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spoiler för GOT, kapital från kommande boken:
fin sammanfattning över var alla är i serien efter sista boken SPOILER!
Davos is somewhere in the north, looking for Rickon.
Jaime and Brienne are someone in the Riverlands, either dying or betraying each other or looking for the Stark girls.
Stannis is just a few miles from Winterfell with his army, snowbound, and also has Asha as his captive.
Theon is also with Stannis as his captive.
Jon may or may not be dead, warging, or resurrecting.
Ramsay and Roose are still in control of Winterfell, if Ramsay's letter is to be believed, and Mance is in a cage, captive.
Arya is in the house of the Many-Faced God, learning how to be an assassin. Her direwolf Nymeria is leading a pack wild in the Riverlands.
Sansa is in the Vale, learning politics and intrigue from Littlefinger, who's a seriously creepy guy.
Tyrion has joined the Second Sons just outside of Meereen (and hopefully is on his way to join Dany).
Dany is riding Drogon in the Dothraki sea and may or may not have acquired a whole new Dothraki army.
Bran is learning how to be a greenseer and may or may not stay there for the rest of his life. He also may or may not be learning to communicate through the trees and warg into other animals others than Summer.
Summer is with Bran, as are the Greywatch brother and sister.
Rickon is somewhere in the north (possibly Skagos -sp?) with Osha, as far as we know. Shaggydog is also with him as far as we know.
Cersei is in King's Landing, waiting for her trial along with her daughter-in-law, Margaery.
Tommen is also in King's Landing, soon to be joined by Myrcella, (I believe).
Prince of Dorne, Doran Martell, is in Dorne, waiting for his elder son Quentyn to come back with Dany from Essos.
Tysha is wherever whores go.
Prince of Dorne's elder son, Quentyn Martell, is dead in Essos, killed in a horrific way by a dragon (which was his own fault but we still feel bad for him as he was a good guy).
Ser Barristan Selmy is in Meereen, maneuvering Dany's allies into battle formation to take down Dany's enemies, the slavers. Barristan is also holding Dany's husband, Hizdahr, captive for treason.
Syrio Forrel may or may not be alive after battling Meryn Trant.
Tormund Giantsbane is leading a ranging to save wildlings.
Janos Slynt is beheaded by Jon Snow. And he deserved every bit of it.
Rattleshirt died as a Mance clone.
Zombie Catelyn (Stoneheart) is in the Riverlands, acting as Judge, Jury, and Executioner of any Freys and Lannisters she can get her hands on.
Horrible Red Woman (Melisandre) is in Castle Black, trying desperately to get in Jon's pants.
Stannis's wife is in Castle Black also, trying to screw things up for Jon. Shireen is with her but seems to be innocent of all the screwing up for now, except for a nasty case of greyscale.
Sam is in the Citadel having revealed the news that Dany is alive and has Dragons.
Jaquen may or may not be in the Citadel, pretending to be one of the novices and under some secret mission.
Maester Aemon is dead as is Kevan Lannister.
Victarion is approaching Meereen with his fleet of over fifty ships.
Tysha is wherever whores go.
Crows Eye is raiding somewhere in the south of Westeros.
The Knight of Flowers may or may not be dying of his wounds received at the siege of Dragonstone.
The Sand Snakes are on their way to King's Landing.
Jeyne Poole (pretending to be Arya) should be with Stannis and Theon. She's not in Winterfell because Ramsay was looking for her in his letter to Jon, if the letter can be believed.
Jorah Mormont is w/ Tyrion.
Lord Varys (the Spider) is the mother-****** man.
Prince Aegon is in Westeros w/ Ser Jon Connington, who has retaken his castle.
Sandor Clegane may be at the Quiet Isle.
Ser Balon Swann and Obara Sand are searching for Darkstar in the Dornish Marches.
Archmaester Marwyn is on his way to Slaver's Bay.
Cotter Pyke is at Hardhome, fighting off the storms, wights and starving wildlings.
Benjen Stark is still missing north of the Wall.
So is Tyrek Lannister, but in KL.
Gendry is at the Inn of the Crossroads. Edric Dayne is not.
Edmure Tully is on his way to Casterly Rock, alongside Jeyne Westerling and her family.
Bryden Tully is missing in the Riverlands.
Gregor Clegane is most likely a zombie named Ser Robert Strong, about to fight a trial by combat for Cersei.
Almost everyone is supposedly either Azor Ahai, The Prince That Was Promised, or someone else that's supposed to save the world from stuff. Main candidates are: Aegon Targaryen/Blackfyre/Mopatis/something-or-other, Jon Snow/Targaryen, Daenerys Targaryen, and Stannis Baratheon (except that his sword is just really shiny, not made of fire).
Littlefinger is up in the Vale, scheming and plotting but no one knows to what end. All we know for certain is that Sansa's in his plan somewhere and she's incognito in the role of his daughter until that plan comes to pass. And we know for certain that he's a pervert.
Illyrio is still in Pentos, plotting probably.
Tysha is wherever whores go.
The Tattered Prince still wants Pentos, and has been promised it in return for aiding Barristan.
Daario, Hero, and Jhogo are still prisoners of the Yunkish, or dead.
Meereen is being bombarded by corpses (which may or may not be disease ridden, and may or may not be the aforementioned prisoners).
Balon Swann is hunting Darkstar with one of the Sand Snakes.
The Braavosi banker is with Stannis.
The Freys are getting killed left and right. And it is glorious.
Also, words are still wind. And Tyrion still doesn't know where whores go.
Aurane Waters has run off with all of Cersei's ships. He is headed to not-dead Ser Loras on Dragonstone or Dany in Meereen or Real/Fake Aegon (wherever he is).
Tysha is wherever whores go.
Cotter Pike is stranded at Hardhome, surrounded by wildlings and wights. Situation doubtful.
Gilly was last seen in Oldtown, and is expected to join the Tarly household with Mance Rayder's son.
Ser Bronn is now the Lord Stokeworth.
Lancel Lannister remains in Darry and has joined the Warrior's Sons.
Raff the Sweetling and Ilyn Payne were last seen in the Riverlands with Jaime Lannister; Meryn Trant remains in King's Landing with Queen Cersei. Dunsen's whereabouts are unknown.
Benjen Stark may or may not be dead, may or may not be Coldhands.
Ser Alliser Thorne may or may not be dead.
Tysha is wherever whores go.