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Forum Inlägg postade av jualia

  1. PartyPoker lovade att "boosta" mitt konto med en "welcome bonus" precis när jag skulle avinstallera mjukvaran, men tji fick jag.


    Så här lät det på chatten av "Sophia" som jag tyvärr inte han svara:


    Sophia says:


    Hey! Please don't leave yet... our welcome bonus will boost your account before you even hit the tables!


    Sophia says:


    You there? To get your bonus, simply click here to download our secure platform.


    Sophia says:


    oh great... you're downloading... i really think you're doing the right thing. good for you!


    Sophia says:


    So please contact us if you need anything, ok?


    Sophia says:


    Great, I just noticed that you clicked. Thank you so much for downloading our platform. Your satisfaction is guaranteed!


    Sophia says:


    Bye ;-)


    Sophia says:


    [Chat ended]


    Jag började såklart att installera mjukvaran igen i tron att PartyPoker skulle casha upp. När jag hade loggat in på kontot fanns inga pengar där så jag kontaktade supporten och "Svilena" hos PartyPoker. Det var annat ljud i skällan hos Svilena:


    You are now connected to "Svilena". For security reasons, please confirm your your last name and your date of birth.

    Jukka: Hi, I was promised a welcome bonus "to boost my account". I just wonder what happened to that welcome bonus?

    Svilena: Hi :)

    Svilena: Please confirm your last name and date of birth for security reasons.

    Svilena: hello?

    Svilena: Are we still connected?

    Jukka: Yes still here

    Jukka: :Qs: :Qs: :Qs: :Qs: (Censurerat, innehåller personnummer)

    Svilena: Thanks for the confirmation.

    Svilena: welcome bonus is usually a bonus that you receive when you create your account

    Svilena: :)

    Svilena: your account was created maybe 5 years ago

    Svilena: :)

    Svilena: it must be some other bonus

    Svilena: you have been offered

    Svilena: :)

    Svilena: where did you see it

    Jukka: Yes I Know, but this girl at PP promised i have the chat saved if you want to read it?

    Jukka: Hey! Please don't leave yet... our welcome bonus will boost your account before you even hit the tables!


    Sophia says:


    You there? To get your bonus, simply click here to download our secure platform.


    Sophia says:


    oh great... you're downloading... i really think you're doing the right thing. good for you!


    Sophia says:


    So please contact us if you need anything, ok?


    Sophia says:


    Great, I just noticed that you clicked. Thank you so much for downloading our platform. Your satisfaction is guaranteed!


    Sophia says:


    Bye ;-)


    Sophia says:


    [Chat ended]

    Jukka: Her name was Sophia

    Svilena: one moment please

    Jukka: Still dere?

    Jukka: ok

    Svilena: yep

    Svilena: Please note that you have actually spoken to a “Virtual Sales Person” or Chat Robot

    Svilena: :)

    Svilena: The thing is that the system couldn't recognize that you already have an account with us

    Svilena: and this is why was offering you to download the software and get a welcome bonus

    Svilena: :)

    Jukka: Well you shouldnt promise things if cant keep them...

    Svilena: I am sorry for this inconvenience

    Jukka: you cant keep them

    Svilena: please note that the bonuses you are eligible for

    Svilena: are the ones in your New offers section

    Jukka: Ill by satisfyed if you just boose my account, thx

    Svilena: let me check

    Svilena: I can offer you 100% bonus on your next deposit

    Svilena: up to maximum of 200 USD

    Svilena: you need to use bonus code 200JULY

    Svilena: in addition

    Svilena: to the 100% bonus

    Svilena: you will also get an entry into a special 100K Depositors Freeroll

    Jukka: If you cant keep your promise i will go to sweden largest pokerforum (pokerforum.nu) and tell my story and why i didnt get my account boosted.

    Svilena: I am offering you almost the same bonus

    Svilena: Jukka\

    Svilena: so if you deposit with bonus code 200JULY you will get 100% boost bonus

    Svilena: hello?

    Svilena: Are we still connected?

    Jukka: Well, Im not going to deposit to Party Poker, It was therefore i was about to uninstall the party poker software and play with a another pokersite

    Svilena: this is your decision

    Jukka: and thats when "Sophias" offer came up...

    Svilena: however, I want to stress on the fact that i am offering you almost the same bonus

    Svilena: even more

    Svilena: you will get entry into a special Freeroll

    Jukka: including a deposit...

    Svilena: the other one includes a deposit as well

    Svilena: you can check the conditions of our welcome boost bonus on the website

    Svilena: boost means to add more in addition to your deposit

    Jukka: "Sophias" text says nothing about a deposit

    Svilena: this is it

    Svilena: you can check the conditions on the website

    Svilena has sent you to http://www.partypoker.com/promotions/welcome-bonus.html.

    Svilena: this is visible

    Svilena: on the website

    Svilena: this is your decision

    Jukka: Well then you´ll know this chat is about to end. If you don´t offer me an instant boost.

    Svilena: if you want to avail

    Jukka: http://pokerforum.nu/start/

    Svilena: i cannot offer you anything else except to use bonus code 200JULY on your next deposit

    Jukka: That is your decision

    Jukka: Is that your final offer?

    Svilena: Is there anything else I can help you with?

    Svilena: yes

    Svilena: i am not here to bargain

    Svilena: this is the current offer we have

    Svilena: if you check

    Svilena: you New offers

    Jukka: Not me either, thx bye

    Svilena: section

    Svilena: you may find something else

    Svilena: eok

    Svilena: bye

    Jukka: I´m just expecting a boost to my account

    Svilena: I already said that i cannot offer you anything else

    Svilena: if you want to use the bonus code i gave you

    Svilena: you can do it

    Svilena: i cannot offer you any cash bonus

    Svilena: Is there anything else I can help you with?

    Jukka: I understand and I think its a pity. It is your reputation.

    Svilena: I think i have already explained the situation

    Svilena: If you want me to repeat myself, i can do it

    Jukka: No need to, I´m not dumb. We can just end the discussion.

    Svilena: I didn't say that

    Svilena: so, apart from that, do you have any other questions

    Jukka: No

    Svilena: Thank you

    Svilena: have a good night

    Jukka: Thx bye

    Jukka: u2

    Svilena: thanks

    Svilena: bye

    Svilena has exited the session.

    You are the only user left in the session.

    You have been logged out

    Chat Entry


    Finns väl inget att göra, PartyPoker är väl som de är och bryr sig inte. Jag orkar inte bråka heller tänkte bara att det kan vara bra skriva ett inlägg så att ni andra inte blir lika besvikna som jag blev i framtiden när ni inte får era konton "boostade":cry: .



  2. Hej jag har flyttat statistiken på layoutmanagern så att grundläggande statistik från PT nu finns tillgänglig med Pahud även i miniview på prima. Jag är beredd att dela med mig denna fil men inte via mejl eller privata mess utan i så fall via någon sajt som man kan dela filer på. Eftersom jag inte fildelar i vanliga fall vet jag inte hur jag smidigast går till väga. Någon som har förslag hur jag smidigast går tillväga för att dela denna fil?


    Statistisiken som finns tillgänlig är (och som givetvis går att ändra efter tycke och smak) Vpip, continuation bet, pre flop raise, total hands, agression frequency total.


    Obs! Rulllistan som faller ned när man klickar på namnet i normalview fungerar inte i miniview!

  3. me_too




    Sedan: 04 Jul 2006

    Inlägg: 170


    Skrivet: 2006-10-22 14:15:53 Tråd:




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    Klarar sig Stars och Full Tilt från stämningar har de troligen tjänat på den nya lagen.


    Trafiken på partypoker har gått ner synnerligen mycket - svårt att ens finna spel på omahaborden. Räddningen kan vara att det verkar vara väldigt många tyskar som nyligen börjat spela där - verkar inte vara lika många fiskar per hundra dock - de är väl uber seriösa i poker som i allt annat.


    Paradise poker går troligen snart i graven - runt 3000 spelare - främst på turneringsborden - ger inte speciellt mycket rake.

  4. Vore bra med en överblick och en lista på sajter som inte tillåter amerikanare att spela på deras sida. Jag tycker att det har blivit stor skillnad på antalet spelare som är aktiva i alla fall på Cryptologic (där jag mest spelar).


    Om jag börjar med några namn så kan ju alla fylla på listan längre ned i tråden, slutligen kan jag sammanfatta listan med alla namnen i ett inlägg.


    / Jualia


    Sajter som inte tillåter amerikanare:


    International poker nätverket

    Action poker nätverket

    I-poker nätverket

    Cryptologic nätverket


    Pacific Poker

    Party Poker

    Paradise poker

    Everest poker



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