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Allt postat av Trucker2k

  1. Vad får dig att tro det?
  2. racist ban pls!!
  3. I'm with tamtaram regarding pictures of the big-bosomed waitress. I mean, this dagbok has it all: Dudes balling it up in a foreign country, stories of lots of hot chicks, an Iraqi gay fish(!), helicopter rides, ocean views and what not. So what more could the reader want? MORE PICTURES OF HOT CHICKS GOD DAMN! Of course there is that one picture of the two girls, but seeing how this is the internet and talk is cheap and all that I must say that her hands look almost freakishly large, and her boobs are kinda small. So I've seen better.* * My real feelings about that chick is obviously more like what is portrayed in this picture, because if given the chance I would of course hit it without thinking about it:
  4. Whats up Leo, hope SA and BOSS is treating you well. The world is a pretty big place, or so I've heard, so obviously there are plenty of places to choose from. Why did you guys choose SA? I don't get the thing with the "innefolk". I suppose it means the in-crowd or the cool group or something like that, but why exactly do you want to become part of it? Can you pull finer chicks if you're part of the "innefolk"? Actually I think all of post #2941 is beyond my understanding. Care to elaborate? What's the deal with racism in SA? I would venture to guess that the upper-class is almost exclusively white, and even though Apartheid is no longer official, racism must be somewhat institutionalized, like white people having easier access to better jobs and stuff like that. Pretty much like in Denmark and Sweden as well I suppose. Do you think that racism is more obvious/worse in SA than in Sweden? Last one. I'm not really sure, but you guys(only some of you, maybe?) are from the Middle-East right? Are you considered white/black/in-between in SA? I feel like I should elaborate this question or rephrase it to be more politically correct so it doesn't come off as having racist innuendo or whatever, but just imagine that I'm only asking out of curiosity and not to be a racist bitch, because I'm not As always, answering in Swedish is fine by me, except if you could explain the "innefolket"-thing in English, because I'm absolutely clueless about that one. Oh oh oh, one last thing!!!! Are you looking forward to following Sweden at the World Cup while your ... oh.... wait.... nevermind mate.
  5. Mayn, your math is kinda rough. First of all, you EV in the allin pre situation is not 220 vs 880, since you obviously can't lose more than your own stack, nor can you win more than his stack. A basic EVcalc of the allin preflop situation would be: EVwin: Your equity * (what's in the pot + the amount he has to call) => EVwin = .20 * (119 + 466) => EVwin = 117 EVlose: (1 - your equity) the amount you shove => EVlose = (1 - .2) * 517 => EVlose = 413.6 EVtotal = EVwin - EVlose => EVtotal = 117 - 413.6 => EVtotal = 296.6 So everytime you guys get it in you lose 296.6. Then of course he folds some percentage of the time and then you win the 119 uncontested. A rough estimate indicates that for every one time he calls he needs to fold 2.5 times. Then in the course of 3.5 trials you lose 296.6 one time and win 119 2.5 times which is roughly break even. 119 * 2.5 - 296.6 = ~0 This means that the ratio between him calling and folding must be 1:3.5 or in other words if he calls just around 30% of the time you break even. This also means that you need him to be bluffing 70% of the time. I call it bluffing even if he 4bet/folds QQ since that is essentially what he does if he plays QQ like that. Though, I would be hard pressed to imagine a reg 4bet for value and then fold, especially with that size. So if my assumption is correct, then every hand he 4bet/folds would be air, and conversely he wouldn't be 4betting AQ or TT and the likes. He would instead 4bet the hands he plan to stack off with and an assortment of random trash. That doesn't really matter though, because if he 4bet/folds any hand in this spot it becomes a bluff, so the point still stands. You need him to be bluffing 2.5 times as often as he has a valuehand. If his only valuehands are AA and KK, which amounts to 6 combos, he needs to show up with 15 combos of other hands. If he does in fact 4bet/fold hands like QQ and AK, then it's obvious that your shove is profitable, but it would be absolutely retarded if he did that. And as we saw he did in fact 4bet/call QQ, so I can only assume that if he 4bets for value he plans to call it off in the event that you shove. This means of course that his 4bet/call range might be wider than we assume and that, in turn, means that he needs to have that more trash in his 4bet range for you to be profitable shoving this deep. You can fiddle around with the numbers until you come up with a satisfying range, but I can throw out some numbers. If he 4bet/calls JJ+ you need him to fold ~50% of the time. QQ+ and AKs and AKo, he must fold ~40% JJ+ and AKs and AKo he must fold ~33% So in my opinion what you need to do in this hand is to figure out how often he bluffs, and not find some arbitrary topx% of hands and then decide what he folds and what he calls with, since chances are that if he did in fact 4bet topx% he would likely call it off with his entire range. Instead I'm pretty sure that he constructs his range with hands he wants to 4bet/call with and hands he wants to 4bet/fold with. This range is obviously incredibly polarised but that doesn't really matter since you don't know with which frequency he either folds or calls. So if I were in your shoes I would try to determine if this exact spot is a good one for him to bluff. Is your 3betrange weak? Do you shove with a wide or a narrow range? Is it even a good spot to 3bet light in the first place? How are the table dynamics? etc etc. The answers to those questions should lead you to making the right decision. That's what I would do anyway, and without taking any sort of history or dynamic between you two into account I think it's a fine spot to 3bet/fold. Like I said it sucks to do that with AK, which is indeed pretty darn close to the top of our range, but he doesn't know what you 3bet/fold in this spot***, so for all he knows you could be 3betting 72o just to try to take it down pre, and thus, he has no chance of exploiting it. If he does start to 4bet you light you can obviously take counter measures to that, but without any sort of history or immediate dynamic I don't think it's all that likely that he's doing this as a bluff even remotely close to 70% of the time. I haven't taken the time to look through HEM to find stats on him, but I don't remember him as particularly spazzy in that sense, and when you think about how nitty people play with regards to 4bets with 100bb on IPN, then I can't imagine that he would suddenly be going crazy with 250bb. *** If he takes the time to read this blog/diary then obviously he would know, but that's besides the point. Btw, I don't even know if this thread is for discussing hands, or if you guys would rather use it to just shoot the shit about random stuff. SuperT: If you feel more comfortable writing in Swedish when you respond to my posts, then that is fine as well. I wasn't kidding about my understanding Swedish when I wrote it earlier in the topic
  6. That has to be a pretty easy fold preflop when he 4bets. 3bet/folding AK always hurts ofc, but I still prefer it to 4betting or folding, since he's going to flat your 3bet with so much trash that you can't really afford to just flat his initial raise. 99% of NL200 regs on IPN would never ever consider felting anything but QQ/KK/AA preflop for 250bb. And QQ is actually kind of a stretch for most of those guys. If my memory serves me right, Realbubba, while certainly not a nit, is not one of the last 1% that ships 250bb in pre with anything but the goods. People's perception of what exactly constitutes "the goods" vary ofc, but from my experience "the goods" would rarely include anything but QQ-AA. Additionally, when he 4bets to 40bb he does so as a valuebet 99% of the times. I know he has to compensate for the deep stacks by 4betting bigger, and thus should do so with his entire range, but here it's looks pretty obvious that he's just trying to shovel in money with the, presumably, best hand. In my opinion the key to this problem is to simply realise that his valuerange is insanely narrow in this spot. Accordingly, his valuerange doesn't include topwhatever percent of hands, but is in my opinion incredibly polarised between the nuts and random trash. I haven't done the math, but I suppose you have around 30% equity vs QQ/KK/AA, slightly less if you discount some combos of QQ, and therefore you need him to fold somewhere around 50-60% of his 4betting range for you to show a profit. Assuming he never 4bets for value and then folds to the shove I think it's extremely unlikely that his range includes so many bluffs that they make up more than half of his range. I've only played a little bit with you, but you never appeared to be out of line to an extent that would justify 4bet bluffing you more than 4betting you for value in that spot. Besides, with those stacks I can't imagine that he would find it more profitable to 4bet bluff you to 40BB than flatting the 3bet and play the pot IP with stacks that are deep enough to make room for some funny biz on his part. That makes it all the more unlikely that he's bluff-4betting you in this spot. Also, I assume that the shortstack is some drooling retard that can't be expected to fold much when he already invested 1/8th of his stack and getting great odds to see all five cards. That should make it all the more likely that you're not 3betting insanely light/polarised, which in turn makes it a bad spot for realbubba to put in more money with air/weak hands compared to other situations where the caller in the middle is expected to fold more often than not when you open up the big bad squeeze box. And finally, but also pretty important. People on these limits tend to keep it honest when they get deep. At least according to my experience. BUT OMG WHAT IF HE KNOWS THAT WE KNOW ALL THIS STUFF AND THE LEVELS US AND IS IN FACT BLUFFING SO OFTEN THAT WE CAN SHOVE AK PRE????? I'm pretty sure he doesn't know that we know all that. And if he does know that we know, then I know that he doesn't parse all that info while playing a shitload of tables. But we can parse all that info because we fucking rock AMIRITE? With that said, if he 4bet QQ, which was obviously for value, and then had to tank before deciding to call or fold, then it's certainly possible that he has no clue wtf he's doing and he could be 4bet-bluffing with impunity because of some made up table dynamics that only exists in his head. PS: Re. your calcs: How can you lose 660 everytime he calls when effective stacks are only 550? PPS: This has been way too serious, so in closing I would like to appeal to you that you "pls GTFO WHEN IM PLAYING DONKS HEADS UP!!!!" I better add some smileys so you guys don't think that all of this was entirely serious. I'm too lazy to fill them in myself, so just imagine them in the middle of the text as you read along.
  7. This is how Leo-drake explained GTFO: "GTO står ju för Game Theory Optimal. Hjort myntade GTFO (Game Theory Fucking Optimal) om mitt spel. Blivit nån typ av skämtsamt hån om spel som påstår sig vara GTO men är egentligen inte det." Now, Swedish is not my first nor my second language but the way I understand his explanation GTFO means a way of playing that claims to be GTO but really aren't. And apparantly the term was coined in regards to Leo-drake's way of playing, meaning that his style is not GTO. So if it is true that his style of play is not GTO, then it must be exploitable, and thus giving away a lot of info about his game could lead to him being easier to exploit for whoever reads this thread. Whether or not he is playing GTO there were a couple of things about his play that stood out as potentially being very helpful to any opponent of his. For example, he 3bets AJs because he felt that AJs was in front of a certain "Fi's" opening range on the button not considering that the calling range of that certain "Fi" might have AJ crushed. That point was never really addressed in the thread. Second, him flatting KJs OOP(I think) to a 4bet because the villain had a 4bet percentage of 15% and KJs is only slightly behind if you look at preflop equities of KJs vs top15%. Someone said something about 4bet percentage and 4bet range not being the same, but the issue was never really resolved. Obviously, Leo might have sorted out these things on another occassion, but the point still stands. He's giving away a lot about his game, mostly about the way he thinks of poker. So if I was the guy that was "value at 5/10" it would be incredibly valueable to read this thread. I also said that the point was moot by now, so I guess it doesn't matter anyway. Thanks a lot for the invitation to stay, but after this post I will be on my way. I said what I wanted to say and then some, so I guess that now is just as good a time as any to bid my farewell. Well, I can assure you that I understand your feelings. It must hurt a lot to be denied a ticket to South Africa by a team who's greatest player, whom they even like to compare to Zlatan, is Bendtner who's only claim to fame is running around as a substitute in Arsenal, all the while Zlatan is scoring goals en masse in the best club in the world. That must really hurt, and I understand that those feelings would lead to some form of resentment towards Danes. I can assure you though, that many of my fellow Danes feel the same way about Swedes. I, on the other hand have nothing but love for my Swedish brothers and especially sisters. Growing up close to Sweden I lost my virginity to a fair young lady, with platinum blonde hair, named Annika, and later in my life Swedish money assured my late-teen job as an alcohol salesman profitting on the Swedish love of cheap alcohol, a love that I most definitely share. So my last word to you, and the rest of the board:(apologies in advance for any grammatical errors) [x] Jag tycker om svenskar!
  8. Sir, now you're just being silly. First of all, I never argued what GTFO means to you guys, and obviously my understanding of the "concept" is limited to the short description Leo-drake gave when he relayed the "incident". So you might very well be able to argue that I don't understand the concept, which is certainly fair in and of itself. With regards to repetition and ad hominem I'm not really sure what your point is, besides maybe a thinly veiled attempt at attacking my poker skills. In my 2(now 3) posts in this thread I didn't repeat anything, and claiming that I used ad hominem arguments is downright silly, seeing as how I never entered a discussion besides the short blip where you made the checkbox post. And in that short discussion I never attacked your person to show the world(or the members of this forum) that you were wrong. I simply said that I didn't care much about understanding GTFO and that one could claim that I understand the concept since Leo-drake gave an explanation of it, albeit a short explanation, which I did in fact read before quoting it. If anything I wrote as a reply to your post came off as a personal attack I sincerely apologise. If you feel that my presence on this board is troubling you so much that you need to tell me to GTFO(in the oldschool way) then you could have said so in many fewer words than the roughly 20 you wrote. In closing, I never wanted to stir anything up in this thread, I simply came across it googling my own poker name and thought it was funny that he relayed the short chat at the table in such a way that I(even though he kept me anonymous) came off as being quite rude. Best wishes & and keep on trucking, Your's truly, Trucker2k
  9. [ ] IGAF Besides, Leo-drake already explained what GTFO(pf.nu style) means, so I guess I do understand what GTFO means to you guys. But nice try doing the checkbox thing like all the cool kids from 2p2!
  10. Don't know if you guys understand Danish, so I opted to write in English. That was me, and that wasn't really how the conversation went. I was playing some drooling retard, you sat down, I said "hu pls" because I obviously wanted the fish for myself. You said something silly about me paying you to leave/let you steal my blind and then you'd leave/something similarly retarded, and then I responded "gtfo" because it was a ridiculous proposal. The conversation was in English btw. Btw, and this might be a moot point by now, but you are really giving too much away about your game. Anyone who wants to spend an hour or two finding a way to beat you can probably find this site by googling "leo-drake". You probably can't be bothered to change "leo-drake" to Hero or whatever you guys use, but having this log or whatever it is, was probably not the greatest idea ever. Anyway, it's been an interesting read so far, and I might read a couple of the million posts if I ever feel like getting around to it.
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