deppa Postad 18 Februari , 2009 Rapport Postad 18 Februari , 2009 Ja!!! :-D :-D :-D Nu kan man sitta och lira på heltid. 8-) KOLLA FROM: THE DESK OF THE VICE PRESIDENT INTERNATIONAL PROMOTIONS/PRIZE AWARDS DEPARTMENT AUSTRALIAN INTERNATIONAL SWEEP STAKE LOTTERY CORPORATION. Winning Numbers:11-13-26-34-44-48 AWARD NOTIFICATION: FINAL NOTICE We are delighted to inform you of your prize release on the 16th of DECEMBER 2008 from the Australian International Lottery Programme with the following information: Date:20/12/2008 Ref: 575061752 Batch: 8056490902/188 Winning no: KB8701/LP RC. AUSTRALIA. Which is fully based on an electronic selection of winners using their e-mail addresses.Your name was attached to ticket number; 575061725 8056490902 serial number 6741137002 This batch draws the lucky numbers as follows: 11-13-26-34-44-48 bonus number 17,which consequently won the lottery in the second category. You hereby have been approved a prize of US$2.5MILLION (TWO MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS) in cash credit file ref: ILP/HW 47509/02 from the total cash prize shared amongst eight lucky winners in this category. All participants were selected through a computer balloting system drawn from One hundred thousand E-mail addresses from Canada, Australia, United States, Asia, Europe, Middle East and Africa as part of our international promotions program which is conducted annually. This Lottery was promoted and sponsored by a conglomerate of some multinational companies in Australia as part of their social responsibility to the citizens in the communities where they have operational base. Further more your details(e-mail address) falls within our European representative office in Amsterdam,Holland, as indicated in your play coupon and your prize of US$2.5MILLION will be released to you from our Australian regional branch bureau in Asia We hope with part of your prize, you will participate in our end of year high stakes for US$1.3 Billion international draw. HOW TO CLAIM YOUR PRIZE: Simply contact our Fiducial Agent, DR. Jeff Scott at;( Fill the following information and sent to the email address above: REF NO: ---------------------------------------------------------------BATCH NO: ----------------------------------------- FIRST NAME: -------------------------------------------------------------LAST NAME: ---------------------------------- HOME ADDRESS: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- CITY/ZIP CODE: ---------------------------- STATE: --------------------------- COUNTRY: ----------------------- TEL: (home) ------------------------------ TEL: ( cell phone)-- ------------------------FAX:------------------------ PROFESSION: ------------------------------------------------------ POSITION: ------------------------------------------- DATE OF BIRTH: --------------------------------- SEX: ---------------------MARITAL STATUS: ---------------------- NATIONALITY:------------------------------------- to file for your claim . Please quote your Date of draw, Reference Number, Batch Number and Winning Number, which can be found on the top-left corner of this message. Also, you should give in your telephone number to help locate your file easily. For security reasons, we advice all winners to keep this information confidential from the public until your claim is processed and your prize has been released to you. This is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming and unwarranted taking advantage of this programme by non-participant or unofficial personnel. Note, all winnings MUST be claimed by beneficiaries before March 20th, otherwise all funds will be returned as Unclaimed and eventually donated to charity. Congratulations once again on your winnings! ALSO ENSURE YOU TYPE THE EMAIL ADDRESS CORRECTLY TO ENSURE SAFE & QUICK MAIL DELIVERY/RESPONSE. ANY BREACH OF CONFIDENTIALITY ON THE PART OF WINNERS WILL RESULT TO DISQUALIFICATION. Best Regards. EN GR.FERDINAND CHARLES, (CO-ORDINATOR) MRS JOAN WILFRED, (SUPERINTENDENT) SIR RICHARD MORGAN, (DIRECTOR) PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL. CONTACT YOUR CLAIMS AGENT AT THE EMAIL ADDRESS BELOW: ( Yours Truly, Dr.WILLIAMS SMITH :-D :-D Men blir lite orolig för det här!! For security reasons, we advice all winners to keep this information confidential from the public until your claim is processed and your prize has been released to you. Men jag chansar! 8-) 8-) Nu syns vi enbart vid highstakesborden. Citera
Appel Postad 18 Februari , 2009 Rapport Postad 18 Februari , 2009 hehe. Kom bara ihåg att ha sådär $1.000 att skicka för administrativa kostnader innan möjlig vinst kan betalas ut. Och sen såklart 5ggr $1.000 till pga strul som blivit på vägen8-) Citera
tomtetomte Postad 18 Februari , 2009 Rapport Postad 18 Februari , 2009 Ooh, jag älskar den här biten mest tror jag: This Lottery was promoted and sponsored by a conglomerate of some multinational companies in Australia as part of their social responsibility to the citizens in the communities where they have operational base. ..... Note, all winnings MUST be claimed by beneficiaries before March 20th, otherwise all funds will be returned as Unclaimed and eventually donated to charity. Ett konglomerat av multinationella företag i Australien väljer att dela ut $2.5M till random svensk snubbe som del av sitt sociala ansvarstagande. Men vilka dessa företag är behöver man inte nämna, förmodligen så att ingen ska få reda på att de är så snälla att de skänker bort pengar, hemska tanke. Stressa, stressa, annars blir de anonyma företagen tvungna att istället skänka pengarna till välgörenhet, vilket uppenbarligen skulle vara en mycket sämre form av socialt ansvarstagande. Skönt också att Dr. Jeff Scott har en hotmailadress som kontaktinfo. Lovely. Citera
DrRoland Postad 18 Februari , 2009 Rapport Postad 18 Februari , 2009 Rätt känd scamsida. En eller flera av personerna bakom det där har även kopplingar till luckyacepoker/pacifik poker nätverket. Citera
deppa Postad 19 Februari , 2009 Författare Rapport Postad 19 Februari , 2009 Alltså inte riktigt läge att blåsa ALLIN. :shock: Då får jag ta och folda! Jag kan också berätta att för något tag sedan fick jag hem i brevlådan ett liknande brev ifrån spanien. Sedan fick vi även ett samtal som för att "bekräfta" att det var verkligen sant att jag var en nybliven multimiljonär!!! Jag frågade om de inte kunde sätta stålarna i en väska och komma upp med dem elpronto!! Eller,,, varför inte då om jag nu var ägare till dessa slantar gå till närmsta poliskontor med mina verifikationshandlingar,(penningar/check) då jag litar fullständigt på att de tar väl hand om mina intressen tills att jag har fått del av dem. Jag försökte även lirka ur dem var de höll hus så att jag kunde få någon myndighetsperson att hämta mina nu så dyrbara intressen,för jag ville ju inte att de skulle komma på villovägar! Men se,,det blev lite svårare. Citera
Appel Postad 19 Februari , 2009 Rapport Postad 19 Februari , 2009 Lillradering har skett av inlägg då det lätt annars kan spåra ur.. Citera
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