omarqure Postad 21 December , 2007 Författare Rapport Postad 21 December , 2007 passet mot den här killen var riktigt kul, förrutom när han drog ut mina kk;-) ** Game ID 1777398659 starting - 2007-12-21 16:48:17 ** Saunio [Hold 'em] (0.25|0.50 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - sharky05 sitting in seat 1 with $74.97 - omarqure sitting in seat 2 with $90.57 [Dealer] omarqure posted the small blind - $0.25 sharky05 posted the big blind - $0.50 ** Dealing card to omarqure: , omarqure raised - $1.75 sharky05 called - $1.75 ** Dealing the flop: , , sharky05 bet - $3.50 omarqure called - $3.50 ** Dealing the turn: sharky05 bet - $10.50 omarqure called - $10.50 ** Dealing the river: sharky05 bet - $31.50 omarqure called - $31.50 sharky05 shows: , omarqure shows: , omarqure wins $93.50 from the main pot Han var rätt loose och vann säkert 70% av potterna, här var det kanske lite tveksamt spel, kände mig stark och synade ner. ** Game ID 1777394226 starting - 2007-12-21 16:45:00 ** Saunio [Hold 'em] (0.25|0.50 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - sharky05 sitting in seat 1 with $63.25 [Dealer] - omarqure sitting in seat 2 with $105.51 sharky05 posted the small blind - $0.25 omarqure posted the big blind - $0.50 ** Dealing card to omarqure: , sharky05 called - $0.50 omarqure bet - $1.50 sharky05 called - $1.50 ** Dealing the flop: , , omarqure bet - $2.50 sharky05 raised - $10.50 omarqure called - $10.50 ** Dealing the turn: omarqure checked sharky05 went all-in - $51.50 omarqure called - $51.50 ** Dealing the river: sharky05 shows: , omarqure mucks: , sharky05 wins $126.00 from the main pot Sånt som händer........ ** Game ID 1777376234 starting - 2007-12-21 16:30:21 ** Saunio [Hold 'em] (0.25|0.50 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - sharky05 sitting in seat 1 with $48.60 - omarqure sitting in seat 2 with $88.41 [Dealer] omarqure posted the small blind - $0.25 sharky05 posted the big blind - $0.50 ** Dealing card to omarqure: , omarqure raised - $1.75 sharky05 raised - $3.00 omarqure raised - $9.25 sharky05 called - $9.25 ** Dealing the flop: , , sharky05 went all-in - $39.85 omarqure called - $39.85 ** Dealing the turn: ** Dealing the river: sharky05 shows: , omarqure shows: , omarqure wins $97.20 from the main pot fler såna tack sista handen mot sharky ** Game ID 1777402748 starting - 2007-12-21 16:51:03 ** Saunio [Hold 'em] (0.25|0.50 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - sharky05 sitting in seat 1 with $17.77 [Dealer] - omarqure sitting in seat 2 with $145.25 sharky05 posted the small blind - $0.25 omarqure posted the big blind - $0.50 ** Dealing card to omarqure: , sharky05 raised - $3.25 omarqure called - $3.25 ** Dealing the flop: , , omarqure checked sharky05 bet - $6.50 omarqure went all-in - $142.50 sharky05 went all-in - $8.27 ** Dealing the turn: ** Dealing the river: sharky05 shows: , omarqure shows: , omarqure wins $35.04 from the main pot Citera
omarqure Postad 21 December , 2007 Författare Rapport Postad 21 December , 2007 i´m a disgusting fish ** Game ID 1776885452 starting - 2007-12-21 03:28:49 ** Bootylicious Vinyl [Hold 'em] (0.25|0.50 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - bertberns sitting in seat 1 with $18.73 - ReDDcaFFe sitting in seat 2 with $49.43 - CRIMEWAVE sitting in seat 3 with $36.84 - Lola72 sitting in seat 4 with $86.33 - darkmanx187 sitting in seat 5 with $39.64 [Dealer] - omarqure sitting in seat 6 with $68.25 omarqure posted the small blind - $0.25 bertberns posted the big blind - $0.50 ** Dealing card to omarqure: , ReDDcaFFe folded CRIMEWAVE folded Lola72 folded darkmanx187 raised - $2.00 omarqure called - $2.00 bertberns folded ** Dealing the flop: , , omarqure checked darkmanx187 bet - $2.88 omarqure called - $2.88 ** Dealing the turn: omarqure checked darkmanx187 bet - $7.30 omarqure called - $7.30 ** Dealing the river: omarqure checked darkmanx187 bet - $12.00 omarqure went all-in - $56.32 darkmanx187 went all-in - $15.46 darkmanx187 shows: , omarqure shows: , omarqure wins $76.78 from the main pot ute och spekulerar ** Game ID 1776875757 starting - 2007-12-21 03:15:15 ** Bootylicious Vinyl [Hold 'em] (0.25|0.50 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - bertberns sitting in seat 1 with $34.51 - ReDDcaFFe sitting in seat 2 with $53.65 [Dealer] - CRIMEWAVE sitting in seat 3 with $71.07 - Lola72 sitting in seat 4 with $77.72 - card_mark sitting in seat 5 with $58.49 - omarqure sitting in seat 6 with $50.05 CRIMEWAVE posted the small blind - $0.25 Lola72 posted the big blind - $0.50 ** Dealing card to omarqure: , card_mark folded omarqure called - $0.50 bertberns folded ReDDcaFFe raised - $2.50 CRIMEWAVE raised - $4.50 Lola72 folded omarqure called - $4.50 ReDDcaFFe called - $4.50 ** Dealing the flop: , , CRIMEWAVE checked omarqure checked ReDDcaFFe checked ** Dealing the turn: CRIMEWAVE bet - $7.00 omarqure called - $7.00 ReDDcaFFe folded ** Dealing the river: CRIMEWAVE bet - $14.00 omarqure called - $14.00 CRIMEWAVE shows: , omarqure shows: , omarqure wins $53.20 from the main pot den här snubben tiltade mig rejält på plo50$, slängde 90$ på honom ** Game ID 1776833148 starting - 2007-12-21 02:24:18 ** Don Pedro [Omaha] (0.25|0.50 Pot Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - MMdomination sitting in seat 1 with $79.81 [Dealer] - omarqure sitting in seat 2 with $24.70 MMdomination posted the small blind - $0.25 omarqure posted the big blind - $0.50 ** Dealing card to omarqure: , , , MMdomination raised - $1.50 omarqure called - $1.50 ** Dealing the flop: , , omarqure checked MMdomination checked ** Dealing the turn: omarqure bet - $3.00 MMdomination called - $3.00 ** Dealing the river: omarqure checked MMdomination bet - $9.00 omarqure called - $9.00 MMdomination shows: , , , omarqure mucks: , , , MMdomination wins $26.00 from the main pot calling station cést moi ** Game ID 1775870649 starting - 2007-12-20 17:11:13 ** Montano [Omaha] (0.25|0.50 Pot Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - 2Hard4u sitting in seat 1 with $49.25 - Phampia sitting in seat 2 with $31.83 - omarqure sitting in seat 3 with $46.80 - Lisa_swe sitting in seat 5 with $48.36 - cattleguy773 sitting in seat 6 with $119.54 [Dealer] 2Hard4u posted the small blind - $0.25 Phampia posted the big blind - $0.50 ** Dealing card to omarqure: , , , omarqure called - $0.50 Lisa_swe folded cattleguy773 called - $0.50 2Hard4u folded Phampia checked ** Dealing the flop: , , Phampia checked omarqure checked cattleguy773 bet - $1.75 Phampia folded omarqure called - $1.75 ** Dealing the turn: omarqure checked cattleguy773 bet - $5.25 omarqure called - $5.25 ** Dealing the river: omarqure checked cattleguy773 bet - $9.59 omarqure called - $9.59 cattleguy773 shows: , , , omarqure mucks: , , , cattleguy773 wins $33.19 from the main farligt att ge gratiskort.... ** Game ID 1777466620 starting - 2007-12-21 17:31:25 ** Dumplings [Hold 'em] (0.25|0.50 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - omarqure sitting in seat 1 with $55.14 [Dealer] - larplarplarp sitting in seat 2 with $47.00 omarqure posted the small blind - $0.25 larplarplarp posted the big blind - $0.50 ** Dealing card to omarqure: , omarqure raised - $1.75 larplarplarp called - $1.75 ** Dealing the flop: , , larplarplarp checked omarqure bet - $1.75 larplarplarp raised - $4.37 omarqure called - $4.37 ** Dealing the turn: larplarplarp checked omarqure checked ** Dealing the river: larplarplarp bet - $6.50 omarqure raised - $13.00 larplarplarp called - $13.00 omarqure shows: , larplarplarp mucks: omarqure wins $37.24 from the main pot Citera
omarqure Postad 22 December , 2007 Författare Rapport Postad 22 December , 2007 Kämpade mig igenom några hu50$-sessioner efter att ha torskat 80$ på nl40$ sh. Spelade bra och lyckades knäcka motsåndarna en efter en......förrutom sista tomten som dubblade och drog. ** Game ID 1778841624 starting - 2007-12-22 14:23:24 ** All Sold Out [Hold 'em] (0.25|0.50 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - omarqure sitting in seat 1 with $178.20 [Dealer] - lohh66 sitting in seat 2 with $44.50 omarqure posted the small blind - $0.25 lohh66 posted the big blind - $0.50 ** Dealing card to omarqure: , omarqure raised - $1.75 lohh66 raised - $5.50 omarqure called - $5.50 ** Dealing the flop: , , lohh66 bet - $7.49 omarqure raised - $33.47 lohh66 went all-in - $32.01 omarqure called - $39.50 ** Dealing the turn: ** Dealing the river: lohh66 shows: , omarqure mucks: , lohh66 wins $89.00 from the main pot Resultat hittills idag på red nines +48$ Citera
omarqure Postad 22 December , 2007 Författare Rapport Postad 22 December , 2007 Här tycker jag att jag spelade kasst, är iofs svårt att lägga hu, men den här killen var riktigt tight. ** Game ID 1778804662 starting - 2007-12-22 13:46:00 ** All Sold Out [Hold 'em] (0.25|0.50 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - omarqure sitting in seat 1 with $190.05 - turture13 sitting in seat 2 with $60.20 [Dealer] turture13 posted the small blind - $0.25 omarqure posted the big blind - $0.50 ** Dealing card to omarqure: , turture13 raised - $1.75 omarqure called - $1.75 ** Dealing the flop: , , omarqure checked turture13 bet - $3.50 omarqure called - $3.50 ** Dealing the turn: omarqure checked turture13 bet - $10.50 omarqure called - $10.50 ** Dealing the river: omarqure checked turture13 bet - $15.75 omarqure called - $15.75 turture13 shows: , omarqure mucks: , turture13 wins $62.00 from the main pot Trots att jag säkert vann ca 80% av händerna mot torture så backade jag 35$ mot honom över ett ganska långt pass(mycket går ju till rake) Mot den här italienska spelaren hade jag det tufft. Kändes som om han kontrollerade spelet länge men till slut tog jag honom. Det mesta av hans inköp gick till rake men jävligt skön comeback. ** Game ID 1778792294 starting - 2007-12-22 13:32:02 ** All Sold Out [Hold 'em] (0.25|0.50 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - omarqure sitting in seat 1 with $146.20 [Dealer] - fili87 sitting in seat 2 with $61.70 omarqure posted the small blind - $0.25 fili87 posted the big blind - $0.50 ** Dealing card to omarqure: , omarqure raised - $1.75 fili87 called - $1.75 ** Dealing the flop: , , fili87 checked omarqure bet - $1.75 fili87 called - $1.75 ** Dealing the turn: fili87 checked omarqure bet - $3.50 fili87 called - $3.50 ** Dealing the river: fili87 checked omarqure bet - $11.00 fili87 raised - $22.00 omarqure called - $22.00 fili87 shows: , omarqure shows: , omarqure wins $57.00 from the main pot ** Game ID 1778793218 starting - 2007-12-22 13:32:46 ** All Sold Out [Hold 'em] (0.25|0.50 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - omarqure sitting in seat 1 with $176.85 - fili87 sitting in seat 2 with $29.70 [Dealer] fili87 posted the small blind - $0.25 omarqure posted the big blind - $0.50 ** Dealing card to omarqure: , fili87 raised - $1.75 omarqure raised - $5.50 fili87 called - $5.50 ** Dealing the flop: , , omarqure bet - $7.00 fili87 went all-in - $24.45 omarqure called - $24.45 ** Dealing the turn: ** Dealing the river: fili87 shows: , omarqure shows: , omarqure wins $58.90 from the main pot Laurasmith plockade mitt första inköp men sedan gick de stora potterna till mig. När hon fått nog satt jag med 196$ ** Game ID 1778770026 starting - 2007-12-22 13:05:40 ** All Sold Out [Hold 'em] (0.25|0.50 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - omarqure sitting in seat 1 with $98.46 [Dealer] - LauraSmith sitting in seat 2 with $49.25 omarqure posted the small blind - $0.25 LauraSmith posted the big blind - $0.50 ** Dealing card to omarqure: , omarqure raised - $1.75 LauraSmith raised - $5.50 omarqure raised - $24.25 LauraSmith went all-in - $44.25 omarqure called - $49.75 ** Dealing the flop: , , ** Dealing the turn: ** Dealing the river: LauraSmith shows: , omarqure shows: , omarqure wins $98.50 from the main pot Ingen märkvärdig hand men jävligt skönt att se potten skyfflas till mig när jag efter rivern är säker på torsk sista mot laura: ** Game ID 1778770620 starting - 2007-12-22 13:06:39 ** All Sold Out [Hold 'em] (0.25|0.50 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - omarqure sitting in seat 1 with $144.71 [Dealer] - LauraSmith sitting in seat 2 with $51.83 omarqure posted the small blind - $0.25 LauraSmith posted the big blind - $0.50 ** Dealing card to omarqure: , omarqure raised - $1.75 LauraSmith called - $1.75 ** Dealing the flop: , , LauraSmith checked omarqure bet - $2.50 LauraSmith called - $2.50 ** Dealing the turn: LauraSmith checked omarqure bet - $4.25 LauraSmith raised - $17.00 omarqure called - $17.00 ** Dealing the river: LauraSmith went all-in - $31.08 omarqure called - $31.08 LauraSmith shows: , omarqure shows: , omarqure wins $103.66 from the main pot Citera
omarqure Postad 24 December , 2007 Författare Rapport Postad 24 December , 2007 ** Game ID 896482790 starting - 2007-12-24 03:58:27 ** Hercules [Omaha] (0.15|0.30 Pot Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - snakeman221 sitting in seat 1 with $108.44 - Try_Harder sitting in seat 2 with $14.54 - scooby34 sitting in seat 3 with $137.64 - SHIPITOVER sitting in seat 4 with $35.76 - DjNice sitting in seat 5 with $29.55 [Dealer] snakeman221 posted the small blind - $0.15 Try_Harder posted the big blind - $0.30 ** Dealing card to snakeman221: , , , scooby34 called - $0.30 SHIPITOVER called - $0.30 DjNice called - $0.30 snakeman221 called - $0.30 Try_Harder checked ** Dealing the flop: , , snakeman221 checked Try_Harder checked scooby34 checked SHIPITOVER checked DjNice bet - $1.50 snakeman221 called - $1.50 Try_Harder folded scooby34 folded SHIPITOVER called - $1.50 ** Dealing the turn: snakeman221 checked SHIPITOVER checked DjNice bet - $6.00 snakeman221 called - $6.00 SHIPITOVER called - $6.00 ** Dealing the river: snakeman221 checked SHIPITOVER bet - $24.00 DjNice went all-in - $21.75 snakeman221 raised - $48.00 SHIPITOVER folded snakeman221 shows: , , , DjNice mucks: snakeman221 wins $87.25 from the main pot snakeman221 wins $91.75 from side pot 1 End of game 896482790 ** Game ID 896479648 starting - 2007-12-24 03:46:07 ** Riviera [Omaha] (0.25|0.50 Pot Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - SirAlan sitting in seat 2 with $310.81 [Dealer] - martin1967 sitting in seat 3 with $60.39 - snakeman221 sitting in seat 4 with $77.25 - metalmicky sitting in seat 5 with $115.02 martin1967 posted the small blind - $0.25 snakeman221 posted the big blind - $0.50 ** Dealing card to snakeman221: , , , metalmicky raised - $1.75 SirAlan called - $1.75 martin1967 folded snakeman221 raised - $7.25 metalmicky raised - $23.75 SirAlan called - $23.75 snakeman221 went all-in - $70.50 metalmicky went all-in - $91.27 SirAlan called - $115.02 ** Dealing the flop: , , ** Dealing the turn: ** Dealing the river: metalmicky shows: , , , SirAlan shows: , , , snakeman221 shows: , , , SirAlan wins $74.54 from side pot 1 snakeman221 wins $231.50 from the main pot End of game 896479648 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------] ** Game ID 896469507 starting - 2007-12-24 03:14:15 ** Hercules [Omaha] (0.15|0.30 Pot Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - snakeman221 sitting in seat 1 with $75.52 - Rott0 sitting in seat 2 with $37.42 - scooby34 sitting in seat 3 with $98.79 [Dealer] snakeman221 posted the small blind - $0.15 Rott0 posted the big blind - $0.30 ** Dealing card to snakeman221: , , , scooby34 called - $0.30 snakeman221 raised - $1.05 Rott0 called - $1.05 scooby34 called - $1.05 ** Dealing the flop: , , snakeman221 bet - $1.57 Rott0 called - $1.57 scooby34 called - $1.57 ** Dealing the turn: snakeman221 checked Rott0 checked scooby34 bet - $7.86 snakeman221 raised - $31.44 Rott0 folded scooby34 went all-in - $88.31 snakeman221 went all-in - $41.61 ** Dealing the river: snakeman221 shows: , , , scooby34 shows: , , , snakeman221 wins $75.98 from the main pot scooby34 wins $75.98 from the main pot End of game 896469507 ** Game ID 896466668 starting - 2007-12-24 03:06:44 ** Riviera [Omaha] (0.25|0.50 Pot Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - dzso12 sitting in seat 1 with $16.38 - SirAlan sitting in seat 2 with $291.23 - ak_sir sitting in seat 3 with $76.80 [Dealer] - snakeman221 sitting in seat 4 with $19.92 - metalmicky sitting in seat 5 with $46.10 snakeman221 posted the small blind - $0.25 metalmicky posted the big blind - $0.50 ** Dealing card to snakeman221: , , , dzso12 called - $0.50 SirAlan called - $0.50 ak_sir raised - $2.75 snakeman221 raised - $9.75 metalmicky called - $9.75 dzso12 folded SirAlan folded ak_sir called - $9.75 ** Dealing the flop: , , snakeman221 went all-in - $10.42 metalmicky raised - $20.84 ak_sir folded ** Dealing the turn: ** Dealing the river: snakeman221 shows: , , , metalmicky mucks: snakeman221 wins $49.09 from the main pot End of game 896466668 VILKEN FLOP FÖR MIG, MED FACIT I HAND SKULLE JAG SPELAT HÅRDARE : ** Game ID 896485442 starting - 2007-12-24 04:07:30 ** Riviera [Omaha] (0.25|0.50 Pot Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - DjNice sitting in seat 1 with $0.00 [sitting out] - martin1967 sitting in seat 3 with $85.07 [Dealer] - snakeman221 sitting in seat 4 with $260.91 - metalmicky sitting in seat 5 with $144.97 snakeman221 posted the small blind - $0.25 metalmicky posted the big blind - $0.50 ** Dealing card to snakeman221: , , , martin1967 called - $0.50 snakeman221 raised - $2.00 metalmicky called - $2.00 martin1967 called - $2.00 ** Dealing the flop: , , snakeman221 checked metalmicky bet - $6.00 martin1967 raised - $24.00 snakeman221 called - $24.00 metalmicky called - $24.00 ** Dealing the turn: snakeman221 checked metalmicky checked martin1967 checked ** Dealing the river: snakeman221 bet - $40.77 metalmicky folded martin1967 folded martin1967 shows: , , 4 of Diamonds, 10 of Clubs snakeman221 mucks: snakeman221 wins $116.77 from the main pot End of game 896485442 Citera
omarqure Postad 24 December , 2007 Författare Rapport Postad 24 December , 2007 Donkaments!!!! ** Game ID 896494007 starting - 2007-12-24 04:44:08 ** Bourdieu [Hold 'em] (0.50|1.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - paddletoe sitting in seat 4 with $172.58 [Dealer] - manjaro sitting in seat 5 with $125.23 - snakeman221 sitting in seat 6 with $26.00 manjaro posted the small blind - $0.50 snakeman221 posted the big blind - $1.00 ** Dealing card to snakeman221: , paddletoe folded manjaro raised - $2.00 snakeman221 called - $2.00 ** Dealing the flop: , , manjaro bet - $4.00 snakeman221 called - $4.00 ** Dealing the turn: manjaro went all-in - $119.73 snakeman221 went all-in - $21.00 ** Dealing the river: manjaro shows: , snakeman221 mucks: , manjaro wins $52.00 from the main pot End of game 896494007 Första laddningen på 27$ med 55 nya..... ** Game ID 896496071 starting - 2007-12-24 04:54:52 ** Bourdieu [Hold 'em] (0.50|1.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - paddletoe sitting in seat 4 with $150.72 [Dealer] - manjaro sitting in seat 5 with $170.42 - snakeman221 sitting in seat 6 with $49.91 manjaro posted the small blind - $0.50 snakeman221 posted the big blind - $1.00 ** Dealing card to snakeman221: , paddletoe folded manjaro raised - $3.50 snakeman221 called - $3.50 ** Dealing the flop: , , manjaro bet - $7.00 snakeman221 raised - $18.17 manjaro called - $18.17 ** Dealing the turn: manjaro checked snakeman221 went all-in - $29.24 manjaro called - $29.24 ** Dealing the river: snakeman221 shows: , manjaro mucks: snakeman221 wins $99.82 from the main pot End of game 896496071 undrar vad han hade.....svarade inte när jag frågade.......aj? I den här handen(1 min senare... ) kunde jag känna hans kk genom skärmen ** Game ID 896496238 starting - 2007-12-24 04:55:52 ** Bourdieu [Hold 'em] (0.50|1.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - paddletoe sitting in seat 4 with $149.22 - manjaro sitting in seat 5 with $119.01 - snakeman221 sitting in seat 6 with $100.82 [Dealer] paddletoe posted the small blind - $0.50 manjaro posted the big blind - $1.00 ** Dealing card to snakeman221: , snakeman221 raised - $4.00 paddletoe folded manjaro raised - $13.00 snakeman221 called - $13.00 ** Dealing the flop: , , manjaro checked snakeman221 checked ** Dealing the turn: manjaro bet - $13.25 snakeman221 called - $13.25 ** Dealing the river: manjaro checked snakeman221 bet - $33.91 manjaro called - $33.91 snakeman221 shows: , manjaro mucks: snakeman221 wins $118.82 from the main pot End of game 896496238 På prima har det gått åt helvete......nere på 25$(rakeback som jag ej kommer åt.....annars hade jag donkat i väg de också så klart)........känns surt att jag tiltade i går natt, var uppe i 490$ Har dock endast satt in 150$ där så är väl ingen katastrof. Ladbrokes har gått bättre, uppe i 1158$ (+608). Lite högre rake, 6%, men omaha är klart roligast på gamla ladjokes. Tänkte posta några loserhänder från prima men det får bli senare. Nu är jag commitad att jobba 27 o 28/12 0600-1200....kommer bli tufft med en massa julmat i kistan men får göra mitt bästa.... eller hålla mig i bakgrunden och se upptagen ut.....God Jul till alla som läser det här.....utom "akassesnuten", whats his name.....who cares..... Citera
omarqure Postad 24 December , 2007 Författare Rapport Postad 24 December , 2007 Nya planen blir att spela huvudsakligen PLO20-50$ och varva det med lite av varje. Måste få ha roligt när man spelar och 3-4 bord plo är så jävla mycket roligare än att grinda sh nl 6-7 bord. Ett annat roligt spel jag upptäckt är 7-stud high/low. Har spelat en del små sngs och ett par mtt på stars, spelet finns endast på några få sidor. Skulle vara ett riktigt kul homegame. Citera
omarqure Postad 24 December , 2007 Författare Rapport Postad 24 December , 2007 Om det finns någon som kan ta sig tid och berätta hur man fixar pokertracker skulle det vara uppskattat. Har spelat i ca 3-4 år men aldrig haft pt. Skulle vara kul att testa och jämnföra stats med andra. Citera
iraiseyoufold Postad 24 December , 2007 Rapport Postad 24 December , 2007 LYCKA TILL ! ! ! ! ! Den här ska följas Citera
omarqure Postad 24 December , 2007 Författare Rapport Postad 24 December , 2007 iraiseyoufold säger: LYCKA TILL ! ! ! ! ! Den här ska följas Tack så mycket. Citera
_Zodiac_ Postad 25 December , 2007 Rapport Postad 25 December , 2007 Påbörjar inom kort mitt projekt och har ingen som helst tvekan om att du kommer erkänna mig som din överman. Du ska dock inte tro att jag unnar dig framgång för dig själv men mot mig kommer du inte att kunna mäta dig. _zodiac_ rising Citera
_Zodiac_ Postad 25 December , 2007 Rapport Postad 25 December , 2007 Hmmm glömde nog ett "inte" där någonstans. Btw vad är det för fjolleri med en massa gula leende små solgubbar överallt? Känns som ett "my little pony"-forum...... Citera
omarqure Postad 25 December , 2007 Författare Rapport Postad 25 December , 2007 Hehe okej zodiac trodde faktiskt du hade backat från min utmaning, att det bara var snack(som vanligt? ) Jag kommer hem imorrn, vi får dra några bärs eller nåt. Nu kickar jag igång ett pass omaha. Bankroll ligger på 1252$. Fullt ös! Citera
omarqure Postad 25 December , 2007 Författare Rapport Postad 25 December , 2007 Ok blev bra till slut. Körde 2st plo30 och 2st plo50. Började riktigt trögt, var super kall, och backade 80$ efter ca 1 timme. Sedan kom vändningen till slut och hittade det schyssta omahaflytet. Slutade +174$ och bankroll är nu på 1426$. Postar några av händerna inom kort. Citera
omarqure Postad 25 December , 2007 Författare Rapport Postad 25 December , 2007 Ungefär så här såg en massa händer ut i början : ** Game ID 897336285 starting - 2007-12-25 20:15:12 ** Loch Linnhe [Omaha] (0.15|0.30 Pot Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - snakeman221 sitting in seat 1 with $29.19 [Dealer] - Joksu sitting in seat 2 with $33.99 - ulohman sitting in seat 3 with $13.18 - Empath sitting in seat 4 with $27.41 - 93_All_In sitting in seat 5 with $5.28 - loopy69 sitting in seat 6 with $38.99 Joksu posted the small blind - $0.15 ulohman posted the big blind - $0.30 ** Dealing card to snakeman221: , , , Empath called - $0.30 93_All_In called - $0.30 loopy69 called - $0.30 snakeman221 called - $0.30 Joksu called - $0.30 ulohman checked ** Dealing the flop: , , Joksu checked ulohman bet - $0.30 Empath folded 93_All_In called - $0.30 loopy69 called - $0.30 snakeman221 raised - $3.30 Joksu folded ulohman folded 93_All_In folded loopy69 called - $3.30 ** Dealing the turn: loopy69 bet - $4.50 snakeman221 called - $4.50 ** Dealing the river: loopy69 bet - $4.50 snakeman221 folded loopy69 mucks: loopy69 wins $21.42 from the main pot End of game 897336285 När korten sen kommer så här vill man nästan ge upp : ** Game ID 897355424 starting - 2007-12-25 20:42:21 ** Loch Gairloch [Omaha] (0.15|0.30 Pot Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - r3ra1s3 sitting in seat 2 with $41.33 - Fetsvadd sitting in seat 3 with $14.17 - DeepPurple sitting in seat 4 with $23.23 - snakeman221 sitting in seat 5 with $30.50 [Dealer] r3ra1s3 posted the small blind - $0.15 Fetsvadd posted the big blind - $0.30 ** Dealing card to snakeman221: , , , DeepPurple raised - $1.05 snakeman221 called - $1.05 r3ra1s3 folded Fetsvadd called - $1.05 ** Dealing the flop: , , Fetsvadd checked DeepPurple bet - $3.18 snakeman221 raised - $12.84 Fetsvadd folded DeepPurple went all-in - $19.00 snakeman221 called - $22.18 ** Dealing the turn: ** Dealing the river: DeepPurple shows: , , , snakeman221 mucks: , , , DeepPurple wins $45.66 from the main pot End of game 897355424 Fyrtal ** Game ID 897377318 starting - 2007-12-25 21:20:19 ** Loch Linnhe [Omaha] (0.15|0.30 Pot Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - snakeman221 sitting in seat 1 with $30.92 - 123kin sitting in seat 2 with $56.67 [Dealer] - minime73 sitting in seat 3 with $38.64 - Jensen78_dk sitting in seat 4 with $7.83 - phil_123 sitting in seat 5 with $23.82 - goldlabels sitting in seat 6 with $25.27 minime73 posted the small blind - $0.15 Jensen78_dk posted the big blind - $0.30 ** Dealing card to snakeman221: , , , phil_123 called - $0.30 goldlabels folded snakeman221 called - $0.30 123kin called - $0.30 minime73 called - $0.30 Jensen78_dk checked ** Dealing the flop: , , minime73 bet - $0.75 Jensen78_dk folded phil_123 folded snakeman221 called - $0.75 123kin raised - $4.50 minime73 called - $4.50 snakeman221 called - $4.50 ** Dealing the turn: minime73 checked snakeman221 checked 123kin checked ** Dealing the river: minime73 checked snakeman221 bet - $15.00 123kin called - $15.00 minime73 folded snakeman221 shows: , , , 123kin mucks: snakeman221 wins $42.30 from the main pot End of game 897377318 Blandar upp med lite uruselt calling station lir ** Game ID 897388165 starting - 2007-12-25 21:40:14 ** Leicester [Omaha] (0.25|0.50 Pot Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - DaveL2624 sitting in seat 1 with $63.49 [Dealer] - allin1989 sitting in seat 2 with $32.16 - NobbyBarnes sitting in seat 3 with $37.15 - khaktosaret sitting in seat 4 with $29.75 - snakeman221 sitting in seat 5 with $48.00 - geprge sitting in seat 6 with $25.71 [sitting out] allin1989 posted the small blind - $0.25 NobbyBarnes posted the big blind - $0.50 ** Dealing card to snakeman221: , , , khaktosaret called - $0.50 snakeman221 called - $0.50 DaveL2624 called - $0.50 allin1989 folded NobbyBarnes checked ** Dealing the flop: , , NobbyBarnes checked khaktosaret bet - $1.00 snakeman221 called - $1.00 DaveL2624 folded NobbyBarnes folded ** Dealing the turn: khaktosaret bet - $2.50 snakeman221 called - $2.50 ** Dealing the river: khaktosaret bet - $9.25 snakeman221 called - $9.25 khaktosaret shows: , , , snakeman221 mucks: , , , khaktosaret wins $26.10 from the main pot End of game 897388165 ** Game ID 897389515 starting - 2007-12-25 21:42:47 ** Leicester [Omaha] (0.25|0.50 Pot Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - DaveL2624 sitting in seat 1 with $62.99 - allin1989 sitting in seat 2 with $31.66 - NobbyBarnes sitting in seat 3 with $36.90 [Dealer] - khaktosaret sitting in seat 4 with $43.97 - snakeman221 sitting in seat 5 with $33.75 - DeesOnDubz sitting in seat 6 with $49.50 khaktosaret posted the small blind - $0.25 snakeman221 posted the big blind - $0.50 ** Dealing card to snakeman221: , , , DeesOnDubz called - $0.50 DaveL2624 called - $0.50 allin1989 called - $0.50 NobbyBarnes folded khaktosaret raised - $1.00 snakeman221 raised - $4.50 DeesOnDubz folded DaveL2624 called - $4.50 allin1989 folded khaktosaret called - $4.50 ** Dealing the flop: , , khaktosaret checked snakeman221 bet - $14.50 DaveL2624 raised - $30.00 khaktosaret folded snakeman221 went all-in - $15.25 ** Dealing the turn: ** Dealing the river: snakeman221 shows: , , , DaveL2624 shows: , , , DaveL2624 wins $71.00 from the main pot End of game 897389515 Nåt som är skönt med omaha är när man lyckas med ett riktigt tiltspel. ** Game ID 897393036 starting - 2007-12-25 21:49:02 ** Carpal [Omaha] (0.25|0.50 Pot Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - snakeman221 sitting in seat 1 with $48.50 [Dealer] - LowstackLou sitting in seat 2 with $58.70 - fu_fish sitting in seat 3 with $28.91 - DeesOnDubz sitting in seat 4 with $80.85 - Stiz81 sitting in seat 5 with $58.95 LowstackLou posted the small blind - $0.25 fu_fish posted the big blind - $0.50 ** Dealing card to snakeman221: , , Jack of Spades, 10 of Clubs DeesOnDubz folded Stiz81 folded snakeman221 called - $0.50 LowstackLou called - $0.50 fu_fish bet - $2.00 snakeman221 called - $2.00 LowstackLou folded ** Dealing the flop: Ace of Clubs, 9 of Spades, 3 of Spades fu_fish bet - $2.50 snakeman221 called - $2.50 ** Dealing the turn: 8 of Diamonds fu_fish bet - $9.50 snakeman221 called - $9.50 ** Dealing the river: 7 of Hearts fu_fish went all-in - $15.41 snakeman221 called - $15.41 fu_fish shows: 4 of Diamonds, 2 of Spades, 7 of Diamonds, 4 of Hearts snakeman221 shows: 9 of Clubs, 2 of Hearts, Jack of Spades, 10 of Clubs snakeman221 wins $57.32 from the main pot End of game 897393036 ** Game ID 897405033 starting - 2007-12-25 22:10:44 ** Leicester [Omaha] (0.25|0.50 Pot Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - DaveL2624 sitting in seat 1 with $98.08 - thefierce1 sitting in seat 2 with $19.83 - NobbyBarnes sitting in seat 3 with $80.34 - khaktosaret sitting in seat 4 with $27.95 [Dealer] - snakeman221 sitting in seat 5 with $38.95 - DeesOnDubz sitting in seat 6 with $35.25 snakeman221 posted the small blind - $0.25 DeesOnDubz posted the big blind - $0.50 ** Dealing card to snakeman221: King of Hearts, 3 of Hearts, Jack of Diamonds, King of Diamonds DaveL2624 called - $0.50 thefierce1 raised - $2.00 NobbyBarnes folded khaktosaret folded snakeman221 raised - $7.00 DeesOnDubz folded DaveL2624 folded thefierce1 called - $7.00 ** Dealing the flop: 2 of Clubs, 5 of Diamonds, 5 of Clubs snakeman221 bet - $15.00 thefierce1 went all-in - $12.83 ** Dealing the turn: Ace of Clubs ** Dealing the river: Ace of Diamonds snakeman221 shows: King of Hearts, 3 of Hearts, Jack of Diamonds, King of Diamonds thefierce1 shows: 10 of Clubs, Jack of Spades, 9 of Clubs, 8 of Clubs thefierce1 wins $38.23 from the main pot End of game 897405033 Citera
omarqure Postad 25 December , 2007 Författare Rapport Postad 25 December , 2007 Fick en rush och träffade en hel del plötsligt. Den här potten var viktig och jävligt skön : ** Game ID 897411560 starting - 2007-12-25 22:22:42 ** Leicester [Omaha] (0.25|0.50 Pot Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - DaveL2624 sitting in seat 1 with $105.26 [Dealer] - thefierce1 sitting in seat 2 with $30.73 - NobbyBarnes sitting in seat 3 with $75.09 - khaktosaret sitting in seat 4 with $24.95 - snakeman221 sitting in seat 5 with $24.07 - DeesOnDubz sitting in seat 6 with $36.07 thefierce1 posted the small blind - $0.25 NobbyBarnes posted the big blind - $0.50 ** Dealing card to snakeman221: , , , khaktosaret called - $0.50 snakeman221 called - $0.50 DeesOnDubz called - $0.50 DaveL2624 called - $0.50 thefierce1 raised - $1.87 NobbyBarnes called - $1.87 khaktosaret called - $1.87 snakeman221 raised - $10.35 DeesOnDubz called - $10.35 DaveL2624 folded thefierce1 called - $10.35 NobbyBarnes called - $10.35 khaktosaret called - $10.35 ** Dealing the flop: , , thefierce1 checked NobbyBarnes bet - $26.12 khaktosaret went all-in - $14.60 snakeman221 went all-in - $13.72 DeesOnDubz folded thefierce1 went all-in - $20.63 ** Dealing the turn: ** Dealing the river: thefierce1 shows: , , , NobbyBarnes shows: , , , khaktosaret mucks: , , , snakeman221 shows: , , , NobbyBarnes wins $2.64 from side pot 1 NobbyBarnes wins $14.70 from side pot 2 snakeman221 wins $104.13 from the main pot End of game 897411560 samma bord ett par minuter senare : ** Game ID 897413433 starting - 2007-12-25 22:25:30 ** Leicester [Omaha] (0.25|0.50 Pot Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - DaveL2624 sitting in seat 1 with $106.55 - thefierce1 sitting in seat 2 with $50.00 - NobbyBarnes sitting in seat 3 with $59.06 [Dealer] - khaktosaret sitting in seat 4 with $48.00 - snakeman221 sitting in seat 5 with $103.63 - DeesOnDubz sitting in seat 6 with $25.72 khaktosaret posted the small blind - $0.25 snakeman221 posted the big blind - $0.50 ** Dealing card to snakeman221: , , , DeesOnDubz folded DaveL2624 folded thefierce1 called - $0.50 NobbyBarnes folded khaktosaret raised - $2.00 snakeman221 called - $2.00 thefierce1 called - $2.00 ** Dealing the flop: , , khaktosaret bet - $6.00 snakeman221 called - $6.00 thefierce1 folded ** Dealing the turn: khaktosaret bet - $18.00 snakeman221 raised - $72.00 khaktosaret went all-in - $22.25 ** Dealing the river: khaktosaret shows: , , , snakeman221 shows: , , , snakeman221 wins $95.50 from the main pot End of game 897413433 Citera
_Zodiac_ Postad 27 December , 2007 Rapport Postad 27 December , 2007 Nåt som är skönt med omaha är när man lyckas med ett riktigt tiltspel. ** Game ID 897393036 starting - 2007-12-25 21:49:02 ** Carpal [Omaha] (0.25|0.50 Pot Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - snakeman221 sitting in seat 1 with $48.50 [Dealer] - LowstackLou sitting in seat 2 with $58.70 - fu_fish sitting in seat 3 with $28.91 - DeesOnDubz sitting in seat 4 with $80.85 - Stiz81 sitting in seat 5 with $58.95 LowstackLou posted the small blind - $0.25 fu_fish posted the big blind - $0.50 ** Dealing card to snakeman221: , , , DeesOnDubz folded Stiz81 folded snakeman221 called - $0.50 LowstackLou called - $0.50 fu_fish bet - $2.00 snakeman221 called - $2.00 LowstackLou folded ** Dealing the flop: , , fu_fish bet - $2.50 snakeman221 called - $2.50 ** Dealing the turn: fu_fish bet - $9.50 snakeman221 called - $9.50 ** Dealing the river: fu_fish went all-in - $15.41 snakeman221 called - $15.41 fu_fish shows: , , , snakeman221 shows: , , , snakeman221 wins $57.32 from the main pot End of game 897393036 Ser iof att du ledde hela vägen....mycket fin read av dig.... Citera
omarqure Postad 27 December , 2007 Författare Rapport Postad 27 December , 2007 Spelade ett litet pass igår natt. Körde 2 bord plo30 i ca 2,5h och lyckades plussa 166$. Spelet kändes stabilt och hade roligt också, svårt att låta bli när det gäller omaha. Postar några händer från liret. Citera
omarqure Postad 27 December , 2007 Författare Rapport Postad 27 December , 2007 ** Game ID 898186008 starting - 2007-12-27 03:45:22 ** Hercules [Omaha] (0.15|0.30 Pot Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - Snearevben sitting in seat 1 with $10.25 - 123kin sitting in seat 2 with $37.48 - snakeman221 sitting in seat 3 with $28.50 [Dealer] - mick777 sitting in seat 4 with $61.41 - mark62 sitting in seat 5 with $12.54 mick777 posted the small blind - $0.15 mark62 posted the big blind - $0.30 ** Dealing card to snakeman221: , , , Snearevben called - $0.30 123kin called - $0.30 snakeman221 called - $0.30 mick777 called - $0.30 mark62 checked ** Dealing the flop: , , mick777 checked mark62 checked Snearevben checked 123kin bet - $1.50 snakeman221 called - $1.50 mick777 folded mark62 folded Snearevben folded ** Dealing the turn: 123kin bet - $4.50 snakeman221 called - $4.50 ** Dealing the river: 123kin checked snakeman221 bet - $13.50 123kin called - $13.50 snakeman221 shows: , , , 123kin mucks: snakeman221 wins $38.50 from the main pot End of game 898186008 Spelade kanske lite spekulativt men har lirat en del mot fi tidigare och vet att man kan få betalt om man träffar. klockren aa-hand som håller upp fint : ** Game ID 898190671 starting - 2007-12-27 04:00:25 ** Barbary [Omaha] (0.15|0.30 Pot Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - snakeman221 sitting in seat 1 with $30.78 - Baznaya sitting in seat 2 with $92.23 - mick777 sitting in seat 3 with $16.96 [Dealer] - yamoto sitting in seat 4 with $11.67 - loopy69 sitting in seat 5 with $18.24 yamoto posted the small blind - $0.15 loopy69 posted the big blind - $0.30 ** Dealing card to snakeman221: , , , snakeman221 called - $0.30 Baznaya raised - $1.35 mick777 called - $1.35 yamoto folded loopy69 called - $1.35 snakeman221 raised - $6.90 Baznaya called - $6.90 mick777 folded loopy69 called - $6.90 ** Dealing the flop: , , loopy69 checked snakeman221 bet - $22.20 Baznaya raised - $44.40 loopy69 folded snakeman221 went all-in - $1.68 ** Dealing the turn: ** Dealing the river: snakeman221 shows: , , , Baznaya mucks: snakeman221 wins $67.96 from the main pot End of game 898190671 spelade ganska länge hu mot loopy men till sist lyckades jag plocka hans cash, med en fint riggad hand. ** Game ID 898211620 starting - 2007-12-27 05:48:52 ** Barbary [Omaha] (0.15|0.30 Pot Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - snakeman221 sitting in seat 1 with $54.04 [Dealer] - loopy69 sitting in seat 5 with $47.10 snakeman221 posted the small blind - $0.15 loopy69 posted the big blind - $0.30 ** Dealing card to snakeman221: , , , snakeman221 raised - $0.90 loopy69 raised - $1.50 snakeman221 called - $1.50 ** Dealing the flop: , , loopy69 bet - $3.00 snakeman221 called - $3.00 ** Dealing the turn: loopy69 bet - $9.00 snakeman221 called - $9.00 ** Dealing the river: loopy69 bet - $27.00 snakeman221 went all-in - $40.69 loopy69 went all-in - $6.90 loopy69 shows: , , , snakeman221 shows: , , , snakeman221 wins $93.80 from the main pot End of game 898211620 bankroll: 1592$ Citera
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