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Railade lite när jag spelade nyss och såg denna konversation i chatten:


durrrr: decent internet yet?

Patrik Antonius: yup

durrrr: wanna start our bet in 15min or so?

Patrik Antonius: wait 1min

durrrr: k

System: The $14,500 KO Guarantee ($70+$5 NL Hold'em) will be starting in 4 minutes.

durrrr: ima eat, ill brb in 15 or so

Patrik Antonius: wait 1min

Patrik Antonius: because i gotta go soon

durrrr: les jus play until u need to go?

durrrr: or need to go rly soon?

Patrik Antonius: im getting more money to my account in the

next couple of days

Patrik Antonius: then we can start

durrrr: i hav enough i can send u

durrrr: if ya want

Patrik Antonius: but time wise around this time i usually hit a


durrrr: ahh ok np

durrrr: wanna try for tomorrow?

Patrik Antonius: did u just wake up?

durrrr: ya

Patrik Antonius: k

Patrik Antonius: we could start tomorrow if u transfer me some


durrrr: k

durrrr: u only need 400k or so

durrrr: unless u plan on losing

durrrr: =)

Patrik Antonius: that should be enough

Patrik Antonius: heh

durrrr: ill try to take a nap @ some pt today

durrrr: n mayb start like 20hrs from now?

Patrik Antonius: u think we should play around 5-6 hours

earlier than now

durrrr: kk

Patrik Antonius: sounds good

durrrr: ya thats 6am here, so wont work too well for me

durrrr: but tomorrow it should be fine

Patrik Antonius: i think i will play around 2h session tomorrow

durrrr: 4h minimum =)

durrrr: lol

durrrr: k

Patrik Antonius: and u'll get some sleep in lol

durrrr: ima eat

durrrr: tc/gn

Patrik Antonius: gn cu tomorrow

Dealer: SirWatts shows a pair of Fours


det börjar alltså bli dags

let the show begin

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Jo, alltså. Det här är första gången jag tycker det är kul att raila lite. Kommer nog kolla då och då närmsta veckorna. Skönt som fan efter att jag stängde av specchatten...


Full Tilt Poker Game #10702642675: Table durrrr Challenge 1 - $200/$400 - Pot Limit Omaha Hi - 7:09:43 ET - 2009/02/18

Seat 1: durrrr ($58,495.50)

Seat 2: Patrik Antonius ($51,496)

Patrik Antonius posts the small blind of $200

durrrr posts the big blind of $400

The button is in seat #2

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Patrik Antonius has 15 seconds left to act

Patrik Antonius raises to $1,200

durrrr calls $800

*** FLOP *** 2 of Clubs4 of HeartsJack of Clubs

durrrr checks

Patrik Antonius has 15 seconds left to act

Patrik Antonius bets $2,400

durrrr calls $2,400

*** TURN *** 2 of Clubs4 of HeartsJack of Clubs9 of Spades

durrrr checks

Patrik Antonius has 15 seconds left to act

Patrik Antonius bets $6,400

durrrr has 15 seconds left to act

durrrr raises to $26,400

Patrik Antonius has 15 seconds left to act

Patrik Antonius raises to $47,896, and is all in

durrrr calls $21,496

Patrik Antonius shows 4 of Spades3 of Hearts5 of DiamondsJack of Diamonds

durrrr shows 8 of Diamonds8 of Clubs2 of Diamonds2 of Spades

*** RIVER *** 2 of Clubs4 of HeartsJack of Clubs9 of SpadesQueen of Spades

Patrik Antonius shows two pair, Jacks and Fours

durrrr shows three of a kind, Twos

durrrr wins the pot ($102,991.50) with three of a kind, Twos

Patrik Antonius adds $40,000

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot $102,992 | Rake $0.50

Board: 2 of Clubs4 of HeartsJack of Clubs9 of SpadesQueen of Spades

Seat 1: durrrr (big blind) showed 8 of Diamonds8 of Clubs2 of Diamonds2 of Spades and won ($102,991.50) with three of a kind, Twos

Seat 2: Patrik Antonius (small blind) showed 4 of Spades3 of Hearts5 of DiamondsJack of Diamonds and lost with two pair, Jacks and Fours

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