Jag skulle vara jävligt intresserad av att köra en Wins Pool ifall det går att skrapa ihop 10 personer som är sugna, säg 500kr per skalle, winner takes all.
Kopierar Bill Simmons text nedan för att förklara hur det går till.
If you’re looking for a last-minute gambling pool for you and your friends, I highly recommend a surprisingly simple (and addictive) NFL wins pool. I love this pool. My friends love this pool. And now, you can love this pool.
Here’s what you do: Find nine friends, agree on an entry fee and prize money, then come up with a draft order from 1-10.
From there, you use the following “drafting system” to pick teams.
Team 1 — 1st pick, 20th pick, 26th pickTeam 2 — 2, 16, 29Team 3 — 3, 13, 30Team 4 — 4, 18, 25Team 5 — 5, 15, 27Team 6 — 6, 19, 22Team 7 — 7, 11, 28Team 8 — 8, 17, 21Team 9 — 9, 14, 23Team 10 — 10, 12, 24
Everyone picks three teams. The highest total number of (regular season) victories for those three teams wins the pool.
Några intresserade?
Om intresserade så kan vi styra upp en randomizer på pick order och sedan köra picks via en chatgrupp eller genom en sidotråd här på pf.