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Fint facit spelat 5 $11 sngs vunnit 3, ootm i de andra två iofs men fortfarande bra investeringar ^^ hehe lirar 22kr turnering på svenska spel ("selma") som tidsfördriv ligger 6/11 nu :S 3800kr första pris vilket är soft. Sjuka är att jag spelat denna två ggr tidigarea o båda ggrna kommit till finalbord! hehe nice skills

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Doh bustade ur selma på finaltable bubblan förlorade allt utom typ en sb med 89-AA på 89J flop....Sjukt kallt spel av en annan fi tidigare, jag slog upp 24k med T4s han synar med KJo och har ca 20k bakom :shock: pengar såklart in på flop, han toppar jag bottenpar. Vad ska man säga 22kr turre hehe, fick iaf massiva 140kr


+370kr, +$61 ikväll

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lol spelar ftps nattliga 24k gtd (blivit standard nu), lite sämre start än vanligt men man borde inte klaga med denna fi vid sitt bord:


Full Tilt Poker Game #3767417355: $24,000 Guarantee (28207823), Table 103 - 25/50 - No Limit Hold'em - 20:25:38 ET - 2007/10/05

Seat 1: madmax04 (2,865), is sitting out

Seat 2: tdtdtdtd (3,130)

Seat 3: Illbatting (3,205)

Seat 4: msignal (3,170)

Seat 5: bigb168 (3,910)

Seat 6: Dulo (2,950)

Seat 7: DShain5881 (2,825)

Seat 8: Fletch182 (2,715)

Seat 9: caveman23 (2,230)

bigb168 posts the small blind of 25

Dulo posts the big blind of 50

The button is in seat #4

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to Illbatting Ace of DiamondsKing of Diamonds

DShain5881 folds

Fletch182 folds

bigb168: putzes

caveman23 calls 50

madmax04 folds

tdtdtdtd folds

Illbatting raises to 300

msignal folds

bigb168 folds

Dulo has 15 seconds left to act

Dulo folds

caveman23 has 15 seconds left to act

caveman23 calls 250

*** FLOP *** Ace of Clubs2 of Hearts4 of Spades

caveman23 checks

Illbatting checks

*** TURN *** Ace of Clubs2 of Hearts4 of SpadesAce of Hearts

caveman23 checks

Illbatting bets 400

caveman23 raises to 800

Illbatting calls 400

*** RIVER *** Ace of Clubs2 of Hearts4 of SpadesAce of Hearts6 of Spades

caveman23 bets 1,130, and is all in

Illbatting calls 1,130

*** SHOW DOWN ***

caveman23 shows 2 of SpadesAce of Spades a full house, Aces full of Twos

Illbatting mucks

caveman23 wins the pot (4,535) with a full house, Aces full of Twos

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Haha hur ska man inte plusa på svs på såna här bord? Diggar hans flopsyn mest


BossMedia Game #465561704: Table Britta 72 - $1.00/$2.00 - No Limit Hold'em - 00:03:23 - 2007/10/06

Seat 1: riverjack ($271.75)

Seat 2: swintoa ($105.30)

Seat 3: oke1 ($471.31)

Seat 4: Trippel X ($185.75)

Seat 5: QuadsLady ($175.40)

riverjack posts the big blind of $2.00

QuadsLady posts the small blind of $1.00

Trippel X is the button

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to riverjack 9 of Diamonds9 of Spades

swintoa calls $2.00

oke1 folds

Trippel X calls $2.00

QuadsLady calls $2.00

riverjack raises $10.00

swintoa calls $10.00

Trippel X calls $10.00

QuadsLady folds

*** FLOP *** 7 of ClubsQueen of Clubs9 of Hearts

riverjack bets $18.00

swintoa folds

Trippel X calls $18.00

*** TURN *** 7 of ClubsQueen of Clubs9 of HeartsJack of Clubs

riverjack bets $45.00

Trippel X calls $45.00

*** RIVER *** 7 of ClubsQueen of Clubs9 of HeartsJack of Clubs5 of Hearts

riverjack bets $112.00

Trippel X goes all-in with $112.75

riverjack calls $112.75

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot $373.95 | Rake $9.55

Board: 7 of ClubsQueen of Clubs9 of HeartsJack of Clubs5 of Hearts

riverjack won ($373.95), showed 9 of Diamonds9 of Spades

swintoa won ($0.00), mucks

oke1 won ($0.00), mucks

Trippel X won ($0.00), showed 5 of DiamondsJack of Hearts

QuadsLady won ($0.00), mucks

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Skön kille, han får lära mig lira poker nån dag:


BossMedia Game #465287971: Table Bertil 31 - $1.00/$2.00 - No Limit Hold'em - 20:47:50 - 2007/10/05

Seat 1: x 99 x ($304.59)

Seat 2: PLEIF70 ($536.62)

Seat 3: Bombarn ($367.00)

Seat 4: Koparve ($317.15)

Seat 5: snusproffs ($396.00)

Seat 6: battekpn ($0.00)

Seat 7: riverjack ($318.10)

Seat 8: Baretta! ($46.97)

Seat 9: abstrom ($469.90)

Seat 10: splinter58 ($95.90)

PLEIF70 posts the big blind of $2.00

x 99 x posts the small blind of $1.00

splinter58 is the button

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to riverjack King of DiamondsKing of Spades

Bombarn folds

Koparve calls $2.00

snusproffs folds

riverjack raises $10.00

Baretta! calls $10.00

abstrom folds

splinter58 folds

x 99 x folds

PLEIF70 folds

Koparve folds

*** FLOP *** 6 of Clubs4 of ClubsQueen of Hearts

riverjack bets $22.00

Baretta! goes all-in with $36.97

riverjack calls $36.97

*** TURN *** 6 of Clubs4 of ClubsQueen of HeartsJack of Spades

*** RIVER *** 6 of Clubs4 of ClubsQueen of HeartsJack of Spades6 of Spades

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot $96.49 | Rake $2.45

Board: 6 of Clubs4 of ClubsQueen of HeartsJack of Spades6 of Spades

riverjack won ($0.00), mucks

Baretta! won ($96.49), showed 6 of HeartsAce of Diamonds

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Slutade +618kr på svs, hade kunnat bli mkt mer men blev sjukt utklonkad sista halvtimmen + en missclick (lol?) i en ganska stor hand. Fortsätter ett tag till på ftp med mtts o sngs, blev colddeckad i 24k när jag mötte bordets ultradonk med TJ-AJ på TJA bräda.


Över 3,5k nu på svs btw :-D Då känns mitt väldigt optimistiska mål på 7000kr där innan 1a november inte jätteavlägset! Hoppas kunna komma i pengarna i någon stor turnering snart på full tilt, känns som jag alltid sätter mig i dåliga positioner efter ett tag. Tålamod är det som gäller, bara att träna upp.....Kommer inte att spela cg där förrän rullen är uppe i minst $1000, känner att värdet på svs lägsta bord är mycket högre än deras nl10-25 när jag spelar kommer jag börja med nl30 där de har dubbla upptag! Sjukligt bra värde vissa tillfällen, men finns 3-4 regulars som har hyfsad koll på spelet.


SvS: 3531kr

FTP: $302

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Signade up till ytterliggare 2 mtts vilka blir de sista innan läggdags. Spelar samma 11$ sh nlt som igår, är cl idag igen! Är dock lite mer kontrollerad aggressiv idag, men kör välidgt mkt LAG-igare än jag brukar göra i mtts. Skön hand i början, är hans andra hand vid bordet :mrgreen: kunde fått bättre start, unlucky!


Full Tilt Poker Game #3769431674: $10 + $1 Tournament (28650005), Table 26 - 25/50 - No Limit Hold'em - 23:55:57 ET - 2007/10/05

Seat 1: LudaKreezy (2,830)

Seat 2: 1 1 8 1 1 (2,207)

Seat 3: zusky (3,490)

Seat 4: Illbatting (4,787)

Seat 5: ventboys (2,955)

Seat 6: michelle75 (1,987)

michelle75 posts the small blind of 25

LudaKreezy posts the big blind of 50

The button is in seat #5

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to Illbatting King of DiamondsKing of Spades

1 1 8 1 1 calls 50

zusky raises to 225

Illbatting raises to 500

ventboys folds

michelle75 folds

LudaKreezy folds

1 1 8 1 1 folds

zusky calls 275

*** FLOP *** 8 of Spades2 of Hearts2 of Spades

zusky checks

Illbatting bets 700

zusky has 15 seconds left to act

zusky has requested TIME

zusky raises to 2,990, and is all in

Illbatting calls 2,290

zusky shows 10 of Hearts10 of Diamonds

Illbatting shows King of DiamondsKing of Spades

*** TURN *** 8 of Spades2 of Hearts2 of SpadesQueen of Clubs

*** RIVER *** 8 of Spades2 of Hearts2 of SpadesQueen of Clubs9 of Hearts

zusky shows two pair, Tens and Twos

Illbatting shows two pair, Kings and Twos

Illbatting wins the pot (7,105) with two pair, Kings and Twos

zusky stands up

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Gör jag ett misstag som blir startskottet för en lavin av dåligt spel :(

Börjar med att tappa halva stacken QQ-AA, vilket inte är så konstigt men borde kunnat släppa den. Mest tiltande är att man hittar en Q sen hittar fi ett A. Sedan överspelar jag KJ på x8K flop mot 88, iofs var det mot en maniac men borde inte tryckt iaf. Några händer senare efter att ha gått från 11k till ca 2k får jag in degen med KK-AJ på xxJ flop bara för att kika på ett A på river. Sket i byx i den andra mttn också, fick dega 88 mot AJ som kortis, men hjälpte inte. Lite plus på sngs iaf.


Ftp: $328

SvS: 3531

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Full Tilt Poker Game #3769745360: $10 + $1 Sit & Go (28724612), Table 1 - 15/30 - No Limit Hold'em - 0:29:33 ET - 2007/10/06

Seat 1: dixigyrl (1,740)

Seat 2: nm384 (1,380)

Seat 3: Illbatting (1,500)

Seat 4: DunnDeal4u (1,380)

Seat 5: ad12 (1,500)

Seat 6: zoyee (1,500)

nm384 posts the small blind of 15

Illbatting posts the big blind of 30

The button is in seat #1

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to Illbatting 3 of DiamondsQueen of Diamonds

DunnDeal4u calls 30

ad12 folds

zoyee folds

dixigyrl folds

nm384 calls 15

Illbatting checks

*** FLOP *** 5 of DiamondsAce of Diamonds7 of Diamonds

nm384 bets 90

Illbatting calls 90

DunnDeal4u raises to 180

nm384 calls 90

Illbatting ?

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Full Tilt Poker Game #3769788301: $10 + $1 Sit & Go (28724735), Table 1 - 15/30 - No Limit Hold'em - 0:34:17 ET - 2007/10/06

Seat 1: degolds (1,610)

Seat 2: Kdubbs1215 (2,005)

Seat 3: HojoMofo (1,365)

Seat 4: thirtydays (1,500)

Seat 5: whirledblue (1,050)

Seat 6: FLUXION (1,470)

Seat 7: Gerbob (1,500)

Seat 8: Rippa9 (1,500)

Seat 9: Illbatting (1,500)

FLUXION posts the small blind of 15

Gerbob posts the big blind of 30

The button is in seat #5

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to Illbatting 6 of Clubs6 of Diamonds

Rippa9 folds

Illbatting calls 30

degolds calls 30

Kdubbs1215 folds

HojoMofo folds

thirtydays folds

whirledblue raises to 95


Gerbob folds

Illbatting calls 65

degolds calls 65

*** FLOP *** 9 of Clubs10 of Clubs6 of Hearts

Illbatting checks

degolds bets 210

whirledblue raises to 955, and is all in

Illbatting raises to 1,405, and is all in

degolds calls 1,195

Illbatting shows 6 of Clubs6 of Diamonds

degolds shows 10 of DiamondsQueen of Clubs

whirledblue shows 8 of Spades10 of Spades

*** TURN *** 9 of Clubs10 of Clubs6 of Hearts7 of Spades

*** RIVER *** 9 of Clubs10 of Clubs6 of Hearts7 of SpadesKing of Diamonds

Illbatting shows three of a kind, Sixes

degolds shows a pair of Tens

Illbatting wins the side pot (900) with three of a kind, Sixes

whirledblue shows a straight, Ten high

whirledblue wins the main pot (3,195) with a straight, Ten high

The blinds are now 20/40

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 4,095 Main pot 3,195. Side pot 900. | Rake 0

Board: 9 of Clubs10 of Clubs6 of Hearts7 of SpadesKing of Diamonds

Seat 1: degolds showed 10 of DiamondsQueen of Clubs and lost with a pair of Tens

Seat 2: Kdubbs1215 didn't bet (folded)

Seat 3: HojoMofo didn't bet (folded)

Seat 4: thirtydays didn't bet (folded)

Seat 5: whirledblue (button) showed 8 of Spades10 of Spades and won (3,195) with a straight, Ten high

Seat 6: FLUXION (small blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 7: Gerbob (big blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 8: Rippa9 didn't bet (folded)

Seat 9: Illbatting showed 6 of Clubs6 of Diamonds and won (900) with three of a kind, Sixes


Full Tilt Poker Game #3769917771: $10 + $1 Sit & Go (28724612), Table 1 - 30/60 - No Limit Hold'em - 0:49:08 ET - 2007/10/06

Seat 2: nm384 (1,065)

Seat 3: Illbatting (2,090)

Seat 4: DunnDeal4u (5,280)

Seat 5: ad12 (565)

DunnDeal4u posts the small blind of 30

ad12 posts the big blind of 60

The button is in seat #3

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to Illbatting [Ks Ah]

nm384 folds

Illbatting raises to 210

DunnDeal4u raises to 360

ad12 folds

Illbatting raises to 2,090, and is all in

DunnDeal4u calls 1,730

Illbatting shows [Ks Ah]

DunnDeal4u shows [Qc Kc]

*** FLOP *** [Tc 2s Kd]

*** TURN *** [Tc 2s Kd] [6c]

*** RIVER *** [Tc 2s Kd 6c] [3c]

Illbatting shows a pair of Kings

DunnDeal4u shows a flush, King high

DunnDeal4u wins the pot (4,240) with a flush, King high

Illbatting stands up


Full Tilt Poker Game #3769906750: $10 + $1 Sit & Go (28724735), Table 1 - 30/60 - No Limit Hold'em - 0:47:51 ET - 2007/10/06

Seat 2: Kdubbs1215 (2,365)

Seat 3: HojoMofo (1,140)

Seat 4: thirtydays (1,855)

Seat 5: whirledblue (1,165)

Seat 6: FLUXION (1,245)

Seat 7: Gerbob (1,720)

Seat 8: Rippa9 (3,145)

Seat 9: Illbatting (865)

Rippa9 posts the small blind of 30

Illbatting posts the big blind of 60

The button is in seat #7

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to Illbatting [Kc 5c]

Kdubbs1215 folds

HojoMofo folds

thirtydays folds


whirledblue calls 60


Gerbob folds

Rippa9 calls 30

Illbatting has been disconnected

Illbatting has 15 seconds left to act

Illbatting checks

*** FLOP *** [Ks Kd Jd]

Rippa9 checks

Illbatting checks

Illbatting has reconnected

whirledblue has 15 seconds left to act

whirledblue bets 95

Rippa9 folds

Illbatting raises to 300

whirledblue calls 205

*** TURN *** [Ks Kd Jd] [4s]

Illbatting bets 300

whirledblue has 15 seconds left to act

whirledblue calls 300

*** RIVER *** [Ks Kd Jd 4s] [Ad]

Illbatting bets 205, and is all in

whirledblue calls 205

*** SHOW DOWN ***

Illbatting shows [Kc 5c] three of a kind, Kings

whirledblue shows [2d 7d] a flush, Ace high

whirledblue wins the pot (1,790) with a flush, Ace high

Illbatting stands up

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Sjukt jobbig hand, vette fan vad Oliviasfar har.


BossMedia Game #465673640: Table Britta Turbo 34 - $1.00/$2.00 - No Limit Hold'em - 06:55:40 - 2007/10/06

Seat 1: riverjack ($294.90)

Seat 2: pippski ($46.39)

Seat 3: oliviasfar ($352.00)

Seat 4: PAT_MAR ($43.28)

Seat 5: Berlan ($174.21)

Berlan posts the small blind of $1.00

riverjack posts the big blind of $2.00

PAT_MAR is the button

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to riverjack 5 of Clubs5 of Diamonds

pippski folds

oliviasfar calls $2.00

PAT_MAR calls $2.00

Berlan calls $2.00

riverjack checks

*** FLOP *** 6 of Diamonds8 of Spades5 of Spades

Berlan checks

riverjack bets $7.00

oliviasfar calls $7.00

PAT_MAR folds

Berlan folds

*** TURN *** 6 of Diamonds8 of Spades5 of Spades2 of Hearts

riverjack bets $15.00

oliviasfar raises $30.00

riverjack calls $30.00

*** RIVER *** 6 of Diamonds8 of Spades5 of Spades2 of Hearts3 of Spades

riverjack checks

oliviasfar bets $88.00

riverjack ?

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Blev väckt av far min som skulle åka till Ludvika och hjälpa sin storebror med sista etappen på sin flyttning. Passade på att lira lite när jag ändå var vaken blev ca 250 händer på 3 bord 1/2kr, kombinerat med varma mackor och en kanna te. Plusade stadigt, satt en frisk donator som nickade typ freddefred eller dyl, han bjöde på en fin genom att pusha K2d på typ 57Q rainbow flop när jag hade KK ^^ Slutade +470kr ;-)

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Började om på svenska spel 26/9 genom att mata in en femhundring. Har sen dess spelat 4000 händer kombinerat FR och SH men mest shorthanded.


Stats: 31/12/2,6 på nl200 och 31/9,8/2,3 på nl100. Vet inte hur jag ska tolka det, spelade typ 23/9/2,6 på ftp tidigare, men känns som jag spelar ut random fish med hästlängder post + att det är 5-handat på svs men 6-handat på ftp så blir (i princip) automatiskt högre siffror på vpip o raise pre.


BB/100: 24,5 på nl200 och 34,5 på nl100.


Nettovinst: 3218kr på cg och 283kr på sng/mtt. Tror inte jag kommer kunna hålla det här tempot fram till jul, men man kan ju hoppas!


Har ett sidebet med en kompis vem som kan vinna mest på nätpoker fram till julafton, han har en ganska mkt störra rulle så alla mina vinster fram till $1500 räknas som det dubbla, jag har ca $900 tot nu startade med ca $400 så ligger ungefär +$1000 enligt våran räkning jag tror han ligger -$1000 så kan gå vägen.

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Sjukt jobbig hand, vette fan vad Oliviasfar har.


BossMedia Game #465673640: Table Britta Turbo 34 - $1.00/$2.00 - No Limit Hold'em - 06:55:40 - 2007/10/06

Seat 1: riverjack ($294.90)

Seat 2: pippski ($46.39)

Seat 3: oliviasfar ($352.00)

Seat 4: PAT_MAR ($43.28)

Seat 5: Berlan ($174.21)

Berlan posts the small blind of $1.00

riverjack posts the big blind of $2.00

PAT_MAR is the button

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to riverjack 5 of Clubs5 of Diamonds

pippski folds

oliviasfar calls $2.00

PAT_MAR calls $2.00

Berlan calls $2.00

riverjack checks

*** FLOP *** 6 of Diamonds8 of Spades5 of Spades

Berlan checks

riverjack bets $7.00

oliviasfar calls $7.00

PAT_MAR folds

Berlan folds

*** TURN *** 6 of Diamonds8 of Spades5 of Spades2 of Hearts

riverjack bets $15.00

oliviasfar raises $30.00

riverjack calls $30.00

*** RIVER *** 6 of Diamonds8 of Spades5 of Spades2 of Hearts3 of Spades

riverjack checks

oliviasfar bets $88.00

riverjack ?


Reraisa turn och blunda och syna river.

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Körde en 2,5hs powernap och sen ut på en promenad. Sitter och slöspelar 2st bord nu men borde egentligen inte då jag spelar som en kratta. Försöker styra upp kvällen:

Ska käka middag med två kompisar på någon nation, men sen efter det har jag för många alternativ. En gammal klasskamrat har korridorsfest, en kompis är tillbaka över helgen från plugget på Gotland, har lovat att umgås med en av mina bästa polare och några av han kompisar (men de är bara 90or...) och slutligen ska nog några kompisar köra ett homegame (100kr turre, .5/1 cg). Tror jag ska försöka kombinera genom att gå på korridorsfesten med 90orna 8-) vet dock inte om det är ok med kompis.

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Reraisa turn och blunda och syna river.


Makes no sense, re-raisar jag turn blir jag tvungen att säga typ 120kr vilket sen gör mig committad och tvungen att syna mig all-in med ca20% equity. Enda höjningen jag kan tänka mig att göra är med alla mina marker.

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BossMedia Game #465958765: Table Britta 17 - $1.00/$2.00 - No Limit Hold'em - 14:18:22 - 2007/10/06

Seat 1: herr_gurka ($221.70)

Seat 2: Crazykjell ($147.62)

Seat 3: settup ($84.60)

Seat 4: riverjack ($233.77)

Seat 5: Embla H ($366.27)

riverjack posts the small blind of $1.00

Embla H posts the big blind of $2.00

settup is the button

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to riverjack 5 of HeartsAce of Clubs

herr_gurka folds

Crazykjell folds

settup calls $2.00

riverjack calls $2.00

Embla H raises $4.00

settup calls $4.00

riverjack calls $4.00

*** FLOP *** 4 of Spades3 of Diamonds2 of Diamonds

riverjack checks

Embla H bets $6.00

settup calls $6.00

riverjack raises $21.00

Embla H calls $21.00

settup folds

*** TURN *** 4 of Spades3 of Diamonds2 of Diamonds6 of Spades

riverjack bets $44.00

Embla H folds

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot $58.50 | Rake $1.50

Board: 4 of Spades3 of Diamonds2 of Diamonds6 of Spades

herr_gurka won ($0.00), mucks

Crazykjell won ($0.00), mucks

settup won ($0.00), mucks

riverjack won ($58.50), mucks

Embla H won ($0.00), mucks

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BossMedia Game #465958765: Table Britta 17 - $1.00/$2.00 - No Limit Hold'em - 14:18:22 - 2007/10/06

Seat 1: herr_gurka ($221.70)

Seat 2: Crazykjell ($147.62)

Seat 3: settup ($84.60)

Seat 4: riverjack ($233.77)

Seat 5: Embla H ($366.27)

riverjack posts the small blind of $1.00

Embla H posts the big blind of $2.00

settup is the button

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to riverjack 5 of HeartsAce of Clubs

herr_gurka folds

Crazykjell folds

settup calls $2.00

riverjack calls $2.00

Embla H raises $4.00

settup calls $4.00

riverjack calls $4.00

*** FLOP *** 4 of Spades3 of Diamonds2 of Diamonds

riverjack checks

Embla H bets $6.00

settup calls $6.00

riverjack raises $21.00

Embla H calls $21.00

settup folds

*** TURN *** 4 of Spades3 of Diamonds2 of Diamonds6 of Spades

riverjack bets $44.00

Embla H folds

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot $58.50 | Rake $1.50

Board: 4 of Spades3 of Diamonds2 of Diamonds6 of Spades

herr_gurka won ($0.00), mucks

Crazykjell won ($0.00), mucks

settup won ($0.00), mucks

riverjack won ($58.50), mucks

Embla H won ($0.00), mucks

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Lirade knappt något på dagen, spelade lite småbakis hos en kompis bara för att visa upp svenska spel lite (han skulle skaffa konto) och sponsrade några med 150 kronor, genom att bluffa all-in med bäst hand :shock: haha happens all the time där, men fick inte stå tyvärr....


Spelat några sngs o mtts men inte vunnit några sngs eller casht några mtts *suck* ajja vunnit ihop två stycken $26 tokens så ska spela 24k gtd och kanske en db omaha turre senare i natt :) lirade en $5 rebuy turre nyss, gjorde ingen rebuy men gick upp till ca 7k på andra nivån, 15/30, torskade där en 13k pott med Kh4h på 567h bräda AI mot Ahx kom nåt skitigt hjärterkort på river :-( hade varit kul med 14k stack på 25/50-nivån.


Dagens eloge för bäst spelade K4:


Full Tilt Poker Game #3785847264: $10 + $1 Sit & Go (28842174), Table 1 - 20/40 - No Limit Hold'em - 17:43:17 ET - 2007/10/07

Seat 1: BamaTodd7410 (1,485)

Seat 2: vurtrider (2,040)

Seat 3: StrwbryShrtstck (860)

Seat 4: smtmn (2,475)

Seat 5: mealsy (665)

Seat 6: DOWNSY (2,115)

Seat 7: arfdoggy (1,440)

Seat 8: Illbatting (1,460)

Seat 9: Jssksthski (960)

Illbatting posts the small blind of 20

Jssksthski posts the big blind of 40

The button is in seat #7

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to Illbatting Queen of SpadesQueen of Diamonds

BamaTodd7410 calls 40

vurtrider has 15 seconds left to act

vurtrider calls 40

StrwbryShrtstck calls 40

smtmn calls 40

mealsy folds

DOWNSY folds

arfdoggy folds

Illbatting raises to 280

Jssksthski folds

BamaTodd7410 calls 240

vurtrider folds

StrwbryShrtstck calls 240

smtmn folds

*** FLOP *** 7 of Spades6 of Clubs5 of Clubs

Illbatting bets 1,180, and is all in

BamaTodd7410 calls 1,180

StrwbryShrtstck calls 580, and is all in

Illbatting shows Queen of SpadesQueen of Diamonds

BamaTodd7410 shows Queen of ClubsKing of Clubs

StrwbryShrtstck shows 4 of DiamondsKing of Diamonds

*** TURN *** 7 of Spades6 of Clubs5 of Clubs6 of Spades

*** RIVER *** 7 of Spades6 of Clubs5 of Clubs6 of Spades8 of Diamonds

Illbatting shows two pair, Queens and Sixes

BamaTodd7410 shows a pair of Sixes

Illbatting wins the side pot (1,200) with two pair, Queens and Sixes

StrwbryShrtstck shows a straight, Eight high

StrwbryShrtstck wins the main pot (2,700) with a straight, Eight high

*** SUMMARY ***

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Fan va det här börjar bli standard :evil: hur ska man kunna casha om man ALLTID bustar mot r-r klövers


Full Tilt Poker Game #3786660290: $10 + $1 Tournament (28345979), Table 14 - 15/30 - No Limit Hold'em - 19:10:29 ET - 2007/10/07

Seat 1: JC1960 (1,890)

Seat 2: Rastafari xx (1,260)

Seat 3: Asklunda (2,865)

Seat 4: Da Bullss (1,515)

Seat 5: Tybuc (6,780)

Seat 6: Illbatting (1,515)

Seat 7: Condor Nine (1,410)

Seat 8: gerrysta (1,395)

Seat 9: Pele24 (1,470)

Asklunda posts the small blind of 15

Da Bullss posts the big blind of 30

The button is in seat #2

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to Illbatting 10 of Clubs10 of Hearts

Tybuc folds

Illbatting raises to 90

Condor Nine folds

gerrysta folds

Pele24 calls 90

JC1960 calls 90

Rastafari xx folds

Asklunda calls 75

Da Bullss folds

*** FLOP *** 4 of Hearts6 of Clubs9 of Clubs

Asklunda checks

Illbatting bets 240

Pele24 folds

JC1960 raises to 1,800, and is all in

Asklunda folds

Illbatting calls 1,185, and is all in

JC1960 shows Jack of SpadesAce of Clubs

Illbatting shows 10 of Clubs10 of Hearts

Uncalled bet of 375 returned to JC1960

*** TURN *** 4 of Hearts6 of Clubs9 of Clubs5 of Clubs

*** RIVER *** 4 of Hearts6 of Clubs9 of Clubs5 of ClubsKing of Clubs

JC1960 shows a flush, Ace high

Illbatting shows a flush, King high

JC1960 wins the pot (3,240) with a flush, Ace high

Illbatting stands up

The blinds are now 20/40

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 3,240 | Rake 0

Board: 4 of Hearts6 of Clubs9 of Clubs5 of ClubsKing of Clubs

Seat 1: JC1960 showed Jack of SpadesAce of Clubs and won (3,240) with a flush, Ace high

Seat 2: Rastafari xx (button) didn't bet (folded)

Seat 3: Asklunda (small blind) folded on the Flop

Seat 4: Da Bullss (big blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 5: Tybuc didn't bet (folded)

Seat 6: Illbatting showed 10 of Clubs10 of Hearts and lost with a flush, King high

Seat 7: Condor Nine didn't bet (folded)

Seat 8: gerrysta didn't bet (folded)

Seat 9: Pele24 folded on the Flop

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Äntligen får ens bra händer stå! Bra start i 24k har en tokdålig spelare till vänster om mig, som dubblat upp genom en megafisk till höger :S bra table iallafall, spelar lite lösare än vanligt och tar många potter pre och på flopen! Så här går det om man slowar:


Full Tilt Poker Game #3787578831: $24,000 Guarantee (28350199), Table 107 - 40/80 - No Limit Hold'em - 20:44:00 ET - 2007/10/07

Seat 1: spirit619 (5,120)

Seat 2: Illbatting (3,570)

Seat 3: romeo4u (6,165)

Seat 4: rick the robber (12,107)

Seat 5: blegend (2,865)

Seat 6: jakeusmc (2,735)

Seat 8: shuriken555 (6,395)

Seat 9: okstate345 (3,300)

shuriken555 posts the big blind of 80

The button is in seat #6

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to Illbatting 7 of Diamonds7 of Clubs

flophappy65 sits down

flophappy65 adds 1,640

okstate345 folds

spirit619 folds

Illbatting raises to 240

romeo4u folds

rick the robber folds

blegend folds

jakeusmc calls 240

shuriken555 calls 160

*** FLOP *** 7 of HeartsJack of Diamonds9 of Clubs

Illbatting: lol last A in the deck

shuriken555 checks

Illbatting bets 420

jakeusmc has 15 seconds left to act

jakeusmc raises to 2,495, and is all in

shuriken555 folds

Illbatting calls 2,075

jakeusmc shows King of ClubsKing of Diamonds

Illbatting shows 7 of Diamonds7 of Clubs

*** TURN *** 7 of HeartsJack of Diamonds9 of Clubs3 of Diamonds

*** RIVER *** 7 of HeartsJack of Diamonds9 of Clubs3 of Diamonds6 of Clubs

jakeusmc shows a pair of Kings

Illbatting shows three of a kind, Sevens

Illbatting wins the pot (5,710) with three of a kind, Sevens

jakeusmc stands up

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 5,710 | Rake 0

Board: 7 of HeartsJack of Diamonds9 of Clubs3 of Diamonds6 of Clubs

Seat 1: spirit619 didn't bet (folded)

Seat 2: Illbatting showed 7 of Diamonds7 of Clubs and won (5,710) with three of a kind, Sevens

Seat 3: romeo4u didn't bet (folded)

Seat 4: rick the robber didn't bet (folded)

Seat 5: blegend didn't bet (folded)

Seat 6: jakeusmc (button) showed King of ClubsKing of Diamonds and lost with a pair of Kings

Seat 8: shuriken555 (big blind) folded on the Flop

Seat 9: okstate345 didn't bet (folded)


Har f.ö. gått kissigt på full tilt, har ej spelat något på svs ikväll. Ligger ca -$100 men ska spela:

10+2 Daily double A

10+2 Daily double B

24+2 PLO hi double stack


Har sovit i några timmar innan, plus att jag sprang gatan upp och ner för att få igång kroppen och huvudet innan grinden började! Hoppas att det visar sig vara ett vinnande koncept hehe, time will tell :-D over and out!

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