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Forum Inlägg postade av h1nt

  1. Don't know who that is, but it seems kind of popular to have "X [random] X" as nickname. Regarding you he probably read it here on this forum.


    Btw, I always though you too polite to call people idiots... when t9h first called someone an idiot I thought I was mistaken in my belief that it was the same person as the other nicks ;-)


    EDIT: Or du you have yet another nick now? In that case I don't think it has been outed here yet.


    most of the time i'm really polite, lol

    im playing shorthanded sngs now under vpip100 account..

  2. btw does anybody know who 'x sick x' is?


    I was playing shorthanded turbo sngs under my new account, then we had a talk like "you idiot", "no, YOU idiot" and so on


    and he said something like "i know ur stats t9h, u suck"



    how could he recognize me? or how he knew thats my screenname too?

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