz 5 of Clubs5 of Spades

siraman: ak suited

ztorkiz calls 5,000

1NEVAK6 folds


siraman folds

ezgam calls 5,000

Mr Sparco calls 2,500

CHRISSYb77 checks

tomfoldsfive (Observer): good laydown i'm sure

*** FLOP *** Jack of Clubs2 of Diamonds5 of Diamonds

Mr Sparco bets 15,000

CHRISSYb77 folds

Tiny B Poker (Observer): ya spades woulda been nice tho

ztorkiz raises to 35,000

ezgam folds

Mr Sparco calls 20,000

*** TURN *** Jack of Clubs2 of Diamonds5 of Diamonds7 of Clubs

Mr Sparco checks

siraman: it was hearts and there was only one heart on flop so

ztorkiz has 15 seconds left to act

ztorkiz bets 45,000

Mr Sparco has 15 seconds left to act

Mr Sparco calls 45,000

*** RIVER *** Jack of Clubs2 of Diamonds5 of Diamonds7 of ClubsKing of Diamonds

Tiny B Poker (Observer): ya u would need runners gf

Mr Sparco has 15 seconds left to act

Mr Sparco bets 192,647, and is all in

ztorkiz has 15 seconds left to act

ztorkiz has requested TIME

ztorkiz folds

Uncalled bet of 192,647 returned to Mr Sparco

Mr Sparco mucks

Mr Sparco wins the pot (184,200)

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 184,200 | Rake 0

Board: Jack of Clubs2 of Diamonds5 of Diamonds7 of ClubsKing of Diamonds

Seat 1: 1NEVAK6 folded before the Flop

Seat 2: DENNIS CHANEY folded before the Flop

Seat 3: siraman folded before the Flop

Seat 5: ezgam (button) folded on the Flop

Seat 6: Mr Sparco (small blind) collected (184,200), mucked

Seat 7: CHRISSYb77 (big blind) folded on the Flop

Seat 8: ztorkiz folded on the River

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Full Tilt Poker Game #15519038727: $30,000 KO Guarantee (112625946), Table 7 - 8000/16000 Ante 2000 - No Limit Hold'em - 23:31:04 ET - 2009/10/22

Seat 5: ezgam (664,824)

Seat 8: ztorkiz (457,176)

ezgam antes 2,000

ztorkiz antes 2,000

ztorkiz posts the small blind of 8,000

ezgam posts the big blind of 16,000

The button is in seat #8

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to ztorkiz Ace of ClubsKing of Clubs

hencus (Observer): a serio

ztorkiz raises to 32,000

ezgam raises to 78,999

hencus (Observer): pensei q fosse um ataque de vespas as 4 e meia da manha

ztorkiz raises to 455,176, and is all in

ezgam calls 376,177

ztorkiz shows Ace of ClubsKing of Clubs

ezgam shows King of SpadesKing of Hearts

*** FLOP *** 9 of Diamonds4 of Hearts5 of Clubs

hencus (Observer): holdddddddddd

*** TURN *** 9 of Diamonds4 of Hearts5 of Clubs8 of Diamonds

any2just4u (Observer): holfdddddddddddd

*** RIVER *** 9 of Diamonds4 of Hearts5 of Clubs8 of Diamonds9 of Spades

hencus (Observer): 222222

ztorkiz shows a pair of Nines

ezgam shows two pair, Kings and Nines

ezgam wins the pot (914,352) with two pair, Kings and Nines


any2just4u (Observer): gogogogoggogo

ztorkiz stands up

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 914,352 | Rake 0

Board: 9 of Diamonds4 of Hearts5 of Clubs8 of Diamonds9 of Spades

Seat 5: ezgam (big blind) showed King of SpadesKing of Hearts and won (914,352) with two pair, Kings and Nines

Seat 8: ztorkiz (small blind) showed Ace of ClubsKing of Clubs and lost with a pair of Nines

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Full Tilt Poker Game #15517527169: $30,000 KO Guarantee (112625946), Table 7 - 2500/5000 Ante 600 - No Limit Hold'em - 22:10:50 ET - 2009/10/22

Seat 1: 1NEVAK6 (91,079)

Seat 2: DENNIS CHANEY (82,400)

Seat 3: siraman (93,158)

Seat 5: ezgam (290,118)

Seat 6: Mr Sparco (278,247)

Seat 7: CHRISSYb77 (52,066)

Seat 8: ztorkiz (234,932)

1NEVAK6 antes 600


siraman antes 600

ezgam antes 600

Mr Sparco antes 600

CHRISSYb77 antes 600

ztorkiz antes 600

Mr Sparco posts the small blind of 2,500

CHRISSYb77 posts the big blind of 5,000

The button is in seat #5

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to ztorkiz 5 of Clubs5 of Spades

siraman: ak suited

ztorkiz calls 5,000

1NEVAK6 folds


siraman folds

ezgam calls 5,000

Mr Sparco calls 2,500

CHRISSYb77 checks

tomfoldsfive (Observer): good laydown i'm sure

*** FLOP *** Jack of Clubs2 of Diamonds5 of Diamonds

Mr Sparco bets 15,000

CHRISSYb77 folds

Tiny B Poker (Observer): ya spades woulda been nice tho

ztorkiz raises to 35,000

ezgam folds

Mr Sparco calls 20,000

*** TURN *** Jack of Clubs2 of Diamonds5 of Diamonds7 of Clubs

Mr Sparco checks

siraman: it was hearts and there was only one heart on flop so

ztorkiz has 15 seconds left to act

ztorkiz bets 45,000

Mr Sparco has 15 seconds left to act

Mr Sparco calls 45,000

*** RIVER *** Jack of Clubs2 of Diamonds5 of Diamonds7 of ClubsKing of Diamonds

Tiny B Poker (Observer): ya u would need runners gf

Mr Sparco has 15 seconds left to act

Mr Sparco bets 192,647, and is all in

ztorkiz has 15 seconds left to act

ztorkiz has requested TIME

ztorkiz folds

Uncalled bet of 192,647 returned to Mr Sparco

Mr Sparco mucks

Mr Sparco wins the pot (184,200)

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 184,200 | Rake 0

Board: Jack of Clubs2 of Diamonds5 of Diamonds7 of ClubsKing of Diamonds

Seat 1: 1NEVAK6 folded before the Flop

Seat 2: DENNIS CHANEY folded before the Flop

Seat 3: siraman folded before the Flop

Seat 5: ezgam (button) folded on the Flop

Seat 6: Mr Sparco (small blind) collected (184,200), mucked

Seat 7: CHRISSYb77 (big blind) folded on the Flop

Seat 8: ztorkiz folded on the River


Mååånga fel i den handen dude :-o

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Full Tilt Poker Game #15517527169: $30,000 KO Guarantee (112625946), Table 7 - 2500/5000 Ante 600 - No Limit Hold'em - 22:10:50 ET - 2009/10/22

Seat 1: 1NEVAK6 (91,079)

Seat 2: DENNIS CHANEY (82,400)

Seat 3: siraman (93,158)

Seat 5: ezgam (290,118)

Seat 6: Mr Sparco (278,247)

Seat 7: CHRISSYb77 (52,066)

Seat 8: ztorkiz (234,932)

1NEVAK6 antes 600


siraman antes 600

ezgam antes 600

Mr Sparco antes 600

CHRISSYb77 antes 600

ztorkiz antes 600

Mr Sparco posts the small blind of 2,500

CHRISSYb77 posts the big blind of 5,000

The button is in seat #5

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to ztorkiz 5 of Clubs5 of Spades

siraman: ak suited

ztorkiz calls 5,000

1NEVAK6 folds


siraman folds

ezgam calls 5,000

Mr Sparco calls 2,500

CHRISSYb77 checks

tomfoldsfive (Observer): good laydown i'm sure

*** FLOP *** Jack of Clubs2 of Diamonds5 of Diamonds

Mr Sparco bets 15,000

CHRISSYb77 folds

Tiny B Poker (Observer): ya spades woulda been nice tho

ztorkiz raises to 35,000

ezgam folds

Mr Sparco calls 20,000

*** TURN *** Jack of Clubs2 of Diamonds5 of Diamonds7 of Clubs

Mr Sparco checks

siraman: it was hearts and there was only one heart on flop so

ztorkiz has 15 seconds left to act

ztorkiz bets 45,000

Mr Sparco has 15 seconds left to act

Mr Sparco calls 45,000

*** RIVER *** Jack of Clubs2 of Diamonds5 of Diamonds7 of ClubsKing of Diamonds

Tiny B Poker (Observer): ya u would need runners gf

Mr Sparco has 15 seconds left to act

Mr Sparco bets 192,647, and is all in

ztorkiz has 15 seconds left to act

ztorkiz has requested TIME

ztorkiz folds

Uncalled bet of 192,647 returned to Mr Sparco

Mr Sparco mucks

Mr Sparco wins the pot (184,200)

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 184,200 | Rake 0

Board: Jack of Clubs2 of Diamonds5 of Diamonds7 of ClubsKing of Diamonds

Seat 1: 1NEVAK6 folded before the Flop

Seat 2: DENNIS CHANEY folded before the Flop

Seat 3: siraman folded before the Flop

Seat 5: ezgam (button) folded on the Flop

Seat 6: Mr Sparco (small blind) collected (184,200), mucked

Seat 7: CHRISSYb77 (big blind) folded on the Flop

Seat 8: ztorkiz folded on the River

inte bra :(

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JAg vet att jag spela handen jätte fel men tror ayy jag många gånger

spela denna så vekt är att jag inte vill skrämma bort dom när jag har en stark hand men å andra sidan så låter jag han köpa in billigt med. Jag tror att han hittar färgen på river tyvär. Men det rätta spelet borde väl vara högre raise flopp och sen push på turn ligger det nått i det tänket ?????

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JAg vet att jag spela handen jätte fel men tror ayy jag många gånger

spela denna så vekt är att jag inte vill skrämma bort dom när jag har en stark hand men å andra sidan så låter jag han köpa in billigt med. Jag tror att han hittar färgen på river tyvär. Men det rätta spelet borde väl vara högre raise flopp och sen push på turn ligger det nått i det tänket ?????



Till att börja med ska du raisa pre. Sen så något större reraise på floppen och sen in med det på turn.

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