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Advanced Member (3/3)


Anseende bland gemenskapen

  1. Fast man slötittar nog lite på damernas stavhoppskval innan man somnar.
  2. Äntligen! Nu ska jag sova, godnatt allihop.
  3. Eric Lynch
  4. Tre spelare strax under/över 3 miljoner, resterande har 5+miljoner framför sig.
  5. Nya blinds nu, snart får man kanske sova...
  6. Trötthet, vad är det? Själv somnar jag snart, med största sannolikhet ihärdigt tryckandes F5 på cardplayers live update.
  7. Och en till. Friberg Wins Another Pot Erik Friberg raises on the button to $400,000. The blinds fold and Friberg wins the pot.
  8. Gold Takes a Pot Off Binger Michael Binger raises to $450,000. Jamie Gold calls in the cut-off. The flop comes Q Q Q . Both players check. The turn is the 9 . Both players check. The river is the 8 . Binger checks and Gold moves all-in. Binger folds and Gold takes the pot. /Cardplayer.com
  9. 4 Erik Friberg 8,000,000 $-1,500,000
  10. Goldberg Goes All-in Again Dan Nassif calls from middle position. Alan Cunningham calls as well. Michael Binger calls from the cut-off. Doug Kim folds and Goldberg calls from the small blind. Jamie Gold checks. The flop comes 7 4 2 . Goldberg moves all-in. Gold folds. Gold accidentally exposes the J 7 . Nassif, Cunningham, and Kim fold. Goldberg shows the 7 4 and takes the pot. /cardplayer.com
  11. Goldberg Wins the Blinds Again Fred Goldberg moves all-in for $3.3 million pre-flop. Nobody calls and he wins the blinds and antes. Nassif Wins a Pot Eric Friberg bets $400,000 on the button. Dan Nassif moves all-in from the big blind, and Friberg folds. Butler Wins the Blinds Rhett Butler raises pre-flop and wins the blinds and antes. /Cardplayer.com Dom börjar trycka på nu shortstackarna, dags för Jamie Gold att klonka ut en av dessa?
  12. Kim Wins a Pot On a board of A Q 3 , Doug Kim bets $200,000. Richard Lee calls. The turn is the 10 . Lee and Kim check. The river is the A . Kim bets $200,000 and Lee folds. /Cardplayer.com Dåligt med action, ingen vill väl bubbla finalbordet antar jag.
  13. Goldberg Goes All-in Fred Goldberg goes all-in and wins the blinds and antes. /cardplayer.com
  14. Gold Takes One Down Fred Goldberg and Jamie Gold see the flop from the blinds. The flop comes down 5 5 2 and both players check. The turn is the 4 and Gold bets $300,000 and Goldberg calls. The river is the 4 and Goldberg checks. Gold bets $800,000 and Goldberg folds. Gold collects the pot. /Cardplayer.com
  15. Kim Builds Stack Gold limps from under-the-gun. Friberg calls and Wasicka raises to $600,000 from mid-position. Doug Kim raises all-in for $3,900,000 more from the small blind. Everyone folds back to Wasicka who mucks after several minutes of thinking. Kim collects the pot and boosts his stack to $5,000,000. /Cardplayer.com
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