Okinawa/Japan är rätt. Historien förtäljer inte hur många människor det fanns innan. Sen var det visst per dag men det är ju ointressant egentligen.
År 1 föds det 1500, dela in i 500-grupper. 1.1.1
1000 dör, 1.1., kvar återstår 1.
År 2 föds 1500 2.2.2. och vi har kvar 1. alltså Äldsta dör, alltså 2.1. kvar återstår 2.2.
År 3 föds 1500 3.3.3, totalt, 1000 äldsta dör kvar är 3.3.3.
År fyra får vi 1000 äldsta dör, kvar är
År fem lägg till, 4.3. dör, kvar är
Making their home on the island, Izanagi and Izanami marry and beget the islands of Japan as well as numerous other kami. Izanami dies while giving birth to the fire god Kagutsuchi-no-Kami (火神迦具土神); in a fit of rage, Izanagi kills the newborn Kagutsuchi and searches for his wife in Yomi (黄泉国, Yomi no kuni), the land of the dead. Izanami reveals that she had already eaten the food of the underworld and thus cannot return to the land of the living; she will, however, try to ask for permission and bade Izanagi to wait. Izanagi loses his patience and lights his comb as a torch to gaze at his wife, only to find that Izanami is now a rotting corpse. Horrified at this sight, Izanagi runs away and seals the entrance to Yomi. Izanami pronounces a curse, vowing to kill a thousand people each day, to which Izanagi replies that he will then beget fifteen hundred people everyday to thwart her. Izanagi, feeling contaminated by his visit to Yomi, went to immerse himself in a river, bringing more gods into existence as he does so.