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Vad ska wellboken diskutera 2015?  

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bank of americas bitcoin-rapport förklarar btc ungefär som du skulle vilja kunna förklara för nyfikna bekanta, fwiw, verkligen en överskådlig men inte bristfällig förklaring trots att rapporten inte menar fokusera på det fundamentala i sig.


Jag var inte imponerad av den...


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inte? ska medges att jag inte hade en fullständig bild innan men jag tyckte

de översatte nörderiet till mer lättbegripligt språk utan att missa ngt.


Tyckte det var massa vanlig wikipedia, lite trams, lite random siffror från röven, lite non seqiturs etc. Orkar inte citera upp mening för mening så nöjer mig med cliffs från reddit:

A lot of people are confused at Bank of America's John Woo's $1300 valuation, and I was too, until I looked a little deeper at his math.

There are some important things to realize:

Aside from the gold market, he essentially only looks at the e-commerce space (~$240 billion in the US/year). EDIT: His e-commerce numbers are also only for B2C, and do not include B2B or B2E.

He does not look at all at the brick-and-mortar, offline retail market, which is close to $5 trillion per year in the US. He also does not look at offline B2B / B2E purchases.

He completely ignores all other sectors of the economy, such as real estate (both consumer and commercial), auto sales, travel and entertainment, education, etc. We're talking trillions of dollars that he completely dismisses. As we've seen in the past several weeks, all of these industries have seen transactions with bitcoin and there is no reason to believe they can't capture at least 10% of transactions there in the future.

As mentioned above, his numbers reflect the United States only. It was pointed out by a few people that there is actually a note that spans all of one sentence in his document that says his $5bn e-commerce market cap is actually worldwide, as he figures the US, at 20% of the world economy, is $1bn. Yes, you read that right, he estimates that the US's 120 million households only need $10bn ($1bn for bitcoin) total for e-commerce expenditures - which equates to about $80/household.

He takes a lot of liberties with magic numbers. He relatively arbitrarily says that bitcoin is 5x as volatile as gold, so it should be valued 5x less (?). He gives a 1:1 correlation between bitcoin and gold as a store of wealth, even though gold is only one of many ways to store wealth in the world. Then he suddenly ties it to the value of silver, at 1/60th the price (thanks /u/dumbest_canadian [1] )

After taking into account all of this, and probably many other points that I didn't take into consideration, it becomes pretty clear that Woo's $1300 fair market value is extremely off-the-mark when you start looking at the numbers. I think the real take-away from his research is that bitcoin has real use, and will grow.

I've read through the B of A research report from David Woo. It does a solid job of explaining bitcoin and doesn't fret much over illicit bitcoin uses (like much of the media does) or dwell too much on the risks of theft, exchanges stealing funds, etc. Covers them but doesn't use that to dismiss the whole idea.

The main point though is that he worked at evaluating the fair value. This is awesome and I'm sure he knows a heck of a lot more than I. Having said that, I will list out some of his key points and why I think he is being a bit near-sighted.

To start, the summarizing quote is sort of a backhanded compliment:

"When we add our estimated maximum market capitalization for Bitcoins for its role as a medium exchange with that for its role as a store of value, we get a number that is somewhere around $15bn. Although this does not mean that Bitcoin price cannot rise further (as an object of speculation), we think the recent rise of Bitcoin price could soon run ahead of its fundamentals."

It sure validates everything up to now. Considering the scorn we have faced, I'll take that as a win. At the same time, if you factor in coins still to be made, we're already overvalued according to this.

He attempts to price bitcoin's fair value based on two separate angles: (a) as a medium of exchange and (b) as a store of value.

Medium of Exchange: He first looks at velocity of US personal expenditures. Meaning total personal consumption expenditures divided by cash and checking account balances. Then he looks at total online expenditures by consumers and assumes bitcoin gets to 10% of all those, then multiplies that by the velocity rate.

Example: your household spends 50k a year on personal consumption and you have 2k worth of cash and/or checking account balances at a time. So you have 4% at a time (velocity). Meanwhile total online business to consumer spending in the US is ~$2000 per household. $2000 x 4% = $80. But only 10% of this will be using bitcoins... so the average household will have a steady stock of (drum roll please) $8 worth of bitcoins. Yup. Times ~120M households = 1bn. And US is 20% of world GDP, so multiply 1bn x 5 and you get a worldwide holdings of 5bn.

Problems: He has stated that 15bn (I'll get to where the rest comes from) is the maximum. But look at how many things would change that: (a) economy does well and personal consumption increases, (b) inflation and/or increased population causes personal consumption to increase, © the percentage of personal expenditure used online can go up (as it has steadily been doing - why would that stop increasing?), (d) why would bitcoin be stuck at 10% of the online spending? The 10% is quite arbitrary.

Example: The economy does well and there is some inflation and the % of shopping done online increases. Suddenly instead of $2000 a year bought online, it's $3000. By his math, bitcoin just went up in value worlwide by 2.5bn. Even without any increased use of bitoin beyond the 10%!

Additional question: Remember the whole 4% velocity figure? If it doesn't include credit card room, is it really a complete picture? In effect credit cards are used like cash. Leaving them out seems wrong. Personally I have way more credit card credit than I do cash on hand (or in my checking account).

Bottom line: $8 worth of bitcoin per household (at a time) just makes little sense. Your household makes 100k all together and you have 3k in checking and $750 cash and 15k worth of credit card credit... and you use bitcoin but only have $8 worth? I know it is a household average and many many household will have none, but still. The number seems low. And the US may be 1/5 of GDP, but assuming that the rest of the world will only dive in to the degree that the US does is rather egotistical. America (yeah and us Canuckers too) is a land of credit cards. But I don't know that China is the same. Or Japan or India or even Europe. Some of these other, more populated countries, may see a way higher rate of adoption due to local environmental factors. (Note: speaking of 'America only thinking', FX is a huge factor in buying things for much of the world. And banks and credit cards companies always give great FX rates right? He he nope. To people outside America, that want that awesome new A&F shirt, paying in btc can save not only the 3% on the merchant end, but a 3% FX hit on the consumer's end.) Damn I'm trying to bottom line this and wrap it up but there are just so many variables this guy left right out.

He then makes a comparison to the market cap of Western Union. Which is kind of like someone inventing the internet. And then you compare it to the market cap of UPS because both deliver stuff from point A to point B. Why not compare it to Amazon with a market cap of 175bn? With a P/E over 1000, Amazon is basically a non-profit service like bitcoin. I mean... if we have to go there. To be fair though, he includes 4.5bn toward the fair value based on this.

So 9.5bn is the "fair value" based on it as a "medium of exchange".

deep breath -

Ok! Next! Bitcoin as a "Store of Value".

His logic is this: Gold (incl gold ETFs, physical holdings, etc) is worth 1.3trn worldwide. Bitcoin is 5 times as volatile as gold. So the most it can be worth is 300bn (around 1/5 the total of all gold holdings at 1.3trn). Silver trades for 1/60 of gold. Bitcoin may become as accepted as silver as a "Store of Value". 1/60 of 300bn = 5bn.

You should probably re-read that last paragraph.

(And if you tack that onto the 5bn for being a medium of exchange and the 4.5bn for it's Western Union comp and you get ~15bn.)

Now I'm no genius. But this research report is setting a "maximum" fair value. That's odd already. But look how major a part the volatility has in that. Volatility of an asset that is hard to buy, hard to sell, hard to keep safe, easy to lose, impossible to insure... etc. Of course it is volatile! But it also has barely been in any kind of mainstream use for even a year. These problems are being addressed by many smart minds.

Problem 1: If 3 years from now it is only 2 times as volatile as gold, then the max value suddenly is 650bn and the "silverized" value is double.

Problem 2: Silver is NOT usually worth 1/60 the value of gold. The "traditional" value is more like 20 to 1! If bitcoin is pegged in some weird mental way to silver and silver approaches the historical value, boom goes the dynamite, to the moon, etc.

Problem 3: Bitcoin is not silver. Sorry fuck it. Bitcoin is either a fad that will disappear or it is Digital Gold. Digital Gold. Gold that can actually be spent. Think about how crazy that is. An inflation hedged asset that you can actually spend. I mean real gold is useless in day to day life. The only use is in some sort of post-apocolyptic fantasy land.

Problem 4: Maybe I'm drunk, well yes by now I am drunk, but wouldn't bitcoin hedge against inflation? In which case, over a longish period, couldn't you at least expect bitcoin to rise in value inversely to inflation? If someone has any idea about that I'm curious.

Real bottom line: I applaud the guy for covering this and writing a very well-informed piece. But I challenge the idea that you could remotely state a "maximum fair value". Pegging the current volatility? Pegging bitcoin to silver's value as compared to gold? Pegging how much shopping is done online vs in stores?! Pegging the use of bitcoin at 10% of online sales? Too much... pegging.

And of course this all ignores the real macro picture, like if another financial crisis were to happen or war or whatever. And it ignores all the speculative angles, including how much this world loves a good tech story to invest in (see FB, Twitter, Amazon).

Aagh got to go. Hope some of this is remotely of interest to someone.

His logic is this: Gold (incl gold ETFs, physical holdings, etc) is worth 1.3trn worldwide. Bitcoin is 5 times as volatile as gold. So the most it can be worth is 300bn (around 1/5 the total of all gold holdings at 1.3trn). Silver trades for 1/60 of gold. Bitcoin may become as accepted as silver as a "Store of Value". 1/60 of 300bn = 5bn.

But the value of all silver is more than 1/60th of that of gold, because there is more silver than gold (by a factor of roughly 5), right?

He ignored the $9 Trillion in gold held by central banks & investment funds. He also ignored several other vast markets such as B2B and FX markets. He didn't consider lost bitcoins either and that the true supply is likely nowhere near 12 million today. Enough said.


Helt enkelt, hela analysen är på nivån gymnasieelev med gott självförtroende försöker förklara varför evolutionen inte kan ha skett.




Till restaurang alltså:



Haha, blaskmedia är så lol. Experterna på bloomberg diskuterar bitcoin:

Seriöst, de kan väl iaf ta någon som orkat lägga 5min på att bli "expert "genom att läsa första 500orden av wikipedia om de ändå ska visa skiten för miljoner tittare.

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jag läste inte ens biten om varför värdet blir vad det blri och vad det blir. jag menade själva förklaringen av upplägget i introduktionen som jag tyckte var pedagogisk och relativt detaljerad. hans svammel om $1300 fokuserade jag inte mycket alls på, jag har ingen aning om hur mkt allvar jag ska ta såna analyser på, känns att det är bäst i dimman av oklarhet att totalignorera. reddit-svaret till analysen gör mig mindre konfunderad än analysen själv, helt klart.

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Vadå, var det inte bara marknadsmanipulation? Siffran är ju perfekt, säger åt marknaden att "Grattis inom några år ökar ni någon procent till om det går vägen, heja btc! Grymt!". Samtidigt ser den realistisk ut eftersom den relaterar till dagens värdering.


Eller menar ni att det är slump att han griper mongolidsiffror från röven och hittar ett så passande tak?


Fint att de kritiserade btc-intåget i statusen. Lämna det åt den gemensamma nämnare att själva söka upp en rejäl och mysig våldtagning av centrala makter (google, facebook) och springa livrädda från lösningar som ger dem kontroll.

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Bitcoin-automaten som diskuterades för X antal sidor sedan. Visas upp,




Sweclockers verkar ha behövt ge efter:



Forumavdelning om kryptovalutor


Eftersom det finns ett stort intresse för Bitcoin och andra kryptovalutor bland SweClockers medlemmar öppnar vi en separat forumdel för ämnet med syftet att samla alla diskussioner på en och samma plats. Det betyder inte att SweClockers är involverade i eller på annat sätt uppmuntrar till användandet av kryptovalutor.


Samtidigt utfärdar vi en varning. Det finns stora inslag av svart marknad, valutaspekulation, valutabubblor, säkerhetsrisker och ideologi. Personer som är involverande i handel med kryptovalutor har incitament till att ge en förskönad bild av ekonomin och uppmuntra till investeringar. Den som vill använda Bitcoin och liknande valutor bör vara ytterst påläst, medveten om riskerna och betrakta det hela som ett experiment snarare än en valuta i mängden.


Observera att det inte är tillåtet att köpa, sälja, byta eller på annat sätt använda forumet för handel och att all slags marknadsföring är förbjuden.

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Har stört mig på iphone länge nog nu. Blir nog en Galaxy när jag byter nästa gång.

Jag tror stenhårt på att Apple går tillbaka till trögrörliga nischar snarare än att de av någon anledning förväntas driva innovation. Med trögrörlig menar jag dock inget negativt ur konsumentsynpunkt, många fördelar med att vara konsekvent i sin produktflora.


Om jag visste hur jag gjorde skulle jag utan tvekan shortat Apple kring 2009 med samma resonemang. Om jag förstår folk rätt hade det också gått rätt bra. Men oavsett hur det är med den saken, hur skulle man gjort det? Är det derivatives det handlar om då eller finns det bättre sätt?

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Känns som bitcoin börjar bli väldigt mainstream. Snoop Dogg börjar spamma bitcoin, Mel B hakar på. Simpsons nämner bitcoin. Mest läst på gp etc. Folk är tveksamma och nyfikna, men det är imo första steget på att bli sålda. För snart inser de att de kanske förstår bitcoin och att vara "först" med att förstå är coolt.




Fint att sweclockers varnar för att bitcoin innehåller ideologi. Den där farliga ideologin där det är helt frivilligt att vara med eller stå över. Tacka vet ja kronor och dollar, där finns ingen ideologi.




Fin återhämtning:


Sista chansen för tresiffrigt? Verkar vara kina som pushar upp igen:





Angående Apple:

Tycker det hela känns lite som det som Christensen varnar för här:




Angående quark:

Quark is trash, yet more and more people are drawn in every day. This is turning into the biggest scamcoin in history. Bill Still is nothing more than a snake oil salesman. I have nothing against the technology (its great having 30 second blocks and an ultra secure hashing algorithm), I just can't stand the idea of making Bill Still and his cronies rich. Don't be fooled by Quark's apparent valuation. After taking into account a premium for liquidity, the fact that early adopters of Quark have huge holdings and that no one of any intelligence will ever accept this in exchange for anything of substantial value, the currency is garbage.


Who am I?

-Recent MBA grad (finance specialization) from a top tier Canadian school

- ~100K total in BTC and LTC holdings

-going to be selling 2 of my rental properties this spring and accepting BTC and maybe LTC

-done hundreds of hours of research on cryptocurrencies

-In the process of purchasing a $1M+ business and I will likely adopt BTC or LTC as a payment option


Talking about Quark's http://coinmarketcap.com/ rise to fame is also a joke. A market cap of a currency should not be valued based on only on the last trade. It should use some sort of a weighted average price approach that takes into account the entire # of coins outstanding. This way people will not fall victim to low volume and high price movements caused by shameless promoters like Bill Still. Valuing a cryptocurrency market cap based on the last trade (especially when there is market manipulation going on.. quarkcoin) only makes sense if there is a never ending supply of greater fools than the last.


Please do not fall victim a 98% pre-mined scam coin. There are not enough fools to bail you out. There is only enough to make Bill Still rich.


Put it this way... I'll NEVER accept quark and neither should you.


Alltså Quark ser ut att ha ett högt market cap, vilket främst beror på att 98% av alla quarkcoins sitter hos ägaren och inte är till salu. Delvis också sant för bitcoin market cap, men för quark lurar det noobs att tro att quark är en mycket större cryptovaluta än det är...




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Om jag visste hur jag gjorde skulle jag utan tvekan shortat Apple kring 2009 med samma resonemang. Om jag förstår folk rätt hade det också gått rätt bra. Men oavsett hur det är med den saken, hur skulle man gjort det? Är det derivatives det handlar om då eller finns det bättre sätt?


Jo, det är verkligen svårt att backtrada...eh. Det finns väldigt många instrument och tillgängliga för att shorta Apple. Certifikat och warranter mm. Har man en depå och inte hittar rätt instrument ringer man in så hjälper de dig. Vet man inte hur man gör det skall man dock låta bli...


disc - long apple :)

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Över strecket igen då, oväntat.....eller.


Vi bitlievers är inte förvånade :)




13 Sexcoin

$ 5,930,552

$ 0.14 43,165,625 SXC +1474.47 %


Bra 24h-ökning där.


SXC aims to provide adult content consumers, performers and producers a fast, stable and secure method of accepting micro transactions, protecting their customers privacy and progressing adult retail services into the crypto age.

Get into the conversation and join the SXC team at the official forum http://www.sexcoinforum.org


SXC has a calm block time of 60sec with 6 confirmations and the difficulty re-targets around every 30 minutes. SXC is a very stable coin in both wallet and network which can be used with confidence.


There will be a total production of 250,000,000 coins with miners rewarded 100 coins per block, halved every 600,000 blocks. The client connects on port 9560 and if your lucky some blocks are worth x5 or even x50.





Bumpar en _gammal_ post om bitcoin:


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Vi bitlievers är inte förvånade :)





Bra 24h-ökning där.

13 Sexcoin

$ 5,930,552

$ 0.14 43,165,625 SXC +1474.47 %


Det sjuka är att det har hänt ett par gånger om dagen med olika alts senaste veckorna med undantag för när allt dippade 8-)






Sexcoin just nu https://www.cryptsy.com/markets/view/98


I övrigt fint köpläge för WDC innan nästa rally


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Angående musikhjälpen, blev nekad. IMO så är det helt jävla absurt, att neka folk att donera pengar känns inte okej! Nämnde det. Fick svar av någon ny person. Nu verkar det pågå någon form av diskussion där iaf. Bättre än ingenting(?)


ps. Fyfan vad det svänger atm ^^


Blev plötsligt sugen på pizza


Cypriotiska universitetets CFO på besök!



Tror ni cypern steget och blir "a global hub, of bitcoin activity"?

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Angående musikhjälpen, blev nekad. IMO så är det helt jävla absurt, att neka folk att donera pengar känns inte okej! Nämnde det. Fick svar av någon ny person. Nu verkar det pågå någon form av diskussion där iaf, bättre än ingenting(?)


ps. Fyfan vad det svänger atm ^^


Blev plötsligt sugen på pizza


håller med, helt klart weird. oacceptabelt kanske t.o.m?


svängarna är jobbiga. ämnar inte sälja så jag måste sluta sweata bitstamp nu

pizza24 obligatoriskt på lördag

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