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  1. I korthet accepterar de att du skapar ditt konto, ber dig skicka in dokument (id, deposition, selfie som håller id i handen nära ansiktet, bevis på adress och mer allt i högupplöst och i färg), acceptera Din insättning låter dig spela i flera dagar och efter dagar stänga ditt konto utan att tala orsaken, ignorera alla dina e-postmeddelanden, stänga supportchatten utan att svara på ett ord medan du skriver. En fullständig oärlighet och brist på respekt för användaren! Ingen ska skapa ett konto på den här webbplatsen annars kommer de också att få dina pengar stulna av dem! In resume, they accept that you create your account, ask you for documents (id, proof deposit, selfie holding id in hands next to my face, utility bill and more, all with high resolution and in colours, of course), accept that you deposit money, let you to play for days and then simply suspend your account, don't say why, ignore your emails, and end the support chat without sending a single word. Total dishonesty and disrespect! Typical attitudes of scam sites that accept money from honest people and pay no one. Website attitudes that should be blacklisted and avoided First of all, I must say that I tried, with all education, to resolve with the support of the site. But I've been ignored for 4 days, not knowing anything about my account. I got tired! Today is friday, tomorrow already is weekend. I cannot to be happy in to lost all my week of good games for play I waited 4 days expecting it to be an honest site. But as soon as they ignore my emails and close the support chat without writing a reply word to me, I feel entitled to make my case public I trusted them for 4 days, believing that it would not be necessary to expose the problem publicly. But the fact that I didn't have any clear information about my case and, mainly, having unanswered email and chat messages even though I was still typing, made me tired! This should probably happen to everyone who creates an account on this site, deposits and then has the account locked out, along with the money in the account that is stolen by the bookmaker in question No exist any reason for my account to be suspended. Before of to create my account, I read in terms and rules all procedures for to be player there I removed doubts in chat service, all support agent was always great and with big education. I never played there or some person of my family, in my house only I play in sports bets. I not do trading or some arbitrage methods. My bets amount are gerenally of value 20,00 EUR only, generally I play in games tennis I play on some sites and never in 8 years I had any suspension or banning issues, or needed to do one complaint dispute against one. I play poker, sports bets and casino companies, and never nobody done this type of thing with me Searching Google today , I found cases of people reporting against this Yobetit company. Unfortunately, just now I did this search. I should have tried to read their reputation before registering and sending them money The purpose of my post is to warn potential future users not to make the same mistake as me by finding this site and thinking of creating an account with it. It will be the same thing to rip your money, is to finance dishonest people who do Yobetit review Ana bonus complaint dispute Paula Hili deposit Amina Haroun MGA withdrawal Nikolai Livori scam Roberta Vella offer promotion casino poker sports bet gambling lottery
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