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Han menar nog folk som spelar poker i Sverige. Tydligen vet du inte vad pokerspelare är så vad gör du här? Har sett någon siffra om 500k, men det måste väl vara lite för mycket. Men säkerligen 300-400k när man räknar med alla som bara spelar homegames. Det är i alla fall en otroligt hög % av invånarantalet om man jämför med andra länder. Tycker själv att så snart man nämner poker i ett samtal med vem det må vara så spelar den personen eller någon vän/släkting poker. Poker är kanske fritidssysselsättning nr2 efter fotboll.
Sluta mobba den stackars stammaren! :mrgreen:
Boss-nätet verkar vara väldigt "känsligt" eller vad man ska säga. Lirar jag på Boss + andra nätverk så nog fasen hänger sig Boss och när det går igång igen så tar det minst 2 händer innan "tillbaka-knappen" fungerar. De andra näten fungerar hela tiden. Dessutom tycker jag att det är en väldigt "seg" klient och varför ska det "plinga" när man kryssat i händelserutan? Gör det ibland för att hämta kaffe, då hörs ett "pling" och jag tror att det är min tur. Nänä bara klienten som signalerar att den gjort som jag ville. Sjukt.
Attans vad förargligt...... Skulle spelat i Gävle ikväll men kom försent till start och fick inte vara med.
Ingen som spelat i Umeå eller Sundsvall? Vore kul med en rapport.
Paradiset är där man ska spela poker
Någon som vill vara med i ett lag? Skriv in här så kontaktar jag er. Ladbrokes Poker Cruise League You and three friends could be Freerolling your way onto the Ladbrokes Poker Cruise III by forming a Cruise League Team and competing in the Ladbrokes Poker Cruise League which will run for 20 weeks from 7th May until 17th September. Weekly Tournament Each Monday at 20:35 GMT, Ladbrokes Poker will be hosting a $20 + $2 Cruise League Tournament, in which in addition to winning cash prizes, you can win points towards your teams Cruise League score. All buy-in’s will be distributed in that week’s prize pool. By participating in our Cruise League promotion you and your friends could be in line for one of two great team prizes: Team Prize 1 - Top Prize After 20 weeks, the top team in the League will automatically win four $5,500 Cruise Ticket Packages. If any of the team members have already won a Cruise Ticket, they will receive a $5,500 cash alternative. Team Prize 2 - Captains Challenge On Sunday 23rd September, the captains of the team finishing in places 2 to 25 in the Cruise League will be invited to play in the Captains Challenge, in which the winner will win four $5,500 Cruise Ticket Packages for their team, with places 2 to 6 winning cash prizes for each member of their team. All team captains will start with equal chips. Cruise League Teams Each Cruise Team is limited to a maximum of four members with each team nominating their own captain. Players can only represent one Cruise Team. Team Registration To take part in the Cruise League you need to select a captain for your team, who will be responsible for registering their team and the team name. Register your team by Friday 4th May to ensure you have the maximum opportunity to win League Points for your team. Team Registration will close on Friday 25th May. Click here to register. Cruise League Points Each week, any points won by players finishing in the top 50 places will count towards a teams overall point tally and League position. Cruise League Points will be awarded as follows: Position Points 1 1,000 2 800 3 650 4 500 5 400 6 300 7 250 8 200 9 150 10 100 11-20 80 21-30 60 31-40 40 41-50 20 Except for the tournaments held in Week 10 (9th July) & Week 20 (17th Sept): In Week 10 points will only be awarded to team captains. This means that the top placed captain (regardless of overall finishing place) will receive 1,000 points, the second placed captain (regardless of overall finishing place) will receive 800 points and so on. In Week 20 All Top 50 finishers will receive double points, so first place will receive 2,000 points and so on down to 50th who will receive 40 points. Cruise League Tables Cruise League Tables will be updated by Wednesday each week, showing the overall and weekly performance for teams and individual players. If captains have any queries regarding their teams league positions they should send their query to this address Cruise League Prize Qualification If your team is successful in winning a Team Prize, each team member must have played in a minimum of six Cruise League Tournaments to qualify for their prize. For captains to qualify for an invitation to the Captains Challenge, they must have played in a minimum of ten Cruise League Tournaments. Terms & Conditions - Ladbrokes Poker Cruise III League 1. The Promoter of this promotion is Ladbrokes International, PO Box 150, Europort, Gibraltar 2. All teams are required to have a minimum of two and a maximum of four players to take part in the Ladbrokes Poker Cruise League. 3. Guest Accounts are not allowed to register to participate in this promotion. 4. No substitutions may be made once a team has been registered. 5. Chip dumping will not be permitted. Ladbrokes will investigate any accusations of chip dumping. Any team found to have been chip dumping will be disqualified from the league. 6. By entering this promotion all team members agree to reasonable publicity, including betting markets around the event and media interviews and press releases. 7. In the event of a service crash or a disruption, the affected tournament will be rerun at the discretion of Ladbrokes. Ladbrokes will be the sole arbiter as to whether a tournament will be rerun. 8. Ladbrokes accepts no responsibility whatsoever for system or connection problems that might affect any player during any of these tournaments, such as a fold / timeout, or disconnects as per the general rules of the Ladbrokes Poker service. If the any tournament is disrupted by system or network issues, Ladbrokes reserves the right to resolve the issue as it sees fit. 9. Ladbrokes reserves the right to refuse this offer to any player or to withdraw this / or part of this offer / promotion at any time. 10. Ladbrokes reserves the right to amend the tournament rules at any time. 11. Ladbrokes Tournament rules apply
Två händer i timmen räcker gott o väl. Man är ju inte där för pokern hehe
Grattis Jörgen! Vi spelade av Magnus och Johan det sista i reskassan på båten hem. Ses kanske på lördag för revansch!
Snackade nyss med en spelare. Vi står utanför och väntar. Alla fick lämna lokalen. Ingen chipcount, synd då jag låg bra till med ca 40K Återkommer när han ringer igen.
Tack så mycket för hjälpen! Nu är jag med!
Varför är inte alla placeringar med i raninglistan? Mina placeringar har hoppats över så jag finns inte med trots att jag varit med 3 ggr.