Är det inte dags för en tråd om Odds Oracle?
Programmet finns att hämta här:
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Programmet kan lättast beskrivas som ProPokertools på steroider. Framförallt innehåller det PQL som är ett extremt kraftfullt skriptspråk för att köra avancerade sökningar i allt mellan himmel och jord som gäller de flesta stora pokerspelen.
Allt detta kan göras direkt i programmet genom att definiera ranger och floppar etc. men för den klurige finns det en mängd andra saker man kan göra.
En enkel summering av vilken sorts frågor programmet kan svara på summeras bäst genom exemplen på ProPokertools hemsida:
Average equity for aces vs a random hand
Equity fractions for strong low draw vs hi hand range in stud-8.
Equity histogram on flop and turn for a rundown in omaha vs random hand
Histogram of pot equity fractions for one of three random hands in omaha hi/lo.
How often a pair of tens in holdem has more than 33% equity on the flop against two other decent hands
How often ace-king gets out flopped by an inferior random hand in holdem.
Hand Types
How often a suited connector makes a flush on the flop in holdem
How often three non-paired lo cards make a lo in stud-8 by fifth street
Histogram of number of players who make a pair or better on the flop in hold'em on a dry board with four random hands
How often the winning hand has nothing in omaha heads up with two good starting hands
How often does someone have a straight on the flop with three random omaha hands and a straight-friendly board
What hands win in a random omaha contest on a dry board
Flop Hand Categories
How often a random hand has 'one pair' on the flop but actually 'flopped' nothing (shows the difference between handType (best 5-card hand) and flopHandCategory (what the hand 'hit' on the flop))
How often does a pocket pair flop an inner pair (that is, a pair between the and bottom ranks) on the flop?
How often does our tight opponent have an overpair when we flop a pair with JT
How many people on average in a nine-handed holdem game have a pocket pair?
How often does somebody have top set in omaha on a queen-high flop?
Pot Math
In hold'em, if opponent goes all in blind, pot is 10 bets, and it is 5 bets to call, what is our net expectation if we call with a pair of deuces?
In hold'em, if opponent goes all in blind, pot is 10 bets, and it is 5 bets to call, what is our net expectation if we call with any pair or ace and fold everything else?
Everyone folds to us in the small blind (one bet). Big blind is two bets. We turn our pocket deuces face up and go all-in, calling one bet to match the big blind and adding 10 more bets. If our opponent only calls when given the correct pot-odds, what is our net expectation?
How often does the flop have no card higher than a nine?
Given three random hold'em hands on a river where a flush is possible and there is no pair on the board, how often does someone have a flush or straight flush?
In a heads-up random omaha battle, how often does someone make a flush by the river if the flop is rainbow and there are no pairs by the river?
How many cards in an omaha hand match the ranks of something on the flop?
How often does a random hold'em hand make two pair on the flop using both hole cards?
On a J76 rainbow board, when a player flops top pair with a hand in the top 30%, how often is her kicker a Queen or higher?
When dealt pocket nines, how often does a player flop an over-pair, set, middle-pair, or under-pair?
Best Hands
In a random heads-up hold'em match, how often does the best hand on the flop win?
In a random heads-up omaha match, how often does the best hand on the flop win or tie?
In 5-handed omaha-8, if a player has the best lo on the flop, how often does it stay the best lo on the river?
Hand Rankings
How often does a random hand in hold'em make at least jacks up by the river?
Given four medium-strong omaha hands, how many are ahead of top-pair on a J33 rainbow board?
Given four decent omaha hands on a straight-friendly flop, how many hands on average have at least 8 outs to a straight?
How often does JTo make an inside-straight-draw on the flop in holdem?
A histogram of the number of outs to a straight for a good omaha hand on the flop
How often does someone have a decent straight draw two-handed on the flop in omaha?
The Nuts
How often does one flop the nuts in omaha with a good hand?
How often does a random holdem hand that flopped the nuts stay the nuts on the river?
How often is the winning hand the nuts in omaha heads-up with two random hands?
How often does a random omaha hi/lo hand make nut-nut by the river?
Jag har själv precis börjat labba med detta, men det kunde vara kul om någon annan här ville bolla frågor.