Mailade dom att cancella min cashout och jag skulle tradea bort pengarna mot partypoker, men det var tydligen inte möjligt när den var "processing", som den varit sen jag gjorde uttaget löjligt är vad det är.
Här är mailet jag fick:
Hello ******,
Thank you for contacting us.
Unforrtunately we are unable to cancel a withdrawal that is still in processing, However if you'd like to cancel a withdrawal request that's in queue to be processed, just log in to your Full Tilt Poker account and follow these five steps:
1) Select "Cashier".
2) Select "Deposit".
3) In the pop-up window, select "Cancel Withdrawal".
4) In the "Cancel Withdrawal" window, ensure there is a checkmark beside each withdrawal you'd like to cancel.
5) Select "Submit".
Please note that it will take a few moments for your request to process. Once complete, you'll receive a message to inform you if the cancellation was successful, and you'll also be sent an email to confirm each canceled withdrawal.
Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us.
Full Tilt Poker