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Halloj, söndag igen! Blir det nåt spel för dig ikväll? alltid kul att följa =)


Klart det blir spel!:D


Kom hem lite sent bara. Har varit och kollat på en bedrövlig fotbollsmatch mellan IFK-BP. Jättekul att dom ger en junior som är otroligt ung (15år?) chansen i a-laget, men från start? Ali Gerba fick aldrig chansen....


Missade ca 30 min av warmupen och 300k party, men tappade bara några hundra.

Blir en helkväll som vanligt på söndagar.

Lite trött just nu pga tidig uppgång (09:00:shock:) och en egen fotbollsmatch så jag vet inte hur länge jag orkar spela ikväll.

Men det finns ju koffeintabletter:twisted:

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Då har man dubblat upp i warmupen:D



Table '59094938 262' 9-max Seat #1 is the button

Seat 1: JJMONT (15675 in chips)

Seat 2: Steel & Wire (26200 in chips)

Seat 3: Dirtydeano (19850 in chips)

Seat 4: trinidad41 (8300 in chips)

Seat 5: jalla79 (14125 in chips)

Seat 6: eisenhower1 (10545 in chips)

Seat 7: Jack091034 (12430 in chips)

Seat 8: kalleland (14725 in chips)

Steel & Wire: posts small blind 150

Dirtydeano: posts big blind 300

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to eisenhower1 Ace of Spades4 of Spades

trinidad41: folds

jalla79: folds

eisenhower1: raises 450 to 750

Jack091034: folds

kalleland: folds

JJMONT: folds

Steel & Wire: folds

Dirtydeano: calls 450

*** FLOP *** 8 of Hearts4 of Diamonds8 of Diamonds

Dirtydeano: bets 300

BOOOLZI is connected

eisenhower1: raises 800 to 1100

Dirtydeano: calls 800

*** TURN *** 8 of Hearts4 of Diamonds8 of DiamondsQueen of Hearts

Dirtydeano: bets 300

eisenhower1: raises 2050 to 2350

Dirtydeano: calls 2050

*** RIVER *** 8 of Hearts4 of Diamonds8 of DiamondsQueen of HeartsJack of Hearts

Dirtydeano: bets 6600

eisenhower1: calls 6345 and is all-in

*** SHOW DOWN ***

Dirtydeano: shows King of Diamonds9 of Diamonds (a pair of Eights)

eisenhower1: shows Ace of Spades4 of Spades (two pair, Eights and Fours)

eisenhower1 collected 21240 from pot

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riversynen tycker jag är hård, nått emot att skriva hur du tänkte?

dock är bettningsmönstret väldigt ofta drag känns det som, men även om han ahde ett drag på floppen kunde han ju klonkat in en Q eller J väldigt enkelt känns det som. lr är jag dum? den är väl knappast självklar lixom?

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riversynen tycker jag är hård, nått emot att skriva hur du tänkte?

dock är bettningsmönstret väldigt ofta drag känns det som, men även om han ahde ett drag på floppen kunde han ju klonkat in en Q eller J väldigt enkelt känns det som. lr är jag dum? den är väl knappast självklar lixom?


ALLA hans bet/calls tydde på färgdraget och sen ställer han mig ganska snabbt all in på ofarlig river. Hade han haft Q eller J hade han förmodligen check/synat river för att ge mig bluffvärde om jag hade haft draget.


OM han skulle haft en bra hand på floppen vad ska han ha då? 88/44.

Iaf kändes hela hans spela som ett färgdrag från början till slut.

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Kvar i både party 300k och warmupen. Senaste handen i warmupen:


PokerStars Game #11833360928: Tournament #59094938, $200+$15 Hold'em No Limit - Level XV (2000/4000) - 2007/09/02 - 16:43:31 (ET)

Table '59094938 148' 9-max Seat #9 is the button

Seat 1: R|P(URL (59194 in chips)

Seat 2: hell_goose (141984 in chips)

Seat 3: Yuri de Haan (38052 in chips)

Seat 4: dubduece88 (90165 in chips)

Seat 5: goleafsgoeh (55728 in chips)

Seat 6: eisenhower1 (67005 in chips)

Seat 7: *$lim* (78413 in chips)

Seat 8: TCarrico (187254 in chips)

Seat 9: brontonase (47438 in chips)

R|P(URL: posts the ante 400

hell_goose: posts the ante 400

Yuri de Haan: posts the ante 400

dubduece88: posts the ante 400

goleafsgoeh: posts the ante 400

eisenhower1: posts the ante 400

*$lim*: posts the ante 400

TCarrico: posts the ante 400

brontonase: posts the ante 400

R|P(URL: posts small blind 2000

hell_goose: posts big blind 4000

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to eisenhower1 Jack of SpadesKing of Clubs

Yuri de Haan: folds

dubduece88: folds

goleafsgoeh: folds

eisenhower1: raises 6000 to 10000

*$lim*: folds

TCarrico: folds

brontonase: folds

R|P(URL: folds

hell_goose: calls 6000

*** FLOP *** 6 of Hearts2 of Diamonds9 of Spades

hell_goose: bets 15000

eisenhower1: raises 41605 to 56605 and is all-in

hell_goose: folds

eisenhower1 collected 55600 from pot

*** SUMMARY ***



och medans man skriver:mrgreen:


PokerStars Game #11833419210: Tournament #59094938, $200+$15 Hold'em No Limit - Level XV (2000/4000) - 2007/09/02 - 16:46:44 (ET)

Table '59094938 148' 9-max Seat #4 is the button

Seat 1: R|P(URL (55594 in chips)

Seat 2: hell_goose (113384 in chips)

Seat 3: Yuri de Haan (30452 in chips)

Seat 4: dubduece88 (82565 in chips)

Seat 5: goleafsgoeh (59728 in chips)

Seat 6: eisenhower1 (105605 in chips)

Seat 7: *$lim* (86413 in chips)

Seat 8: TCarrico (185654 in chips)

Seat 9: brontonase (45838 in chips)

R|P(URL: posts the ante 400

hell_goose: posts the ante 400

Yuri de Haan: posts the ante 400

dubduece88: posts the ante 400

goleafsgoeh: posts the ante 400

eisenhower1: posts the ante 400

*$lim*: posts the ante 400

TCarrico: posts the ante 400

brontonase: posts the ante 400

goleafsgoeh: posts small blind 2000

eisenhower1: posts big blind 4000

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to eisenhower1 10 of DiamondsAce of Clubs

*$lim*: folds

TCarrico: folds

brontonase: folds

R|P(URL: folds

hell_goose: raises 5000 to 9000

Yuri de Haan: folds

dubduece88: calls 9000

goleafsgoeh: folds

eisenhower1: raises 19354 to 28354

hell_goose: calls 19354

dubduece88: folds

*** FLOP *** 10 of Clubs7 of Diamonds4 of Hearts

eisenhower1: checks

hell_goose: checks

*** TURN *** 10 of Clubs7 of Diamonds4 of Hearts8 of Clubs

eisenhower1: bets 28000

hell_goose: raises 56630 to 84630 and is all-in

eisenhower1: calls 48851 and is all-in

*** RIVER *** 10 of Clubs7 of Diamonds4 of Hearts8 of Clubs5 of Hearts

*** SHOW DOWN ***

eisenhower1: shows 10 of DiamondsAce of Clubs (a pair of Tens)

hell_goose: shows Queen of ClubsJack of Clubs (high card Queen)

eisenhower1 collected 225010 from pot

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#Game No : 6292794312

***** Hand History for Game 6292794312 *****

NL Texas Hold'em Trny:35328722 Level:18 Blinds-Antes(10.000/20.000 -500) - Thursday, January 01, 01:00:00 ET 1970

Table $300K Guaranteed Sunday (1134608) Table #2 (Real Money)

Seat 5 is the button

Total number of players : 8

Seat 1: lilslik23 ( 80,875 )

Seat 3: english_ ( 403,906 )

Seat 8: eisenhower1 ( 298,303 )

Seat 10: nabo11 ( 401,531 )

Seat 6: SHIP_IT_BITCHH ( 298,145 )

Seat 2: fabrice5526 ( 350,708 )

Seat 4: marcodille ( 275,948 )

Seat 5: lenin07 ( 304,156 )

Trny:35328722 Level:18

Blinds-Antes(10.000/20.000 -500)

lilslik23 posts ante [500]

fabrice5526 posts ante [500]

english_ posts ante [500]

marcodille posts ante [500]

lenin07 posts ante [500]

SHIP_IT_BITCHH posts ante [500]

eisenhower1 posts ante [500]

nabo11 posts ante [500]

** Dealing down cards **

Dealt to eisenhower1 [ As Kh ]

nabo11 folds

lilslik23 folds

fabrice5526 folds

english_ folds

marcodille folds

lenin07 folds

SHIP_IT_BITCHH raises [50,000]

eisenhower1 is all-In [277,803]

SHIP_IT_BITCHH is all-In [237,645]

** Dealing Flop ** [ 4d, 6d, Jd ]

** Dealing Turn ** [ Th ]

** Dealing River ** [ 9c ]

SHIP_IT_BITCHH shows [ Tc, Jh ]two pairs, Jacks and Tens.

eisenhower1 shows [ As, Kh ]high card Ace.

eisenhower1 wins 158 chips from side pot #1 with high card, Ace.

SHIP_IT_BITCHH wins 599,290 chips from the main pot with two pairs, Jacks and Tens.



Game #6292796111 starts.

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Fi är aggro och spelar många potter, han slår även om mkt.


Borde inte fi slå om på floppen med ett A här? Iaf om det är ett starkt A. Turnen 7an är iof farligt men varför ett så litet bet på turn om han har 7an?

Sätter honom typ på mellanpocket/kasst A/färgdraget/helt tom.

Såå.. hur kass är min push?:roll:


A, helt ok

B, tomtejävel

C, beta turn hårt vik för C/P

D, eget alt.


Full Tilt Poker Game #3442482588: $750,000 Guarantee (25761649), Table 246 - 140/280 Ante 25 - No Limit Hold'em - 20:27:22 ET - 2007/09/02

Seat 1: paul1004 (3,330)

Seat 2: neslugger18 (14,030)

Seat 3: TigerScorpio (13,805)

Seat 4: BIGDADDYINFIE (4,462)

Seat 5: Dabadestchic (8,034)

Seat 6: eisenhower1 (8,395)

Seat 7: Mull1987 (7,945)

Seat 9: vinASse (17,029)

paul1004 antes 25

neslugger18 antes 25

TigerScorpio antes 25


Dabadestchic antes 25

eisenhower1 antes 25

Mull1987 antes 25

vinASse antes 25

TigerScorpio posts the small blind of 140

BIGDADDYINFIE posts the big blind of 280

The button is in seat #2

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to eisenhower1 8 of Hearts8 of Diamonds

Dabadestchic folds

busto_soon sits down

busto_soon adds 2,135

eisenhower1 has 15 seconds left to act

eisenhower1 raises to 650

Mull1987 folds

vinASse folds

paul1004 folds

neslugger18 has 15 seconds left to act

neslugger18 has requested TIME

neslugger18 calls 650

TigerScorpio folds


*** FLOP *** 5 of DiamondsAce of Diamonds7 of Hearts

eisenhower1 bets 1,120

neslugger18 calls 1,120

*** TURN *** 5 of DiamondsAce of Diamonds7 of Hearts7 of Spades

eisenhower1 checks

neslugger18 has 15 seconds left to act

neslugger18 bets 1,350

eisenhower1 raises to 6,600, and is all in

neslugger18 has 15 seconds left to act

neslugger18 has requested TIME

neslugger18 folds

Uncalled bet of 5,250 returned to eisenhower1

eisenhower1 mucks

eisenhower1 wins the pot (6,860)

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 6,860 | Rake 0

Board: 5 of DiamondsAce of Diamonds7 of Hearts7 of Spades

Seat 1: paul1004 folded before the Flop

Seat 2: neslugger18 (button) folded on the Turn

Seat 3: TigerScorpio (small blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 4: BIGDADDYINFIE (big blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 5: Dabadestchic folded before the Flop

Seat 6: eisenhower1 collected (6,860), mucked

Seat 7: Mull1987 folded before the Flop

Seat 9: vinASse folded before the Flop

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