Hej allesammans! Vill ge er lite information som jag tagit reda på angående uttag med Netellers egna DC och hurvida den svenska staten kan koppla kortet till ägaren av kortet.
Här är ett utdrag från Live-chatten med en av Netellers support snubbar.
Brandon: Welcome to our live chat service. How may we help you?
Joel: Is there any withdrawal maximum each day from the Neteller card?
Brandon: Only what the ATM limits but usually $1000
Joel: Ok, but lets say I withdraw $1000 at one ATM, is it possible to withdraw $1000 more at another? Do you know that?
Brandon: If it allows you to, we dont limit it the ATM does
Joel: Ok. but thanks for your help. I hope it's secure to have much money at the Neteller card? As long as you dont loose the card right?
Brandon: If you loose it you can send away for another.
Brandon: It is all secure
Joel: Ok, that sounds good.
Brandon: Is there anything else I can assist you with?
Joel: I also wonder if you provide a agency such as the state tax company with information about any money I recieve?
Brandon: We dont unless subpoenaed. The bank may release information about what you take off of the ATM card though.
Joel: Ok, but is it possible for the bank to see that it's me who owns the ATM card? If you dont provide the company with any information?
Brandon: They cannot.
Brandon: Just that funds were taken off of the card, there is no name on it
Joel: Nope thats correct, so if I withdraw for example USD $20 000 in one year. Is it possible for the bank or tax company in any way to make a connection between me and the card? Because I suppose they need to contact you to get any information about the owner of the card? Right?
Brandon: Correct
Joel: And you won't provide them with any of this information?
Brandon: Not without a subpoena
Joel: Ok, and I guess they wont get that if theres not hundered of thousands of dollars we are talking about? Right?
Brandon: I wont be able to answer that sorry
Joel: Ok, can you answer if you have been forced with a subpoena to leave information to any agency before?
Brandon: One moment
Brandon: If you email compliance@neteller.com they will be able to give you more detailed information about this
Joel: Ok, what shold I write to them?
Brandon: Just ask them about what is needed to get your account history etc
Brandon: under what circumstances would they be able to get your account history etc
Brandon: Is there anything else I can assist you with?
Joel: Not right now, thank you for your help!
Brandon: Thank you for using NETELLER Live Chat. We appreciate your business and look forward to assisting you again. Bye for now.
Så med denna slutsatsen så anser jag att det verkar väldigt säkert att ta ut pengar med sitt Neteller kort i Sverige eftersom Neteller inte är någon bank och inte ger ut några som helst uppgifter till Skatteverket eller några andra bolag eller myndigheter.
Har även kontaktat compliance@neteller.com för vidare information hurvida dom har gett ut information efter ett domstolsbeslut/under domstol och hur mycket pengar det handlat om isåfall.
Och även om staten/skatteverket på något sätt kan få reda på var pengarna ursprungligen kommer ifrån om man skickar pengar från sitt Neteller till sitt bankkonto. Eller om staten/skatteverket enbart får veta informationen som eventuellt innehavaren av bankkontot föreseer dom med om dom undrar var pengarna kommer ifrån.
Kommer att lägga upp en kopia av det mailet här också så snart jag får svar.
Hoppas detta ger klarhet för några som läser här på forumet iaf. För mig var det viktig information.
Med vänliga hälsningar